databaseChangeLog: - logicalFilePath: db-changelog-000369-add-portal-publish-info.yaml - changeSet: id: 'tag-pre-000369' author: appian tagDatabase: tag: 'pre-000369' - changeSet: id: '000369.1.0' author: appian comment: Create the portal_publish_info table changes: - createTable: tableName: portal_publish_info columns: - column: name: id type: ${longType} autoIncrement: ${autoIncrement} constraints: nullable: false primaryKey: true - column: name: portal_uuid type: ${uuidType} constraints: nullable: false unique: true uniqueConstraintName: portal_publish_info_puuid_uc - column: name: status type: ${byteType} constraints: nullable: false - column: name: serverless_webapp_uuid type: ${uuidType} constraints: nullable: true - column: name: last_computed_url_stub type: ${mediumStringType} constraints: nullable: true - column: name: last_full_url type: ${mediumStringType} constraints: nullable: true - column: name: test_uuid type: ${uuidType} constraints: nullable: false unique: true uniqueConstraintName: portal_publish_info_tuuid_uc - column: name: created_ts type: ${longType} constraints: nullable: false - column: name: created_by type: ${longType} constraints: nullable: false - column: name: updated_ts type: ${longType} constraints: nullable: false - column: name: updated_by type: ${longType} constraints: nullable: false - addForeignKeyConstraint: constraintName: portal_publish_info_crt_by_fk baseTableName: portal_publish_info baseColumnNames: created_by referencedTableName: usr referencedColumnNames: id - addForeignKeyConstraint: constraintName: portal_publish_info_upd_by_fk baseTableName: portal_publish_info baseColumnNames: updated_by referencedTableName: usr referencedColumnNames: id - changeSet: id: '000369.1.1' comment: A sequence to provide primary key values for the portal_publish_info table author: appian changes: - preConditions: onFail: MARK_RAN changeLogPropertyDefined: property: createSequence value: true - createSequence: sequenceName: portal_publish_info_sq - changeSet: id: '000369.1.2' author: appian comment: Add publishing-related columns to the portal table changes: - addColumn: tableName: portal columns: - column: name: service_acct_user_uuid type: ${uuidType} constraints: nullable: true - column: name: is_captcha_used type: ${booleanType} constraints: nullable: true - column: name: captcha_site_key type: ${shortStringType} constraints: nullable: true - column: name: captcha_api_key type: ${shortStringType} constraints: nullable: true - column: name: captcha_project_id type: ${shortStringType} constraints: nullable: true - column: name: publish_info_id type: ${longType} # DB2 requires a default value here, but then we remove it below # See defaultValue: 0 constraints: nullable: false unique: true uniqueConstraintName: portal_publish_info_id_uc - addForeignKeyConstraint: constraintName: portal_publish_info_id_fk baseTableName: portal baseColumnNames: publish_info_id referencedTableName: portal_publish_info referencedColumnNames: id - changeSet: id: '000369.1.3' author: appian comment: Remove the unwanted default value that we were obliged to add above dropDefaultValue: tableName: portal columnName: publish_info_id columnDataType: ${longType}