<%@ page language="java" %> <%@ include file="taglibs-frag.jsp"%> <%-- --%> <b-el:message arg0="${collababbrv}" bundle="ac-text" key='appian.ac.helpFile.displayname'/> Folder Users

Folder Users
These are the access users of this Folder.  Access to this Folder is limited to the users of the Knowledge Center containing this Folder.  In addition, their permissible access levels are determined by the access they have to the Knowledge Center.

In order to edit the access levels of these Folder users, use the radio buttons in the list of Knowledge Center users on the left.  The radio buttons are checked according to the users' current access levels to this Folder.  Click on the other radio buttons in order to change their access to the Folder, and then click:

The Submit button at the bottom of the page

<fmt:message bundle=" onmouseover="this.src='img/closeover.gif';" onmousedown="this.src='img/closesel.gif';" onmouseout="this.src='img/close.gif';" width="50" height="17">