PleaseConfigureThisC=Please configure this channel. MonitoredForums=Monitored forums NoForumsAreCurrently=No forums are currently being monitored. MoveUp=Move up MoveDown=Move down StopMonitoringThis=Stop monitoring this forum StopMonitoringThis_2=Stop monitoring this forum? MonitorAnExisting=Monitor an existing forum ForumAlreadyMonitored=The selected forum is already being monitored SelectAForum=Select a forum Add=Monitor CreateANew=Create a new forum ForumName=Forum name AllowAnonymousPosts=Allow anonymous posts AssociateWithGroup=Associate with group Create=Create & Monitor SaveConfiguration=Save Configuration EnterAName=Enter a name for the new forum. Cancel=Cancel TheForumWas=The forum was successfully created ThereWasAnError=There was an error creating the forum. Subscribe=Subscribe to this forum SubscribeMoreInfo=Receive notifications when posts are made to this forum