ChannelToAdd=Channel to Add
ChannelName=Channel Name
CreateAChannel=Create a Channel
AddExistingChannel=Add Existing Channel
EditThisPage=Edit this Page
PublishThisPage=Publish this page?
SubmitThisDraftForAp=Submit this draft for approval
ApproveAndPublishThi=Approve and publish this draft?
ChannelNamesMustBe4L=Channel names must be 4 letters or longer
TheChannelNameCannot=The channel name cannot contain all spaces.
YouMustFindAndSelect=You must find and select a channel to add.
GroupPage=Group page
EditThisPage_2={0} (Editing)
ThisPageIsADraftChan=This page is a draft.  Changes will not be published until you save and publish.
AddAChannelToThisPag=Add a Channel to this Page
CreateANewChannelOnT_2=Create a New Channel on this Page
AddASharedChannelToT=Add a Shared Channel to this Page
SaveYourWorkOnThisPa=Save your work on this page without publishing the page.  The draft can be opened and finished at a later time.
SaveDraft=Save Draft
SaveDraft_2=Save Draft
Save&Publish=Save & Publish
Save&Publish_2=Save & Publish
SubmitDraftForApprov=Submit Draft for Approval
SubmitDraftForApprov_2=Submit Draft for Approval
CeaseEditingThisPage=Cease editing this page draft and save any changes to it.  This will effectively unlock the draft so that either the draft's author or an administrator may continue to work on it.  The draft will not be published.
DoneWithChanges=Done With Changes
DoneWithChanges_2=Done With Changes
Approve&Publish=Approve & Publish
Approve&Publish_2=Approve & Publish
CeaseEditingThisPage_2=Cease editing this page.  The page will remain published and retain any changes you have made.
DoneWithChanges_3=Done With Changes
DoneWithChanges_4=Done with changes
CustomPageSource=Custom Page Source
ChannelType=Channel Type
SelectTheTypeOfChann=Select the type of channel you wish to add to this page
Channel=Channel Type
ChannelName_2=Channel Name
ChannelName_3=Channel Name
EnterANameForTheNewC=Enter a name for the new channel
ChannelToAdd_2=Channel to Add
SearchForTheChannelB=Search for the channel by name.
ChannelOptions=Channel Options
ChannelTemplate=Channel Template
ChooseTheTemplateYou=Choose the template you wish to use
DoYouWantOthersToBeA=Do you want others to be able to add this channel?
ToFinishClickBelowOn=To finish, click below on one of the orange bars to place the channel
IncludeDeactivatedCh=Include deactivated channels
CreateANewChannelOnT=Create a new channel on this page
PlaceAPreexistingCha=Place a pre-existing channel on this page
SaveYourWorkOnThisPa_2=Save your work on this page and publish it for others to see
SaveYourWorkOnThisPa_3=Save your work on this page and submit it to an administrator.  If the administrator approves the draft, it will be published for others to see.
ApproveThisDraftAndP=Approve this draft and publish it for others to see
PleaseRememberToSetU=Please remember to set up the security of the dashboard.
PleaseEnterSearchTerm=Please enter a search term.