security=Security pause=Pause resume=Resume cancel=Cancel delete=Delete attachment=Add Attachment note=Add Note priority=Change Priority monitor=Monitor edit=Edit archive=Archive refresh=Refresh confirmcancel=Are you sure you want to cancel this process? Cancelling a running process will cancel any synchronous sub-processes started by this process and disrupt any pending tasks. confirmcancelSubProcesses=Do you also want to cancel any asynchronous sub-processes started by this process? confirmdelete=Are you sure you want to delete this process? Deleting a running process will delete any synchronous sub-processes started by this process and disrupt any pending tasks. deleteasynchronous=Do you also want to delete any asynchronous sub-processes started by this process? OneOrMoreOfThePaused=One or more of the paused processes are being edited in the Process Modeler. If you continue they will be closed without saving.