<%@ page language="java" %> <%@ include file="taglibs-frag.jsp"%> <b:write bundle="ac-text" name="collababbrv"/> Site Administration
  Site Administration  Site Administration
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As Administrator, you have access to the following Site Administration options:

Database Options:
?dispatch=bdb" class="homelink">Backup the DatabaseBackup the Database
    -Create a backup snapshot of the database
?dispatch=sdb" class="homelink">Backup the DatabaseSave and Backup the Database
    -Save the database and creates a backup snapshot of the database (should only be run when system usage is light)

?dispatch=nc" class="homelink">Create a New <b:write bundle=" border="0">Create a New
?dispatch=uc" class="homelink">Update a <b:write bundle=" border="0">Update a
?dispatch=dc" class="homelink">Deactivate a <b:write bundle=" border="no">Deactivate a
?dispatch=rc" class="homelink">Reactivate a <b:write bundle=" border="no">Reactivate a
?dispatch=mca" class="homelink">Modify <b:write bundle= Administrators" border="no">Modify Administrators

?dispatch=md" class="homelink">Modify a FileModify a Document
?dispatch=mu" class="homelink">Modify User Storage SpaceModify User Storage Space
?dispatch=aakc" class="homelink">Add an Administrator to a Knowledge CenterAdd an Administrator to a Knowledge Center
?dispatch=cckc" class="homelink">Change Creator of Knowledge CenterChange Creator of Knowledge Center
?dispatch=mkc" class="homelink">Move a Knowledge CenterMove a Knowledge Center
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