databaseChangeLog: - logicalFilePath: db-changelog-000404-add-record-events-config-table.yaml - changeSet: author: appian id: tag-pre-000404 tagDatabase: tag: 'pre-000404' - changeSet: author: appian id: '000404.1.0' comment: Drop the record_events_cfg table changes: - dropTable: tableName: record_events_cfg cascadeConstraints: true - changeSet: author: appian id: '000404.2.0' comment: Create the record_events_config table changes: - createTable: tableName: record_events_config columns: - column: name: id type: ${longType} autoIncrement: ${autoIncrement} constraints: nullable: false primaryKey: true - column: name: uuid type: ${uuidType} constraints: nullable: false unique: true uniqueConstraintName: record_events_config_uuid_uc - column: name: event_record_type_id type: ${longType} constraints: nullable: true - column: name: event_type_record_type_id type: ${longType} constraints: nullable: true - column: name: event_relationship_id type: ${longType} constraints: nullable: true - column: name: event_type_relationship_id type: ${longType} constraints: nullable: true - column: name: event_timestamp_field_id type: ${longType} constraints: nullable: true - column: name: event_user_field_id type: ${longType} constraints: nullable: true - column: name: type_value_field_id type: ${longType} constraints: nullable: true - column: name: generate_common_events type: ${booleanType} defaultValueBoolean: false valueBoolean: false constraints: nullable: false - createIndex: indexName: event_record_type_id_idx tableName: record_events_config columns: - column: name: event_record_type_id - createIndex: indexName: event_type_record_type_id_idx tableName: record_events_config columns: - column: name: event_type_record_type_id - changeSet: author: appian id: '000404.2.1' comment: A sequence to provide primary key values for the record_events_config table changes: preConditions: onFail: MARK_RAN changeLogPropertyDefined: property: createSequence value: true createSequence: sequenceName: record_events_config_sq - changeSet: author: appian id: '000404.3.0' comment: Add a field in the in record_type table for FK to the record_events_config table addColumn: tableName: record_type column: name: record_events_config_id type: ${longType} constraints: nullable: true - changeSet: author: appian id: '000404.3.1' comment: Add FK and index in record_type to id column in the record_events_config table changes: - addForeignKeyConstraint: constraintName: record_events_config_id_fk baseTableName: record_type baseColumnNames: record_events_config_id referencedTableName: record_events_config referencedColumnNames: id onDelete: CASCADE