#Auto-generated file #Wed Nov 24 13:07:51 EST 2021 STR_COMMENT\#0=Kommentar LBL_ADDING_COMMENT\#0=Kommentar wird hinzugef\u00FCgt... STR_FILTERS\#0=Filter\: EULA_TEXT\#0=???This agreement (the \u201CAgreement\u201D) is a legally binding agreement between the individual or entity accepting this Agreement (\u201CYou\u201D or \u201CYour\u201D) and Appian Corporation (\u201CAppian\u201D). Please read it carefully. \n\nBy clicking \u201CI Accept\u201D above, or installing or using the Appian Mobile Client software and/or any updates to such software provided by Appian (the \u201CMobile Application\u201D), You represent that You are an authorized user of the Appian software (the \u201CSoftware\u201D) licensed to the Appian customer with which you are employed, affiliated or associated (the \u201CCustomer\u201D) under the license and/or subscription agreement between Appian and the Customer (the \u201CCustomer License Agreement\u201D). \n\nIf You are not an authorized user of the Software under the Customer License Agreement, do not agree to this Agreement, or if there are terms in the Customer License Agreement voiding or superseding the terms of this Agreement, You\tmay not install or use the Mobile Application. In addition, You may not install or use the Mobile Application if the Customer License Agreement prohibits Customer\u2019s authorized users of the Software from using the Mobile Application. \n\nLast Updated\: February 8, 2011 \n\n1.\tMOBILE APPLICATION \n\nThe Mobile Application allows authorized users of the Software to access the Software from supported Blackberry brand wireless handheld devices (collectively referred to as \u201CDevices\u201D). \n\n2.\tLIMITED LICENSE\n\nUpon accepting this Agreement, Appian grants You, as an authorized user of Customer\u2019s licensed copy of the Software, a revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Mobile Application on any supported Devices that You own or control. You may not rent, lease, lend, sell, redistribute or sublicense the Mobile Application. You may not copy (except as expressly permitted by this license), decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, attempt to derive the source code of, modify, or create derivative works of the Mobile Application, (except as and only to the extent any foregoing restriction is prohibited by applicable law). Any attempt to do so is a violation of the rights of Appian and its licensors. The Mobile Application contains proprietary content, information and material protected by applicable intellectual property and other laws, including but not limited to copyright. If You breach this restriction, You may be subject to prosecution and damages. \n\n3.\tOWNERSHIP\n\na.\tGeneral. The Mobile Application is licensed, not sold. Except as expressly set forth herein, Appian and its licensors retain all rights in the Mobile Application, and all intellectual property rights therein. The Mobile Application is a commercial software product pursuant to DFAR Sections 227-7202-1(a), 227.7202-3(a) and 252.227-7013(c) and FAR Sections 12.212 and 52.227-19. The Appian name and logo and other product names associated with the Mobile Application are trademarks of Appian or Appian\u2019s licensors and no right or license is granted to use them, other than as set forth herein. \n\nb.\tOpposition. You may not contest, oppose or challenge Appian\u2019s rights in and to the \nMobile Application, nor register or attempt to register copyrights, trademarks, domain names or other intellectual property rights in the Mobile Application in any jurisdiction. If You register or attempt to register any rights in violation of this provision, at Appian\u2019s written request and option, You will without cost to Appian either withdraw any application or registration or take steps to transfer and assign the registration to Appian or its designee.\n \n4.\tTERM AND TERMINATION\n\na.\tTerm. The license\tis effective until terminated by You or Appian. \n\nb.\tTermination. Your rights under this license will terminate automatically without notice from Appian if\: (i) You fail to comply with any term(s) of this Agreement, (ii) You cease to be an authorized user of the Software licensed by the Customer, (iii) any third party (including, but limited to, Research in Motion (\u201CRIM\u201D), or Your network connect??? MSG_LOGIN_ERROR\#0=Falscher Benutzername oder falsches Passwort. Bitte \u00FCberpr\u00FCfen Sie Ihre Zugangsdaten, und versuchen Sie es erneut. EXIT_TEXT\#0=M\u00F6chten Sie wirklich beenden? LBL_ALL\#0=Alle SUBSCRIBE\#0=Abonnieren MSG_CONNECTION_UNKNOWN_ERROR\#0=Beim Herstellen der Verbindung ist ein unbekannter Fehler aufgetreten. MSG_TASK_APPROVE_FAIL\#0=Aufgabe konnte nicht genehmigt werden. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. BTN_ACCEPT\#0=Annehmen NO_ENTRIES\#0=Keine Eintr\u00E4ge verf\u00FCgbar. LNK_POST_MESSAGE\#0=Meldung\u00A0posten CAL_YESTERDAY\#0=Gestern DLG_DO_YOU_WANT_TO_CANCEL\#0=Ihre \u00C4nderungen verwerfen? MENU_SELECT_CATAGORY\#0=Kategorie ausw\u00E4hlen LBL_ADD_ACCT\#0=Ein Account zum Anmelden hinzuf\u00FCgen LBL_SERVER\#0=Server\: MENU_REFRESH\#0=Aktualisieren LBL_VERSION\#0=Version\: BTN_SIGNIN\#0=Einloggen LBL_UPDATING\#0=Wird aktualisiert... MSG_POST_MSG_SUCCESS\#0=Ihre Meldung wurde\u00A0gepostet. ERR_CMT_EMPTY\#0=Bitte hinzuzuf\u00FCgenden Kommentar eingeben. CAL_HOURS_AGO\#0=Vor {0} Stunden CAL_PM\#0=Nm ERR_MSG_EMPTY\#0=Bitte geben Sie die zu postende Nachricht ein. LBL_ADD_COMMENT\#0=Kommentar hinzuf\u00FCgen CAL_ONE_MINUTE_AGO\#0=Vor 1 Minute BTN_SET_ACCT\#0=Mein Account einrichten CAL_ONE_HOUR_AGO\#0=Vor 1 Stunde LBL_MESSAGE\#0=Meldung\: BTN_ADD\#0=Hinzuf\u00FCgen STR_N_COMMENTS\#0={0} Kommentare BTN_CANCEL\#0=Abbrechen EULA_TITLE\#0=Endbenutzer-Lizenzvertrag MENU_EDIT\#0=Bearb. NO_TASKS\#0=Keine Aufgaben verf\u00FCgbar. SUBSCRIBED\#0=Abonniert. LBL_COMMENT\#0=Kommentar\: CAL_MINUTES_AGO\#0=Vor {0} Minuten MENU_POST_MESSAGE\#0=Meldung Eintragen LBL_POSTING_MSG\#0=Meldung wird\u00A0gepostet... BTN_WATCH_VIDEO\#0=Begr\u00FC\u00DFungsvideo\u00A0ansehen MSG_LOADING\#0=Lade... TXT_TOPIC\#0=\u201C Feed? TXT_FEED\#0=\u201C Feed. BTN_DECLINE\#0=Ablehnen LBL_AUDIANCE\#0=Publikum\: BTN_SAVE\#0=Speichern MSG_USERNAME_FIELD_EMPTY\#0=Bitte geben Sie einen Benutzernamen ein. MGS_MSG_POST_FAIL\#0=Ihre Meldung konnte nicht gepostet werden. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. MENU_BACK\#0=Zur\u00FCck MENU_EXIT\#0=Schliessen UNSUB_FROM_SUCC\#0=Abgemeldet vom \u201C MSG_DEL_ACCT\#0=Konto l\u00F6schen? LBL_REMEMBER\#0=Passwort speichern MSG_CANNOT_GENERATE_URL\#0=Vom angegebenen Basis-Server konnte keine Feed-URL generiert werden. Bitte Server wechseln oder korrekte Feed-Adresse eingeben. LBL_USERNAME\#0=Benutzer\: LBL_PWD\#0=Passwort\: MSG_COMMENT_ADD_FAIL\#0=Ihr Kommentar konnte nicht gepostet werden. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. MSG_NETWORK_NOT_AVAILABLE\#0=Es konnte keine Verbindung zum Server hergestellt werden. Bitte \u00FCberpr\u00FCfen Sie Ihre Internetverbindung und die Serveradresse. LBL_EVERYONE\#0=Jeder STR_FILTER\#0=Filter MENU_ADD_COMMENT\#0=Kommentar hinzuf\u00FCgen CAL_A_MOMENT_AGO\#0=Soeben UNSUB_FROM\#0=Abmelden vom \u201C UNSUBSCRIBE\#0=Abbestellen LBL_LOAD_MORE_ENTRIES\#0=Weitere Eintr\u00E4ge laden... MSG_SERVER_FIELD_EMPTY\#0=Bitte geben Sie die Server-URL ein. BTN_ADD_ACCT\#0=Ein Account hinzuf\u00FCgen MSG_SIGNING_IN\#0=Verbindung wird hergestellt... STR_ONE_COMMENT\#0=1 Kommentar CAL_AM\#0=VM MSG_PASSWORD_FIELD_EMPTY\#0=Bitte geben Sie ein Passwort ein. MSG_CONNECTION_TIME_OUT\#0=Die Antwort des Servers dauert zu lange Bitte versuchen Sie die Ma\u00DFnahme erneut. MORE_INFO\#0=Mehr Info MENU_DELETE\#0=L\u00F6schen