<% /** Copyright Notice ==================================================== * This file contains proprietary information of Appian Corporation. * Copying or reproduction without prior written approval is prohibited. * Copyright (c) 2002, 2003 ============================================= * * File Name: adminpermaddusers.jsp * File Description: Where the Admin can search for new users and add them * File Comment: * Requirements: searchuserform.jsp, searchuserresultfrag.jsp * Last Modified: william.blackwell@appiancorp.com */ %> <%@ page language="java" %> <%@ include file="taglibs-frag.jsp"%>
    ?dispatch=kc" class="adminheadlink"> <b:write bundle=" width="23" height="19">  > 
<%@ include file="searchuserresultfrag.jsp"%> ">
<%@ include file="searchuserformfrag.jsp"%> ">
<%-- Link to "Groups/Access"-Available only for KC/Folder (need to change image) --%>

?dispatch=kc"> <fmt:message bundle=" width="121" height="22">
"> <fmt:message bundle=" border="0" width="121" height="22">
?dispatch=kc"> <fmt:message bundle=" border="0" width="121" height="22">
"> <fmt:message bundle=" border="0" width="121" height="22">
?dispatch=kc"> <fmt:message bundle=" border="0" width="121" height="22">
"> <fmt:message bundle=" border="no" width="121" height="22">
"> <fmt:message bundle=" border="0" width="121" height="22">
?dispatch=users"> <fmt:message bundle=" border="0" width="121" height="22">
<fmt:message bundle=" width="107" height="16">
?dispatch=users"> <fmt:message bundle=" border="0" width="107" height="16">
"> <fmt:message bundle=" border="0" width="107" height="16">
?dispatch=groups" onMouseOver="document.ga.src='img/gablue.gif';" onMouseDown="document.ga.src='img/gadown.gif';" onMouseOut="document.ga.src='img/ga.gif';"> <fmt:message bundle=" border=no width="121" height="22">
<% /** ======================================== * Generated by Appian Code Generator * Version 1.0 ============================= */ %>