#Auto-generated file #Wed Nov 24 13:06:25 EST 2021 TheFolderIsNotEmpty=The folder {0} is not empty. NoAccess=no Download_2=Download Delete_2=Delete CreatedBy=Created by {0}. ErrorPleaseSelectOne=Error\: Please select one file or folder to discuss and try again. ErrorPleasePickWhich=Error\: Please pick which folder(s) you want to delete. PleasePickWhichFolde=Please pick which folder(s) you want to download and try again. Delete=Delete PleasePickWhichFiles=Please pick which file(s) and/or folder(s) you want to add to your favorites and try again. PleaseNoteTheAdminis=PLEASE NOTE\: The Administrator of this Knowledge Center must review all changes before they are posted. The deletion of these Folders will not take effect until the Administrator approves it. Discuss=Discuss YouHave=You have {0} access. CreateADiscussionFor=Create a discussion forum for the selected folder. CreateAConvienentLin=Create a convenient link to each selected folder. These links will be available in \u2019My Favorites\u2019 NoFoldersFound=No folders found. AddToFavorites=Add to Favorites YouDoNotHaveAccessTo=You do not have access to delete {0}. SendALinkToThisKnowl=Send a link to this Knowledge Center to Users and Groups. YouAreAboutToDeleteT=You are about to delete the following\:

InviteUsers=Invite Users DownloadTheContentsO=Download the contents of the selected folder(s) as a ZIP file. NewFolder_2=New Folder ErrorDeletingFilesbr=Error deleting files.

YourFilesAreBeingPre=Your files are being prepared. Please wait. YouAreAboutToAddTheF=You are about to add the following to your favorites\:

ErrorSorryYouDoNotHa=Error\: Sorry, you do not have permission to create a folder here. DeleteTheSelectedFol=Delete the selected folder(s) Download=Download NewFolder=New Folder Add=Add YouAreAboutToDownloa=You are about to download the following folders\:

AdministrativeAccess=administrative ReadonlyAccess=read-only Discuss_2=Discuss CreateANewFolderInTh=Create a new folder in this knowledge center AuthorlevelAccess=author-level InviteUsers_2=Invite Users