#Auto-generated file #Wed Nov 24 13:06:25 EST 2021 addedToFavorites=Added star. searchShort=Search... pleaseEnter=Please enter a term to search for. bundleDdelimiter=, errorForbidden=You do not have sufficient privileges to perform the requested action. cancel=Cancel Alerts=Alerts actor=Actor Edit=Edit... removeFromFavorites=Remove star notCompatible=The Process Modeler requires Internet Explorer. backdropIframeTitle=Backdrop frame. No displayed content. Tasks=Tasks errorWhileHandlingRequest=An error occurred while handling the last request. invalidSearch=\u201C-\u201D is not a valid search term. expression=Expression datetimeSeparator=\ openSubCanvasModel=There is a sub-canvas open in the Process Modeler. Please close it before opening another model. user=User invalidMonth=Invalid month entered by the user EditContext=Edit Context ok=OK thisActionWillClose=This action will close the process modeler. Any unsaved changes will be lost. addToFavorites=Add star yes=Yes department=Department removedFromFavorites=Removed star. KB=KB searchTerm=Search term cannot start with * or ? loggingOut=Logging out will close the Process Modeler. Any unsaved changes will be lost. makeThisMyHomepage=Make this my start page decorativeImage=Decorative Image TheDateYouEnteredIsOut=The date you entered is outside of the valid date range. uiDelimiter=; View=View no=No openSubCanvasProcess=There is a sub-canvas open in the Process Modeler. Please close it before opening another process. cannotContainQuotes=Search term cannot contain quotes. Please enter a new term to search for.