#Tue Mar 01 21:06:05 UTC 2022 Back=Back to sign-in page EmailSent=Password Reset EmailSentMsg=An email containing directions for resetting your password has been sent to the email address associated with {0}. ExpiredLinkMessage=Your Link Has Expired FirstName=First Name ForgotPassword=Forgot Password ForgotPasswordInstructions=Enter your username (case-sensitive) and click "Send Email". An email will be sent to the email address associated with your user account. Follow the link in the email to reset your password. ForwardToForgotPasswordMessage=To send a new link, go to the {0} page. PleaseEnterYour=Please enter your username. RequestPasswordReset=Send Email RequestPasswordTitle=Request Password Reset UserName=Username UserNameInvalid=This username contains an invalid character. your=user account. Follow the link in the email to reset your password.