AllPortletsIncluding=All portlets including deactivated portlets on the page will be deleted. Are you sure you want to delete this page? # Role names appended to user/group names. AdministratorRole={0} (Administrator) EditorRole={0} (Editor) # Notification rules text. NoRuleSetToReceiveAl=No rule set. To receive alert add a rule. AddRule=add rule AddCondition=add condition AddParameter=add parameter And=and Edit=edit Delete=delete Set=set Set.##CONTEXT##=This term will be used on a web page and may be a link or a choice in a drop-down. Cancel=cancel Cancel.##CONTEXT##=This term will be used on a web page and may be a link or a choice in a drop-down. Done=Done Email=email Email.##CONTEXT##=This term will be used on a web page and may be a link or a choice in a drop-down. Push=mobile device Push.##CONTEXT##=This term will be used on a web page and may be a link or a choice in a drop-down. Portal=portal Portal.##CONTEXT##=This term will be used on a web page and may be a link or a choice in a drop-down. AddAnotherCondition=Add another condition. ModifyThisCondition=Modify this condition. AddAnotherParameter=Add another parameter. ModifyThisParameter=Modify this parameter. ChangeTheMedium=Change the medium. EditByDefaultSendToNoParams=By default{0}, send to {1} with no parameters {2}. EditByDefaultSendToNoParams.##CONTEXT##=This will describe a notification rule. The first placeholder may be a list of conditions or may be empty. The second parameter will be a notification medium (email, mobile device) and the third parameter will be a link of action links (save, delete). EditByDefaultSendToWithParams=By default{0}, send to {1} with parameters {2}. EditByDefaultSendToWithParams.##CONTEXT##=This will describe a notification rule. The first placeholder may be a list of conditions or may be empty. The second placeholder will be a notification medium (email, mobile device) and the third placeholder will be a link of action links (save, delete). EditIfSendToNoParams=If {0}, send to {1} with no parameters {2}. EditIfSendToNoParams.##CONTEXT##=This will describe a notification rule. The first placeholder may be a list of conditions or may be empty. The second placeholder will be a notification medium (email, mobile device) and the third placeholder will be a link of action links (save, delete). EditIfSendToWithParams=If {0}, send to {1} with parameters {2}. EditIfSendToWithParams.##CONTEXT##=This will describe a notification rule. The first placeholder may be a list of conditions or may be empty. The second placeholder will be a notification medium (email, mobile device) and the third placeholder will be a link of action links (save, delete). ViewByDefaultSendToNoParams=By default, send to {0} with no parameters. ViewByDefaultSendToNoParams.##CONTEXT##=This will describe a notification rule. The placeholder will be a notification medium (email, mobile device). ViewByDefaultSendToWithParams=By default, send to {0} with parameters {1}. ViewByDefaultSendToWithParams.##CONTEXT##=This will describe a notification rule. The first placeholder will be a notification medium (email, mobile device) and the second placeholder will be a link of action links (save, delete). ViewIfSendToNoParams=If {0}, send to {1} with no parameters. ViewIfSendToNoParams.##CONTEXT##=This will describe a notification rule. The first placeholder will be a notification medium (email, mobile device) and the second placeholder will be a link of action links (save, delete). ViewIfSendToWithParams=If {0}, send to {1} with parameters {2}. ViewIfSendToWithParams.##CONTEXT##=This will describe a notification rule. The first placeholder may be a list of conditions or may be empty. The second placeholder will be a notification medium (email, mobile device) and the third placeholder will be a link of action links (save, delete). AvailableParametersD=Available parameters depend on the selected medium. Changing the medium will clear all current parameters. Continue with new medium? Empty=[empty]