<%@ include file="taglibs-frag.jsp"%> <%=new Integer(com.appiancorp.suiteapi.collaboration.KnowledgeCenter.ACCESS_LEVEL_NO_ACCESS)%> <%=new Integer(com.appiancorp.suiteapi.collaboration.KnowledgeCenter.ACCESS_LEVEL_READ_ONLY)%> <%=new Integer(com.appiancorp.suiteapi.collaboration.KnowledgeCenter.ACCESS_LEVEL_READ_WRITE)%> <%=new Integer(com.appiancorp.suiteapi.collaboration.KnowledgeCenter.ACCESS_LEVEL_ADMINISTRATIVE)%> <%-- --%> <% String radioProp=""; String hiddenProp=""; String parentProp=""; radioProp="secArray["+String.valueOf(index)+"].value"; hiddenProp="idArray["+String.valueOf(index)+"].value"; parentProp="inherArray["+String.valueOf(index)+"].value"; %>
?sl=&si=&id=&dispatch=groups&type=">  ?sl=&si=&id=&dispatch=groups&type=" > 
<%-- RADIO BUTTON FOR "NO ACCESS" --%> 'Why Are Some of the Access Levels Unavailable?' <%-- RADIO BUTTON FOR "READ ONLY" --%> 'Why Are Some of the Access Levels Unavailable?' <%-- RADIO BUTTON FOR "AUTHOR" --%> 'Why Are Some of the Access Levels Unavailable?' <%-- RADIO BUTTON FOR "ADMIN" --%>  
<%-- RADIO BUTTON FOR "NO ACCESS" --%> <%-- RADIO BUTTON FOR "READ ONLY" --%> <%-- RADIO BUTTON FOR "AUTHOR" --%> <%-- RADIO BUTTON FOR "ADMIN" --%> 'Why Are Some of the Access Levels Unavailable?'  
<%-- RADIO BUTTON FOR "NO ACCESS" --%> <%-- RADIO BUTTON FOR "READ ONLY" --%> <%-- RADIO BUTTON FOR "AUTHOR" --%> 'Why Are Some of the Access Levels Unavailable?' <%-- RADIO BUTTON FOR "ADMIN" --%> 'Why Are Some of the Access Levels Unavailable?'  
<%-- RADIO BUTTON FOR "NO ACCESS" --%> <%-- RADIO BUTTON FOR "READ ONLY" --%> <%-- RADIO BUTTON FOR "AUTHOR" --%> <%-- RADIO BUTTON FOR "ADMIN" --%> 'Why Are Some of the Access Levels Unavailable?'