<%@ page language="java" %> <%@ include file="taglibs-frag.jsp"%> <%-- --%> <%-- Delete/Reactivate a Doc --%> <%-- Modify a User --%>
   Site Administration > Modify a Document

<%@include file="struts-messages-frag.jsp"%>
ERROR: Please enter a document ID.  ERROR: Document ID must be a number  ERROR: Please select activation type 
Document ID: 

Undelete/Reactivate this Document
Delete/Deactivate this Document

Cancel this modification
   Site Administration > Modify User Storage Space
<%@include file="struts-messages-frag.jsp"%>

ERROR: Please select user  Login: 
ERROR: Storage space must be a non-negative integer  ERROR: Storage space must be a non-negative integer  ERROR: Storage space must be a non-negative integer  User Storage Space (in MB's): 

Cancel this Change

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