#Mon May 15 18:06:14 UTC 2023 AdminSetting=1 Admin Console setting [{0} conflict detected, {1} changed, {2} new, {3} not changed] AdminSettings={0} Admin Console settings [{1} conflict detected, {2} changed, {3} new, {4} not changed] DatabaseScript=1 database script DatabaseScripts={0} database scripts DeploymentContentsHeading=Sent by {0} DeploymentNameText=Deployment Name\: {0} DetailsText=A deployment request is waiting for approval. Click the button below to review the details in the deployments view. DirectDeploymentConnectedEnvironments=Environments\: {0} \u2192 {1} DocumentationText=See documentation ExternalDeploymentContentsHeading=Sent from an external system ExternalDeploymentEnvironment=Environment\: Externally deployed to {0} ImportCustomizationFile=1 import customization file Link=View Deployment Request Object=1 object [{0} conflict detected, {1} changed, {2} new, {3} not changed] Objects={0} objects [{1} conflict detected, {2} changed, {3} new, {4} not changed] Plugin=1 plug-in [{0} changed, {1} new, {2} not changed] Plugins={0} plug-ins [{1} changed, {2} new, {3} not changed] RequestedTitle=Review Deployment Request