#Tue Mar 01 21:06:14 UTC 2022 AdministrativeAccess=administrative access. AuthorlevelAccess=author-level access. CreatedBy=Created by {0} Delete=Delete DeleteTheSelectedFol=Delete the selected folder(s) and file(s) Delete_2=Delete ErrorDeletingFiles=Error deleting files. ErrorPleasePickWhich=Error\: Please pick which version(s) you want to delete. NoAccess=no access. NoVersionsFound=No versions found PleaseNoteTheAdminis=PLEASE NOTE\: The Administrator of this Knowledge Center must review all changes before they are posted. The deletion of these Folders/Documents will not take effect until the Administrator approves it. ReadonlyAccess=read-only access. TheDocumentIsLock=The document {0} is locked. TheFileIsLockedBy=The file {0} is locked by someone else. YouAreAboutToDeleteT=You are about to delete the following version(s) \: YouDoNotHaveAccessTo=You do not have access to delete {0}. YouHave=You have {0} YouHaveNotSelectedAn=You have not selected any documents. YouHaveSelectedMoreT=You have selected more than one document. YouWereNotTheAuthorO=You were not the author of a version of {0}. YouWereNotTheLastPer=You were not the last person to modify {0}.