AddAttachments=Add Attachments NOTE: The Administrator of this Knowledge Center must review all changes before they are posted. The creation of this File will not take effect until the Administrator approves it. If you are an Administrator, this File will automatically be created. YourAttachmentWasSuc=You may add more attachments if you wish. ThereWasAnErrorAddin=There was an error adding your attachment. OfflineDocument=Offline Document OnlineDocument=Online Document DocumentFolder=Document Folder PortalPage=Portal Page DiscussionTopic=Discussion Topic UsersProfile=User's Profile InternetAddress=Internet Address AFileOnMyComputer=A File On My Computer AnOnlineDocument=An Online Document ADocumentFolder=A Document Folder APortalPage=A Portal Page ADiscussionTopic=A Discussion Topic AUsersProfile=A User's Profile AnInternetAddress=An Internet Address SelectAFileToUploadA=Select a file to upload and attach Destination=Destination PleaseChooseAnOnline=Please choose an online folder to store the new document in. Folder=Folder NewDocumentToUpload=New Document to Upload File=File Name=Name Description=Description SelectADocumentToAtt=Select a document to attach Document=Document: SelectAFolderToAttac=Select a Folder to attach Folder_2=Folder: SelectAPortalPageToA=Select a Portal Page to attach Page=Page: SelectADicussionTopi=Select a Dicussion Topic to attach Topic=Topic: SelectAUsersProfileT=Select a User's profile to attach User=User: EnterAnInternetAddre=Enter an internet address to attach Location=Location: Label=Label: Comments=Comments AttachToThisProcessI=Attach to the Process instead of this Task Done=Done Cancel=Cancel AddAttachment=Add Attachment PleaseWait=Please Wait... nolabel=