<%@ page language="java" %> <%@ include file="taglibs-frag.jsp"%> <%-- --%> <b-el:message arg0="${collababbrv}" bundle="ac-text" key='appian.ac.helpFile.displayname'/> Search & Subscribe

Search & Subscribe
These options allow you to find Knowledge Centers.  You will then be able to request access to them.  There are three ways to find Knowledge Centers:

Choose an and view all Knowledge Centers associated with that .  NOTE: Only Low- and Medium-Security Knowledge Centers will appear.

 Search for an Knowledge Center
Enter search terms to find an Knowledge Center.  NOTE: Only Low- and Medium-Security Knowledge Centers will appear.

Here you may browse Knowledge Centers which groups of which you are a member have been approved to access.

<fmt:message bundle=" onmouseover="this.src='img/closeover.gif';" onmousedown="this.src='img/closesel.gif';" onmouseout="this.src='img/close.gif';" width="50" height="17">