title=Process: {0} MaximizeThisPane=Maximize this pane RestoreThisPaneToIts=Restore this pane to its original height SetOrModifyTheSecuri=Set or modify the security for this process SetSecurity=Set Security Security=Security PauseThisProcess=Pause this Process PauseProcess=Pause Process Pause=Pause ResumeThisProcess=Resume this Process ResumeProcess=Resume Process Resume=Resume Cancel=Cancel Cancel_2=Cancel CancellingThisProces=Cancelling this process will also cancel its sub-processes, if any. CancelThisProcess=Cancel this Process DeletingARunningProc=Deleting a running process will delete any sub-processes and disrupt any pending tasks. DeleteThisProcess=Delete this Process Delete=Delete Delete_2=Delete AddAnAttachmentToThi=Add an attachment to this Process AddAttachment=Add Attachment AddAttachment_2=Add Attachment AddNote=Add Note AddNote_2=Add Note ChangeThePriorityOfT=Change the priority of this Process ChangeProcessPriorit=Change Process Priority ChangePriority=Change Priority MonitorProcess=Monitor Process MonitorProcess.##CONTEXT##=Monitor is a verb in this context MonitorProcess_2=Monitor Process MonitorProcess_2.##CONTEXT##=Monitor is a verb in this context EditProcess=Edit Process EditProcess_2=Edit Process Archive=Archive Archive_2=Archive ViewReports=View Reports Bars=Bars ViewReports_2=View Reports ProcessProblems=Process Problems ProcessProblems_2=Process Problems ThereIsAProblemWithT=There is a problem with this process. strongstartedstron={0}Started: {1} {2}{3} by {4} strongstartedstron.##CONTEXT##=The first placeholder will be used for formatting only. strongstatusstrong={0}Status: {1}{2} strongstatusstrong.##CONTEXT##=The first placeholder will be used for formatting only. CurrentTasks=Current Tasks ProcessHistory=Process History ProcessNodes=Process Nodes Attachments=Attachments Notes=Notes NoTasksFound=No tasks found Loading=Loading... Loading_2=Loading... Loading_3=Loading... Loading_4=Loading... ThereAreLinkedProces=Do you also want to delete running sub-processes started by this process? ThereAreLinkedProces_2=Do you also want to cancel running sub-processes started by this process? PleaseSelectAProcess=Please select a process ProcessDetailMetadata=Started by {0} on {1}. Current status is {2}. CurrentTasks=Current Tasks