ButtonLabel=Tab Label ButtonLabel.instructions=To display an internationalized label, specify a key found in the \u2018text.jsp.framework.header\u2019 bundle. Otherwise, enter the label text directly. ButtonKey=Key ButtonKey.instructions=The key is used to identify this tab through the 'meta' tags on a JSP. ButtonIcon=Icon Targeting=Targeting TargetedUsers=Targeted Users TargetedGroups=Targeted Groups ExcludedUsers=Excluded Users ExcludedGroups=Excluded Groups LinkTo=Link To ShowCounter=Show Counter CounterJavaClass=Counter Java Class CounterJavaClass.instructions=Specify the Java class that will retrieve the counter value. ButtonKey.instructions=This field will be used to uniquely identify this tab. Public=Public Targeted=Targeted Yes/No=Yes/No ExcludedPeople=Excluded People TargetedPeople=Targeted People EmptyTargetedPeople=If targeting is on, you must specify at least one user or group who will have access to this navigation tab. EmptyKey=Key is required. EmptyLabel=Label is required. EmptyIcon=Icon is required. EmptyPath=The default path is required. EmptyCounterImplementation=If a counter is selected, a default counter implementation class must be registered.