<%/* ====================================== Internationalization file for Components (ASI or otherwise) Components are arranged in alphabetical order. Each file name is a property of the _ASI object. All arrays should use a forTokens tag, since the comma delimiter might be different in some languages and under this context it is JS core syntax (not localized language syntax), thus, the bundle could be returning another delimiter. ====================================== */%> <%@ include file="/portal/include/include_java.jsp" %> var _ASI = { componentUtils : { pleaseWait : '' }, Autocomplete : { noResultsFound : '', invalidEntry : '', validEntryFound : '' }, Browse : { select : '' }, Datetime : { months : ["",], shortMonths : ["",], closeCalendar : '', previousMonth : '', nextMonth : '', done : '', days: ["",] }, DataTypes : { }, Calendar : { workingDay : '', nonWorkingDay: '', goToToday: '', todayIsMsg: ["",], dayNames: ["",], dayNamesPlural: ["",] }, Dialog:{ closeDialog: '' }, Drilldown : { upOneLevel : '' }, EditableSelect : { typeValueHere : '', typeInAValue : '' }, ExpressionEditor : { saveAsNewRule: '', ruleInputs : '', noRuleInputs:'', processVariables : '', taskProperties : '', processProperties : '', processModelProperties : '', dataContext : '', uuid : '', id : '', name : '', description : '', display : '', timezone : '', priority : '', owner : '', assignees : '', initiator : '', start_time : '', instanceindex : '', deadline : '', version : '', creator : '', startTime : '', deadline : '', taskMetrics : '', processMetrics : '', processModelMetrics : '', designer : '', ACPs : '', msgNoVariables : '', msgInvalidSubexpr : '', msgMissingRightParen : '', msgMisplacedExtraOperator : '', msgInvalidIndexSeparator : '', msgInvalidParamSeparator : '', msgInvalidArrayItemSeparator : '', msgOpenEndedExpr : '', msgUnmatchedCloseParen : '', msgUnmatchedCloseBrace : '', msgUnmatchedCloseBracket : '', msgUnmatchedOpenParen : '', msgUnmatchedOpenBrace : '', msgUnmatchedOpenBracket : '', msgUnmatchedOpenComment : '', msgProblems : '', msgUnknownChar : '', msgUnmatchedDblQuote : '', addingAnExpression : '', msgUnmatchedSingleQuote : '', required : '', clickOnAFunctionToSe : '', anArray : '', AnArrayIsASetOfObjec : '', theFunctionReferences : '', progress : '', verifyExpression : '' }, Form : { sectionExpand : '', pleaseWaitForFileUpload : '', sectionCollapse : '' }, Grid : { ungroupConfirmation : '', discardChangesConfirmation : '', noItemsAvailable : '', noResults : '' }, Hierarchy : { expandNode : '', contractNode : '' }, HtmlArea : { richTextInputContent : '', xsmall : '', small : '', medium : '', large : '', bold : '', italic : '', underline : '', strikethrough : '', subscript : '', superscript : '', justifyLeft : '', justifyCenter : '', justifyRight : '', orderedList : '', bulletedList : '', decreaseIndent : '', increaseIndent : '', fontColor : '', backgroundColor : '', horizontalRule : '', insertWebLink : '', insertImage : '', insertTable : '', viewHTMLSource : '', enlargeEditor : '', aboutThisEditor : '', insertDocumentFromCollaborationCenter : '', insertImageFromCollaborationCenter : '', insertFolderFromCollaborationCenter : '', insertKnowledgeCenterFromCollaborationCenter : '', insertALinkToAnInternalPage : '', insertDiscussionForum : '', insertGroup : '', insertAUser : '', insertAnExpression : '', helpUsingEditor : '' }, Picker : { nothingSelected : '', pleaseWait : '', removeItemFromList : '', remove : '', clickToSeeUserDetails : '', clickToSeeGroupDetails : '', noTitle : '', members : '', usersAndGroups : '', homepage : '', userInfo : '', invalidEntry2 : '', invalidEntry2Plural : '', invalidEntry : '', noPhotoAvailable : '', none : '', validate : '', directory : '', expressionEditor : '', pleaseSelectAnItemTo : '' }, Picker3 : { typeNameHere : '', typeNamesHere : '', ifYouSelectAUser : '', clickHereToBrowse : '' }, Rating : { ratingText : ["",] }, Status : { close : '', notification : '' }, Validate : { positive : '', scientific : '', regularNumber : '', number : '', letters : '', alphanumeric : '', date : '', time : '', datetime : '', zipcode : '', ssn : '', email : '', htmlarea : '', length : '', matchWith : '', blank : '', missingData : '', searchCriteria : '', invalidChar : '', yesno : '', invalid : '', record : '', docname: '', htmlareaMaxlength : '', duration : '', quota : '', encryptedText : '' }, Wizard : { validating: '' } } var _Other = { Treeview : { multiple : '' } }