ImportApplication=Import Application YouWillReceiveANotif=Inspect the package for missing dependencies before importing (no items are added or modified during inspection). If no problems are found, import the package. You will receive a notification when import has completed. PackageToImport=Application Package UploadPackageToImpor=Upload the ZIP package to import. InspectPackage=Inspect Import=Import Cancel=Cancel PackageInspectionResults=Package inspection results for {0} ImportCompletedNoErrors=No missing dependencies or warnings detected. ImportCompletedWithErrors=Found {0} problems(s). ImportCompletedWithWarnings=Found {0} warning(s). ImportCompletedWithErrorsAndWarnings=Found {0} problem(s) and {1} warning(s). OfItemsImportedSuc={0} of {1} item(s) will be created/updated. NBNotAllProblems=Note that not all problems can be detected through package inspection.