MultipleAssigned=Multiple Assigned MultipleOwners=Multiple Owners NoAccess=No Access TaskProblem=Task Problem TaskProblem_2=Task Problem ThereIsAProblemWithT=There is a problem with this task. AssignedTo=Assigned to {0} on {1} {2} AssignedTo.##CONTEXT##=First placeholder is the assignee, translate if possible assuming it could be user or group, but if not possible assume user. ThisTaskIsNotAssigne=This task is not assigned. ReassignTask=Reassign Task Reassign=Reassign ReassignThisTask=Reassign this task Hasaccepted={0} has accepted the task Priority=Priority: ChangeTaskPriority=Change Task Priority ChangeTaskPriority_2=Change Task Priority ChangePriority=Change Priority Start=Start Start_2=Start ResumeTask=Resume Task Resume=Resume PauseTask=Pause Task Pause=Pause CancelTask=Cancel Task Cancel=Cancel AddAttachmentsToThis=Add Attachments to this task AddAttachments=Add Attachments AddAttachments_2=Add Attachments AddNotesToThisProces=Add Notes to this process AddNotes=Add Notes AddNotes_2=Add Notes TaskSecuritySettings=Task Security Settings ModifySecurity=Modify Security ViewTaskNotes=View Task Notes Notes=Notes ViewTaskAttachments=View Task Attachments Attachments=Attachments