ChannelPermissions=Channel Permissions ThisOptionIsNotAvail=This option is not available for public channels (those shared with other pages). WhoCanEditadministra=Who can edit/administrate this channel? AnyoneWhoCanEditadmi=Anyone who can edit/administrate the page OnlySpecifiedUsersMa=Only specified users may edit/administrate the channel EditorsAndAdministra=Editors and administrators of this page are editors and administrators of this channel. ChannelEditorsAndAdm=Channel Editors and Administrators # toolbar button to add editors # anchor title AddEditors=Add Editors # button text AddEditors_2=Add Editors # toolbar button to add administrators # anchor title AddAdministrators=Add Administrators # button text AddAdministrators_2=Add Administrators Usergroup=User/Group EmptyRoleMap=There are no administrators or editors of this channel. NoAdminRoles=At least one administrator needs to be selected to administer this channel. # form's asi:buttons Submit=Submit Close=Close Nothing=nothing Nothing.##CONTEXT##=This string is deprecated, best effort translation only. Nothing_2=nothing Nothing_2.##CONTEXT##=This string is deprecated, best effort translation only.