<% /** Copyright Notice ==================================================== * This file contains proprietary information of Appian Corporation. * Copying or reproduction without prior written approval is prohibited. * Copyright (c) 2002, 2003 ============================================= */ %> <%@ page language="java" %> <%@ include file="taglibs-frag.jsp"%> <%-- /** =============================================================== * File Name: info41.jsp * File Description: Info file on pending version approval * File Comment: * Requirements: * */ --%> <%-- --%> <b-el:message arg0="${collababbrv}" bundle="ac-text" key='appian.ac.helpFile.displayname'/> Pending Version Approval

Pending Version Approval

This File is temporarily unavailable for downloading because it is pending Version Approval.  A user has added a New Version of this File, and the Administrator must approve or reject it before this File will be available for downloading.

This option is set by the security level of this Knowledge Center - it is either set to "High" Security, or the "Change Approval" option was custom-set to "Yes" at the time that this Knowledge Center was created.  It requires that the Administrator of this Knowledge Center approve all changes made by users, including adding a New Version of a File.

If you are the Administrator and would like to approve or reject this change, return to your home page and evaluate the change in the section labeled "Your Alerts."

<fmt:message bundle=" onmouseover="this.src='img/closeover.gif';" onmousedown="this.src='img/closesel.gif';" onmouseout="this.src='img/close.gif';" width="50" height="17">