#Auto-generated file #Wed Nov 24 13:06:25 EST 2021 ToggleKCSubscriptionInvalidKC=The Knowledge Center you are trying to subscribe to/unsubscribe from does not exist. CreateCommunityCenterStorageLimit=You do not have sufficient storage space to create this Community. DeactivateCommunityHasChildren=The Community you are trying to deactivate is not empty. Please delete all contents and try again. SetExpirationsDurationInsufficientNameUniqueness=The Content name is not unique, please choose a different name and try again. AccReportPrivilige=You do not have permission to view these reports. SetExpirationsIllegalRecursion=You cannot set the parent of this Content item to itself. SetFileExpirationsInvalidUser=The User trying to reactivate the content is invalid. SetExpirationsDurationInvalidExpirationDuration=The expiration duration must be a day or more and less than 9999 days. contactAdminIfStill=if you still have this problem, please contact the system administrator for further help. contactAdmin=Please contact the system administrator for further help. SetPendingChangesPrivilege=You do not have sufficient privileges to approve or reject the changes for this Content item. SetFileExpirationsIllegalRecursion=The Content item\u2019s parent cannot be itself. CreateKnowledgeCenterInvalidCommunityVersion=The Community in which you are trying to create a Knowledge Center does not exist (invalid version). CommunityPropertiesInvalidVersion=The specified Community does not exist (invalid version). CreateCommunityInvalidType=The Community in which you are trying to create a Sub-Community does not exist (invalid type). CreateKnowledgeCenterInvalidCommunityType=The Community in which you are trying to create a Knowledge Center does not exist (invalid type). FolderUpdatePropertiesInsufficientPrivileges=You do not have sufficient privileges to update the properties of this Folder. SetFileExpirationsInsufficientPrivileges=You do not have sufficient privileges to reactivate or delete the expired files in this Knowledge Center. GetExpirationsDurationInsufficientPrivileges=You do not have sufficient privileges to retrieve the expiration duration of this Knowledge Center. CommunityPropertiesInvalidCommunity=The specified Community does not exist. SetFileExpirationsInsufficientNameUniqueness=The Content item\u2019s name must be unique. SetExpirationsDurationInvalidUser=The User trying to set the expiration duration does not exist. FileExpirationsInsufficientPrivileges=You do not have sufficient privileges to view the expired files in this Knowledge Center. KMSecurityInvalidContent=The specified Content item does not exist. KcUpdatePropertiesInvalidKc=The specified Knowledge Center does not exist. ManageAccessRequestInvalidNotification=There was an error while trying to send a notification to the user. UpdateContentSecurityDublicateId=Cannot update Content security, the item is in use, try again later. CreateKnowledgeCenterInsufficientPrivileges=You do not have sufficient privileges to create a Knowledge Center in this Community. ViewKCStatisticsInvalidVersion=The specified Knowledge Center does not exist (invalid version). KcPropertiesInvalidKc=The specified Knowledge Center does not exist. CreateKnowledgeCenterInvalidCommunity=The Community in which you are trying to create a Knowledge Center does not exist. KMSecurityInvalidVersion=The specified Content item does not exist (invalid version). KcUpdatePropertiesInsufficientNameUniqueness=The Knowledge Center must have a unique name, please choose a different name and try again. FolderPropertiesInvalidUser=The User trying to view the properties of the Folder does not exist. ManageAccessRequestPrivilege=You do not have sufficient privileges to update the access requests for this Knowledge Center. KcPropertiesInvalidVersion=The specified Knowledge Center does not exist (invalid version). DeactivateCommunityInsufficientPrivileges=You do not have sufficient privileges to deactivate this Community. SetPendingChangesInvalidArguments=An error occurred while trying to send a notification to the user, please check with the system administrator. CommunityUpdatePropertiesInsufficientNameUniqueness=The Community must have a unique name, please choose a different name and try again. CommunityUpdatePropertiesInsufficientPrivileges=You do not have sufficient privileges to update the properties of this Community. FolderPropertiesInvalidType=The Folder whose properties you are trying to view does not exist (invalid type). AccReportType=An error occurred while retrieving the reports. CommunityPropertiesInvalidType=The specified Community does not exist (invalid type). GetExpirationsDurationInvalidKC=The specified Knowledge Center does not exist. Cannot retrieve the expiration duration. KMSecurityInvalidType=Invalid type for specified Content. CreateCommunityInvalidContent=The Community you are trying to create is invalid. ManageAccessRequestInvalidRole=An error occurred because an invalid role was specified for the requester. CommunityUpdatePropertiesDuplicateUuid=The Community is in use. Its properties cannot be updated at this time, please try again later. FolderUpdatePropertiesInsufficientNameUniqueness=The Folder must have a unique name. Please choose a different name and try again. ManageAccessRequestInvalidUser=The User trying to update the access requests does not exist. ok=OK ReactivateCommunityInsufficientPrivileges=You do not have sufficient privileges to reactivate this Community. KcUpdatePropertiesDuplicateUuid=The Knowledge Center is in use. Its properties cannot be updated at this time, please try again later. GetExpirationsDurationInvalidVersion=The specified Knowledge Center does not exist (invalid version). Cannot retrieve the expiration duration. SetExpirationsDurationInsufficientPrivileges=You do not have sufficient privileges to set the expiration duration of this Knowledge Center. KcPropertiesInsufficientPrivileges=You do not have sufficient privileges to view the properties of this Knowledge Center. FileExpirationsInvalidKC=The specified Knowledge Center does not exist. ToggleKCSubscriptionInvalidVersion=The Knowledge Center you are trying to subscribe to/unsubscribe from does not exist (invalid version). tryAgain=Please try again later. ToggleKCSubscriptionInvalidUser=The User trying to subscribe to/unsubscribe from this Knowledge Center does not exist. CreateCommunityInvalidCommunityVersion=The Community in which you are trying to create a Sub-Community does not exist (invalid version). UpdateContentSecurityIllegalRecursion=You cannot set the parent of this content to itself. KcUpdatePropertiesInvalidVersion=The specified Knowledge Center does not exist (invalid version). SetExpirationsDurationInvalidKC=The specified Knowledge Center does not exist. Cannot set the expiration duration. SetExpirationsDurationInvalidTypeMask=Invalid Content type. SetFileExpirationsDuplicateUuid=The Content item you are trying to activate is in use, please try again later. UpdateContentSecurityInsufficientNameUniqueness=The Content name is already in use, please choose a different name. KcUpdatePropertiesIllegalRecursion=The Knowledge Center\u2019s parent cannot be set to the Knowledge Center itself. CreateCommunityDuplicateUuid=The Community you are trying to create has an id already in use, please try again. ReactivateCommunityHasChildren=The Community you are trying to reactivate has an invalid type. ToggleKCSubscriptionInvalidType=The Knowledge Center you are trying to subscribe to/unsubscribe from does not exist (invalid type). ChangeUserQuotaInsufficientPrivileges=You do not have sufficient privileges to change the User\u2019s quota. errorOcc=An Error Has Occurred ViewKCStatisticsInsufficientPrivileges=You do not have sufficient privileges to view the statistics of this Knowledge Center. ReactivateCommunityInvalidVersion=The Community you are trying to reactivate does not exist (invalid version). CommunityUpdatePropertiesInvalidVersion=The specified Community does not exist (invalid version). FolderUpdatePropertiesDuplicateUuid=The Folder is in use and its properties cannot be modified. Try again later. FolderPropertiesInsufficientPrivileges=You do not have sufficient privileges to view the properties of this Folder. CommunityUpdatePropertiesInvalidCommunity=The specified Community does not exist. FolderPropertiesInvalidVersion=The Folder whose properties you are trying to view does not exist (invalid version). CreateCommunityInsufficientPrivileges=You do not have sufficient privileges to create a Community at this location. ChangeUserQuotaInvalidUser=The specified User does not exist. Cannot change quota. CreateKnowledgeCenterStorageLimit=You do not have sufficient storage space to create this Knowledge Center. FolderUpdatePropertiesInvalidVersion=The specified Folder does not exist (invalid version). UpdateContentSecurityInvalidUser=The User trying to update the Content security configuration does not exist. ChangeUserQuotaInvalidQuota=The quota must be between 0 - 2047 MB. FolderPropertiesInvalidFolder=The Folder whose properties you are trying to view does not exist. AccReportInvalidReport=The requested report is invalid. CreateCommunityInvalidCommunity=The Community in which you are trying to create a Sub-Community does not exist. FolderUpdatePropertiesIllegalRecursion=The Folder\u2019s parent cannot be set to the Folder itself. DeactivateCommunityInvalidCommunity=The Community you are trying to deactivate does not exist. SetPendingChangesInvalidVersion=The Content change you are trying to approve or reject does not exist. (invalid version). invalidUrl=If you typed in a URL, please make sure that the spelling is correct. SetPendingChangesInvalidContent=The Content change you are trying to approve or reject does not exist. ManageAccessRequestDataError=There was an error with the data sent, please check with the system administrator. linkoutdated=If you clicked on a link to get here, the link may be outdated. FileExpirationsInvalidVersion=The specified Knowledge Center does not exist (invalid version). CommunityPropertiesInsufficientPrivileges=You do not have sufficient privileges to view the properties of this Community. ManageAccessRequestInvalidVersion=The specified Knowledge Center does not exist (invalid version). ToggleKCSubscriptionInsufficientPrivileges=You do not have sufficient privileges to subscribe to/unsubscribe from this Knowledge Center. SetFileExpirationsInvalidVersion=Invalid version of Content item to reactivate or delete. KcPropertiesInvalidType=The specified Knowledge Center does not exist (invalid type). ManageAccessRequestInvalidContent=The specified Knowledge Center does not exist. SetFileExpirationsInvalidContent=The specified Content item does not exist. ManageAccessRequestInvalidArgument=An error occurred while trying to send a notification to the user. CreateKnowledgeCenterInsufficientNameUniqueness=The Knowledge Center you are trying to create must have a unique name. ViewKCStatisticsInvalidKC=The specified Knowledge Center does not exist. FolderUpdatePropertiesInvalidFolder=The specified Folder does not exist. ReactivateCommunityInvalidCommunity=The Community you are trying to reactivate does not exist. CommunityUpdatePropertiesIllegalRecursion=The Community\u2019s parent cannot be set to the Community itself. CreateCommunityInsufficientNameUniqueness=The Community you are trying to create must have a unique name. KMSecurityInsufficientPrivileges=You do not have sufficient privileges to edit the security of this Content item. CreateKnowledgeCenterDuplicateUuid=The Knowledge Center you are trying to create has an id already in use. SetExpirationsDurationDuplicateUuid=The Content item is in use, please try again later. SetFileExpirationsHasChildren=The specified Content item cannot be deleted because it is not empty. SetPendingChangesInvalidNotification=There was an error while trying to send a notification to the user. DeactivateCommunityInvalidVersion=The Community you are trying to deactivate does not exist (invalid version). SetExpirationsDurationInvalidVersion=The specified Knowledge Center does not exist (invalid version). Cannot set the expiration duration. KcUpdatePropertiesInsufficientPrivileges=You do not have sufficient privileges to update the properties of this Knowledge Center.