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"> ">
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Reactivate Delete

<%-- Link to Properties Home --%> <%-- Link to "Change Approval"-Available only for KC --%> <%-- Link to Delete --%> <%-- Link to "Expiration"-Available only for KC/Folder --%> <%-- Link to "Rename"-Available for all --%> <%-- Link to "Security"-Available for kc/folder --%> <%-- Link to "Statistics"-Available for all --%> <%-- Link to "Users/Access"-Available only for KC/Folder --%> <%-- Link to "Groups/Access"-Available only for KC/Folder (need to change image) --%>

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<fmt:message bundle=" width = "121" height = "22">
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" onMouseOver = "document.security.src='img/changesecurityover.gif';" onMouseOut = "document.security.src='img/changesecurity.gif';" onMouseDown = "document.security.src='img/changesecuritydown.gif';"> <fmt:message bundle=" border = "no" width = "121" height = "22">
" onMouseOver = "document.s.src='img/statsblue.gif';" onMouseDown = "document.s.src='img/statsdown.gif';" onMouseOut = "document.s.src='img/stats.gif';"> Access Statistics
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