databaseChangeLog: - logicalFilePath: db-changelog-000225-record-relationship-name.yaml - changeSet: author: appian id: tag-pre-000225 tagDatabase: tag: 'pre-000225' - changeSet: id: '000225.1.0' author: appian comment: Create new column relationship_name in record_type_relationships table addColumn: tableName: record_type_relationships column: name: relationship_name type: ${shortStringType} - changeSet: author: appian id: '000225.2.0' comment: Populate the names changes: - customChange: class: com.appiancorp.record.relatedrecords.PopulateRecordRelationshipName params: - param: name: tableName value: record_type_relationships - param: name: confirmationMessage value: Done populating relationship names - changeSet: id: '000225.3.0' author: appian comment: Make relationship_name not nullable changes: - addNotNullConstraint: tableName: record_type_relationships columnName: relationship_name columnDataType: ${shortStringType} - changeSet: id: '000225.4.0' author: appian comment: Add composite unique constraint between rt_uuid and name changes: - addUniqueConstraint: tableName: record_type_relationships columnNames: target_rt_uuid, relationship_name constraintName: rel_name_uuid_unique