TestSuccessful=Authentication was successful.
TestFailed=Authentication was unsuccessful.
ReturnToAdminConsole=Close this window and return to Appian Administration Console.
NoAssertion=Reason: No SAML assertion received from Identity Provider.
FailedDecode=Reason: Failed to decode assertion.
FailedSecurity=Reason: Assertion failed security policy check.
FailedAttribute=Reason: Requred attributes for user creation not found in assertion.
FailedMissingIdp=Reason: No Identity Provider entity ID found in assertion.
FailedMismatchIdp=Reason: The Identity Provider entity ID did not match the expected value.
FailedAssertionStatus=Reason: The Identity Provider responded with status code "failed."
FailedNoTrustedAssertions=Reason: No trusted assertions were provided by the Identity Provider.
FailedInvalidUser=Reason: The user tested with was invalid.
FailedIncorrectUser=Reason: You must test as your current Appian user.
FailedIncorrectIdp=Reason: The user you tried to sign in as, {0}, can only authenticate through {1}. To test this configuration successfully, you must sign in with a user that authenticates through {2}.
FailedNonSamlUser=Reason: The user you attempted to sign in as does not authenticate through SAML.
FailedUnexpected=Reason: Unexpected error occurred during SAML authentication test.