AddAttributesToGroup=Add Attributes to Group Type EnterANameAndSelectA=Enter a Name and select an Attribute Type MaximizeThisPane=Maximize this pane RestoreThisPaneToIts=Restore this pane to its original height BackToTheGroupTypePr=Back to the Group Type Profile ReturnToTheGroupType=Return to the Group Type Profile BackToGroupTypeProfi=Back to Group Type Profile SeeAndChangeTheBitsO=See and change the bits of non-standard information that have been defined for this group type VieweditAttributes=View/Edit Attributes VieweditAttributes_2=View/Edit Attributes ShowGroupsOfThisType=Show Groups of this Type ShowGroupsOfThisType_2=Show Groups of this Type DeleteThisGroupType=Delete this group type DeleteThisGroupType_2=Delete this Group Type DeleteThisGroupType_3=Delete this Group Type AddAttrToGTN=Add Attributes to {0} AttributeName=Attribute Name AttributeType=Attribute Type DefaultValue=Default Value DefaultValueCannotBe=Default value cannot be assigned for this type DefaultValue_2=Default Value ####Defalut value radio labels### False=False True=True ####Add Attributes button values### Add=Add Cancel=Cancel