#Thu Dec 09 18:54:54 UTC 2021
CreateReport=Create Report
DeleteConfirm=Are you sure you want to delete this report?
EditReport=Update Report
EditTaskReport=Update Task Report
EditTempoReport=Update Tempo Report
TempoReports=Tempo Reports
ThereAreNoReports=There are no reports.
adminCreateInstructions=Administrators can view and edit every aspect of a report.  You must be a member of this group.
adminEditInstructions=Administrators can view and edit every aspect of a report.  Note\: if you are not a member of this group, you will not be able to administer the report after submitting this form.
admins=Administrator Group
auditorInstructions=Auditors can view the report and view its configuration, but they cannot modify that configuration in any way.
auditors=Auditor Group
content=SAIL Dashboard
contentinstructions=Enter an expression to define the dashboard.
delete=Delete Report
editorInstructions=Editors can view the report and edit every configuration field except the security groups.
editors=Editor Group
saveAsTaskReport=Save as Task Report
saveAsTaskReportInstructions=Task reports will only be accessible from the Tempo Tasks tab.
urlstub=URL Stub
urlstubinstructions=Used to form a unique URL for the report\: suite/tempo/reports/view/[urlstub].  If left blank, a random alphanumeric string will be generated.
usersOrMultipleGroups=This report\u2019s security is configured with users or multiple groups. Use the application designer to view and edit this configuration.
viewerInstructions=Viewers can view the report but cannot access its configuration.
viewers=Viewer Group