<%@ page language="java" %> <%@ include file="taglibs-frag.jsp"%> <%-- --%> <b:write bundle="ac-text" name="collababbrv"/> Site Administration <%-- update the community - step 1 - selecting the community --%> <%-- update the community - step 2 --%> <%-- Update the selected community --%>
   Site Administration > Update a

<%@include file="struts-messages-frag.jsp"%>
ERROR: Please enter a community id  ERROR: Community ID must be a number  ID: 

Cancel this Update
   Site Administration > Update a

<%@include file="struts-messages-frag.jsp"%>
New ID: 
ERROR: Please enter a community name  Name: 
ERROR: Please enter a community description  Description: 
ERROR: Community Parent ID must be a number  Parent ID: 

"> Cancel this New <b-el:message arg0=">

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