#Auto-generated file #Wed Nov 24 13:06:25 EST 2021 dataContextType=Type SetCategory=Set Category \uFFFD PageCategory=Page Category Singlecolumn=Single Column SelectACategory=Select a category Rename=Rename \uFFFD PleaseEnterAPageName=Please enter a page name between 4 and 30 characters long Name=Name PageProperties=Page Properties ChooseCategory=Choose category Twocolumn=Two Columns\: 50/50 PageTemplate=Page Template PleaseSelectACategor=Please select a category. PageName=Page Name DeletePage=Delete Page PageDescription=Page Description BackToHomepage=Back to Homepage Newsletter=Newsletter PageId=Page Id dataContextTypeDescription=Choose the type of data that will be sent to the page. This type will be available in the expression editor when configuring your channels. ChooseTemplate=Choose Template dataContextTypeTitle=Data Context PageOptions=Page Options ViewAndEditTheProper=View and edit the properties of the {0} page. Cancel=Cancel Twocolumn7030=Two Columns\: 70/30 TheCurrentCategoryIs=The current category is\: \u201C{0}\u201D dataContextTypeSubmit=Set Context \uFFFD BackToPage=Back to page NoteChangingThisProp=Note\: Changing this property requires the page to be republished Change=Change \uFFFD Description=Description Change_2=Change \uFFFD SetAsGroupHomepage=Set as Group Homepage