#Auto-generated file #Wed Nov 24 13:06:25 EST 2021 ACurrencyValueTypica=A currency value typically has a monetary symbol followed by a number with up to two digits after the decimal. For example, $3.50 is a currency value. Message=Message DateTimeCategory=Date/Time Datetime=Datetime UserOrGroup=User or Group ABeanIsAnObjectWithV=A bean is an object with various properties. Use standard Java dot notation to access a property of a bean. ProcessModel=Process Model Currency=Currency AForumIsASetOfDiscus=[Deprecated] A Forum is a set of Discussion Topics. Typically this value will be provided from a Process Variable. EmailAddress=Email Address AUserIsAPersonalAcco=A user is a personal account that has been registered with the system. Typically this value will be provided from a Process Variable. NumberList=Number (integer) List TextNeedsToBeEnclose=Text needs to be enclosed by double quotes unless its value is provided by a subexpression or a variable. For example, &\#34;cheesecake&\#34; is valid text. EnterTimeIn=Create times using the time() function. Do not directly enter times as text. PortalPageList=Portal Page List GroupList=Group List AnAttachmentIsAnObje=An attachment is an object, usually a document, that is attached to another object, like a process model or a task. Typically this value will be provided from a Process Variable. Portlet=Portlet ATaskIsAnUndertaking=A task is an undertaking that is part of a process. Typically this value will be provided from a Process Variable. TrueFalse=True/False ADatetimeValueRepres=A datetime value represents a point in time. Information about the date or time or both may be provided. Create datetimes using the datetime() function. Do not directly enter datetimes as text. Bean=Bean AddressList=E-mail Address List KnowledgeCenterL=Knowledge Center List CollaborationComm=Community TopicList=Topic List DateandTime=Date and Time FolderList=Folder List APageIsASetOfPortlet=A Page is a set of Portlets that users can visit to see information. Typically this value will be provided from a Process Variable. ContentCategory=Content ThisParameterAccepts=This parameter accepts any type of input. ADocumentIsAnyFileTh=A document is any file that a user has stored on the system. Typically this value will be provided from a Process Variable. TheTermcontentDenot=The term \u201Ccontent\u201D denotes document(s), document folder(s), or a combination thereof. PortalPage=Portal Page DecimalList=Number (decimal) List Date=Date ABooleanIsATruthValu=A boolean is a truth value. \u201C1\u201D indicates true and \u201C0\u201D represents false. You could also use \u201Ctrue\u201D and \u201Cfalse\u201D. Alternatively, the true() and false() functions will also generate a true/false value. Department=Department DocumentandFolderL=Document & Folder List AnyType=Any Type ForumList=Forum List TextList=Text List Duration=Duration AMessageIsPostingToA=[Deprecated] A Message is posting to a discussion topic. Typically this value will be provided from a Process Variable. AProcessModelIsABlue=A process model is a blueprint from which processes are created. Typically this value will be provided from a Process Variable. MessageList=Message List CommonCategory=Common Document=Document Group=Group EnterDatesIn=Create dates using the date() function. Do not directly enter dates as text. Forum=Forum Attachment=Attachment Role=Role ADurationIs=A duration is an interval of time. DiscussionCategory=Discussions User=User AnyIntegerBetween=Any integer between -2^63 and 2^63-1, inclusive. Be careful not to accidentally pass in text instead of a number; the string \u201C3\u201D is not the same as the number 3. ADepartmentIsAPublic=A Department is a public group of users, teams, and/or other departments. Typically this value will be provided from a Process Variable. Time=Time Integer=Number TrueFalseList=True/False List Decimal_EE=Decimal People=People Process=Process CollaborationCommL=Community List Folder=Folder ADiscussionTopicIsAS=[Deprecated] A Discussion Topic is a series of postings by users who wish to discuss a particular topic. Typically this value will be provided from a Process Variable. UserOrGroupList=User or Group List TimeList=Time List Page=Page TheTermpeopleDenote=The term \u201Cpeople\u201D denotes user(s), group(s), or a combination thereof. AnyDecimalNumber=Any decimal number. Decimals are allowed to have significant digits after the decimal point. For example, -7.3253 is valid. KnowledgeCenter=Knowledge Center DocumentList=Document List AFolderIsAnObjectUse=A folder is an object used to store documents that are on the system. Typically this value will be provided from a Process Variable. AGroupIsASetOfUsersT=A group is a set of users that has been registered with the system. Typically this value will be provided from a Process Variable. TheTermEmailRecipient=The term \u201Cemail recipient\u201D denotes user(s), group(s), email address(es) or a combination these. Number=Number (integer) ARoleIsAStatusConfer=A role is a status conferred through involvement with a process, like \u201Cprocess initiator\u201D or \u201Ctask assignee\u201D. Typically this value will be provided from a Process Variable. AKnowledgeCenterIsAC=A Knowledge Center is a container for folders, which in turn contains documents. UserList=User List RecipientList=E-mail Recipient List addressDesc=An email address is any valid email address. EmailRecipient=Email Recipient PeopleCategory=People DateandTimeList=Date and Time List Task=Task Text=Text DateList=Date List AProcessIsASeriesOfT=A process is a series of tasks and nodes. It is created from a process model and progresses from start to finish as people interact with it. Typically this value will be provided from a Process Variable. APortletIsAChannelCr=A Portlet is a channel created by users to display specific information. Typically this value will be provided from a Process Variable. DocumentorFolder=Document or Folder Decimal=Number (decimal) Boolean=Boolean Topic=Topic Content=Content