<%@ page language="java" %> <%@ include file="taglibs-frag.jsp"%> <%-- --%> <b-el:message arg0="${collababbrv}" bundle="ac-text" key='appian.ac.helpFile.displayname'/> Your Alerts

Your Alerts
All Notifications regarding your activity in the Collaboration Center are displayed here.  Each Notification appears as an individual message. There are six types of Notifications you can receive:
 Sent Links
Links to files in the Collaboration Center that other users send to you.
 User Access Requests
Requests from other users for access to Knowledge Centers that you administer.  You can choose whether to accept or reject these requests.
 Access Approvals
Notification of when you have been granted or approved for access to a Knowledge Center.
 Access Rejections
Notification of when you have been denied access to a Knowledge Center.  This message may appear when you have requested but been denied access to a Knowledge Center, or when you no longer have access to a Knowledge Center of which you were previously a user.
 Change Requests
If you have created Knowledge Centers of High Security, any change to these Knowledge Centers by other users--such as uploading a File or creating a Folder--will generate a Notification.  You must approve or reject each of these changes.
 Change Approvals
If you have attempted any change to a High Security Knowledge Center -- such as uploading a File or creating a Folder -- the change must be approved. You will receive a notification from the administrator accepting or rejecting your changes.
 File Expirations
If you are an administrator of a Knowledge Center which contains a file that has expired you will receive notification of this expiration.

Select This checkbox appears in a Notification the Notification you wish to delete and click in the toolbar:

<fmt:message bundle=" width="35" height="34">

Please note that User Access Requests and Change Approvals cannot be deleted; instead, those Notifications will automatically disappear once you have approved/rejected the requests.

<fmt:message bundle=" onmouseover="this.src='img/closeover.gif';" onmousedown="this.src='img/closesel.gif';" onmouseout="this.src='img/close.gif';" width="50" height="17">