#Auto-generated file #Wed Nov 24 13:06:25 EST 2021 systemrules.buttonarraylayout.parameter.align=Determines alignment of the button(s). Valid values\: \u201CSTART\u201D, \u201CCENTER\u201D, \u201CEND\u201D (default). systemrules.checkboxfield.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.createuser.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.sapinvokewriter.parameter.bapi=The name of the SAP BAPI function to invoke. systemrules.documentdownloadlink.parameter.document=The document to download when the link is clicked. systemrules.unlockdocument.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.linechartfield.parameter.showlegend=Determines if a color legend displays below the chart. Default\: true. systemrules.encryptedtextfield.parameter.masked=Determines if the value is obscured from view. Default\: false. systemrules.dynretrieve.description=[Deprecated - use the Dynamics Connected System instead] Retrieves a single business entity from Dynamics. systemrules.dropdownfield_20r2.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the choice value when the user changes the selection. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.gridlayout.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this grid. systemrules.radiobuttonfieldbyindex.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the field when the value is not null. systemrules.signaturefield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.cmicreatefolder.description=Creates a new folder in the CMIS target system. This function returns a writer and must be used with the bind() function. systemrules.recordfilterlist.parameter.defaultoption=Determines which, if any, filter option is applied when a record list first loads. systemrules.editgroup.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). The created group is available in the function variable fv\!group. systemrules.tagfield.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.orgchartfield.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.torecordidentifier.parameter.recordtype=Record type of the created record identifiers. systemrules.writetodatastoreentity.parameter.datastoreentity=The data store entity where you want to save your data. systemrules.fileuploadfield.parameter.requiredmessage=Custom message to display when the field\u2019s value is required and not provided. systemrules.tagitem.parameter.backgroundcolor=Determines the background color. Valid values\: Any valid hex color or \u201CACCENT\u201D (default), \u201CPOSITIVE\u201D, \u201CNEGATIVE\u201D, \u201CSECONDARY\u201D. systemrules.queryselection.parameter.columns=Array of Query Columns indicating which fields to retreive, created with a\!queryColumn(). systemrules.barchartfield.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.progressbarfield.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.exportprocessreporttocsv.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.dropdownfield.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the field when the value is not null. systemrules.shpcopydocumentfromappian.parameter.retries=The number of times to retry a request after receiving a timeout. systemrules.orgchartfield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.sfcdelete.parameter.endpoint=The Salesforce endpoint URL to use for authentication. systemrules.cmidelete.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.documentbrowserfieldcolumns.description=Displays the contents of a folder and allows users to navigate through a series of folders to find and select a document. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.documentbrowserfieldcolumns.doc) for more details. systemrules.writetomultipledatastoreentities.parameter.valuestostore=A list of the target entity and data values to store in the target entity, created with a\!entityData(). systemrules.dropdownfield.parameter.placeholder=Text to display when nothing is selected and the value is null. systemrules.buttonwidget.parameter.icon=Icon to display before any text inside the button. See the [documentation for available icons](links.docs.systemrules.styledIcon.doc). systemrules.imagefield.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.richtextitem_18r1.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the rich text is displayed in the component. When set to false, the rich text is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.gridtextcolumn.parameter.label=Text to display as the column header. systemrules.barchartfield.parameter.showlegend=Determines if a color legend displays below the chart. Default\: true. systemrules.piechartfield.parameter.serieslabelstyle=Determines where to display the series labels. Valid values\: \u201CON_CHART\u201D (default), \u201CLEGEND\u201D, \u201CNONE\u201D. systemrules.gridfield.description=Accepts a set of data and displays it in a grid that supports selecting, sorting, and paging. You can choose to display your data as read-only text, links, images, rich text, or other components supported in read-only grids. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.gridfield.doc) for more details. systemrules.checkboxfieldbyindex.parameter.value=Indices of choices to display as selected. systemrules.formlayout.parameter.label=Text to display as the form\u2019s title. systemrules.sidebysidelayout.parameter.readonly=Determines if all items within the layout should display as not editable. Default\: false. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldcolumnsnode.parameter.label=Required text to display in the node. systemrules.columnchartfield.description=Displays numerical data as vertical bars. Use a column chart to graphically display data that changes over time. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.columnchartfield.doc) for more details. systemrules.linechartfield.parameter.config=Configures how to display data on the chart, including fields used for calculations and grouping, using a\!lineChartConfig(). Only applies when using a record type as a source in the data parameter. See the [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.chartconfig.doc) for more details on how to configure a chart with a record type as the source. systemrules.fileuploadfield_17r1.parameter.disabled=Determines if the field should display as potentially editable but grayed out. Default\: false. systemrules.deletedocument.description=Deletes a document. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.firstcolumnvalues=Values in the first column. For example, a\!queryEntity(...).data or rule\!CRM_getAllCustomers(). systemrules.documentandfolderbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.selectionsaveinto=Variable or list of variables to update when a document or folder is clicked. systemrules.gridfield.parameter.recordactions=List of record action items to display above the grid, configured using a\!recordActionItem(). If you use fv\!identifier in the identifier parameter of a\!recordActionItem(), you will also need to configure selection for the grid. This parameter only applies when a record type is used as the source in the data parameter. systemrules.documentbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.deletegroup.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.buttonwidgetsubmit.parameter.value=Value to be saved when the button is pressed. systemrules.queryfilter.parameter.field=The name of the record field to be filtered. When using a\!queryFilter for filtering record data, this value must directly reference the record field from the `recordType\!` domain. For example\: `recordType\!Case.fields.caseName`. systemrules.webvideo.description=Displays a video from the web for use in a\!videoField(). systemrules.pickerfieldrecords_20r2.parameter.readonly=Determines if the field should display as not editable. Default\: false. systemrules.queryrecordtype.description=Executes a query on a given record type and returns the record data. See the [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.queryrecordtype.doc) for guidance about when to use different querying methods and possible error codes. systemrules.dynassociate.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.editgroup.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.userrecordlink.parameter.label=Text associated with this link. systemrules.textfield.parameter.value=Text to display in the text field. systemrules.dropdownfield_20r2.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytocsv.parameter.saveinfolder=The folder where the newly created document is to be stored. Applicable and required when creating a new document. systemrules.userrecordlink.parameter.view=URL stub of the destination view. Default\: \u201Csummary\u201D. systemrules.gridimagecolumn_17r3.parameter.size=Determines how the images are sized. Valid values\: \u201CTHUMBNAIL\u201D (default), \u201CICON\u201D. systemrules.linkfield.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.gridfield_19r1.parameter.value=Determines the grid\u2019s paging and (if applicable) selection state. The value can be created with a\!pagingInfo() or a\!gridSelection(). systemrules.floatingpointfield.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the field when the value is not null. systemrules.integerfield.parameter.value=Number to display in the field. systemrules.formlayout.description=Displays any arrangement of layouts and components beneath a title and above buttons. Use this as the top-level layout for start and task forms. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.formlayout.doc) for more details. systemrules.billboardlayout_19r1.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the layout is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the layout is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.editgroup.description=Modifies the properties of a group. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.floatingpointfield.parameter.placeholder=Text to display in the field when it is empty. Does not show if the field is read only. systemrules.dyndisassociate.description=[Deprecated - use the Dynamics Connected System instead] Removes a relationship between two or more entities in Dynamics. This function returns a writer and must be used with the bind() function. systemrules.videofield.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.webcontentfield_deprecated.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.recordtype.description=Returns a Record Type with the given uuid and an id of -1. systemrules.fulloverlay.description=Displays a complete overlay for use in billboard layout. systemrules.imagefield_17r3.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.togglewidget.parameter.choicelabels=A list of text which will be used as labels for each button. systemrules.columnslayout.parameter.columns=Columns to display using a\!columnLayout. systemrules.checkboxfieldbyindex.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.sidebysidelayout.parameter.disabled=Determines if all items within the layout should display as potentially editable but grayed out. Default\: false. systemrules.querycolumn.description=Creates a Query Column for use with a\!querySelection(). systemrules.buttonwidgetsubmit.parameter.disabled=Determines if the user is prevented from pressing the button. Default\: false. systemrules.linechartfield.parameter.connectnulls=Determines whether to connect a graph line across null points, or render a gap between the two points on either side of the null. Default\: false. systemrules.documentbrowserfieldcolumns_17r3.description=This is an older version of the a\!documentBrowserFieldColumns function. You can continue to use this version of the function by its new name\: a\!documentBrowserFieldColumns_17r3. The new version of a\!documentBrowserFieldColumns has new functionality. Displays the contents of a folder and allows users to navigate through a series of folders to find and download documents. systemrules.buttonwidget.parameter.confirmmessage=Text to display in a confirmation dialog box. systemrules.boxlayout.parameter.contents=Components and layouts to display within the box. systemrules.gridrowlayout.description=Displays a row of components within an editable grid (a\!gridLayout). systemrules.buttonwidgetsubmit.parameter.label=Text to display on the button. systemrules.togglewidget.parameter.choiceiconidentifiers=A list of FontAwesome icon identifiers. systemrules.measure.parameter.alias=The short name by which the result of the measure field can be referenced in other places of the query configuration. Values are case-sensitive. systemrules.floatingpointfield.description=Displays and allows entry of a single decimal number, stored with a floating point representation. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.floatingpointfield.doc) for more details. systemrules.createknowledgecenter_17r4.parameter.description=The description of the new Knowledge Center. systemrules.imagefield_17r3.parameter.images=Array of images to display, created with a\!webImage() or a\!documentImage(). systemrules.pickerfieldrecords.parameter.disabled=Determines if the field should display as potentially editable but grayed out. Default\: false. systemrules.columnchartconfig.parameter.datalimit=Maximum number of data points to display on the chart. Default\: 100. Valid values\: 1-5000. systemrules.textfield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.pickerfieldrecords_20r2.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.sfcdescribeglobal.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.barcodefield.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.gridfield_19r1.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.recordgridfield.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.integerfield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.documentviewerfield.parameter.alttext=Equivalent alternate text provided to assistive technology. systemrules.barchartconfig.parameter.measures=Defines the numerical calculations for data in the chart, configured using a\!measure(). If no measure is provided, a count of records shows as the measurement in the chart. systemrules.groupbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.pathsaveinto=Variable or list of variables to update when a user clicks on a group. systemrules.updateuserprofile.parameter.address3=The new address of the user. systemrules.facet_17r1.parameter.name=Name of the user filter. systemrules.updateuserprofile.parameter.address2=The new address of the user. systemrules.updateuserprofile.parameter.address1=The new address of the user. systemrules.gridfield.parameter.showrefreshbutton=Determines if the grid should include a refresh button to manually refresh data. This parameter only applies when a record type is used as the source in the data parameter. Default\: true. systemrules.columnchartfield.parameter.referencelines=Array of reference line values for each threshold to be defined on the chart. Configured using a\!chartReferenceLine(). systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytoexcel.parameter.customcellpositions=(Optional) Array of cell positions where custom cell values should be added. systemrules.chartreferenceline.description=Contains the reference line value for each threshold that is defined on a column, bar, or line chart. systemrules.sapinvokewithcommit.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.datasubset.parameter.startindex=Index of the source data where the current page begins. It must be greater than zero. systemrules.pickerfieldusersandgroups.parameter.maxselections=Maximum number of allowed selections. Once this number is reached, further selections are blocked until a selection is removed. systemrules.paymentinfofield.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.barcodefield.parameter.readonly=Determines if the field should display as not editable. Default\: false. systemrules.dyndelete.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.dynassociate.parameter.endpoint=The Dynamics organization endpoint URL. systemrules.sapinvoke.parameter.systemnumber=The system number of the SAP application server. systemrules.billboardlayout_19r1.description=This is an older version of the a\!billboardLayout function. You can continue to use this version of the function by its new name\: a\!billboardLayout_19r1. The new version of a\!billboardLayout has new functionality. Displays a background color, image, or video with optional overlay content. See the [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.billboardlayout.doc) for guidance on choosing the best background image for your interface. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldtreenode.parameter.link=Optional link that determines behavior when a node\u2019s label title is clicked. Create links with a\!documentDownloadLink(), a\!newsEntryLink(), a\!processTaskLink(), a\!recordLink(), a\!reportLink(), a\!safeLink(), a\!startProcessLink(), a\!userRecordLink(), or a\!authorizationLink(). systemrules.sidebysidelayout.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the layout when the values are not null. systemrules.removegroupmembers.parameter.group=The selected users will be removed as members of this group. systemrules.dropdownfieldbyindex.parameter.requiredmessage=Custom message to display when the field\u2019s value is required and not provided. systemrules.checkboxfieldbyindex.parameter.choicelabels=Array of options for the user to select. systemrules.encryptedtextfield.parameter.readonly=Determines if the field should display as not editable. Default\: false. systemrules.linechartfield.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.integerfield.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the integer when the user changes it. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.pickerfieldrecords.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.sblinvoke.parameter.enterpriseapp=The enterprise application of the target system. systemrules.multipledropdownfield.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.gridimagecolumn_17r3.parameter.data=Array of images to display, created with a\!documentImage() or a\!webImage(). systemrules.multipledropdownfield_20r2.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the choice values when the user changes the selections. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.pickerfieldrecords_20r2.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.dynassociate.parameter.parameters=The entities to associate, given as a dictionary with fields for EntityName, EntityId (GUID), Relationship, and RelatedEntities. systemrules.lockdocument.parameter.document=The document to lock. systemrules.pickerfieldfolders.parameter.readonly=Determines if the field should display as not editable. Default\: false. systemrules.gridfield_19r1.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the field. systemrules.linechartconfig.parameter.secondarygrouping=Defines the field labels to display across each line in the chart, configured using a\!grouping(). systemrules.multipledropdownfieldbyindex_20r2.parameter.choicelabels=Array of options for the user to select. systemrules.cmigetproperties.description=Retrieves the CMIS object properties from the CMIS target system, using the given object id. systemrules.recordgridfield.parameter.secondarysorts=Sorts applied to the data in the grid after every user sort interaction. No sorts in this list will be displayed to the user as an arrow in the header of a grid column. If your data is a reference to a record type sourced from processes, this parameter is not supported. systemrules.datefield.description=Displays and allows entry of a single date (year, month, day). To display a read-only date using a custom format, use a text component. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.datefield.doc) for more details. systemrules.renameusers.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.pickerfieldusers.parameter.maxselections=Maximum number of allowed selections. Once this number is reached, further selections are blocked until a selection is removed. systemrules.richtextitem_18r1.parameter.style=Determines the style to apply to the text value. Valid values\: \u201CNORMAL\u201D (default), \u201CEMPHASIS\u201D, \u201CSTRONG\u201D, \u201CUNDERLINE\u201D, \u201CLARGE\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM\u201D, \u201CSMALL\u201D, \u201CHEADER_LARGE\u201D, \u201CHEADER_MEDIUM\u201D, \u201CHEADER_SMALL\u201D, \u201CPOSITIVE\u201D, \u201CNEGATIVE\u201D, \u201CSECONDARY\u201D. systemrules.fileuploadfield.parameter.value=The files associated with this field. systemrules.userbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.selectionvalue=This user is displayed as selected when it is present in the navigation path array. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.cmicopydocumenttoappian.description=Copies a CMIS document from the target system to a new version of an Appian document. This function returns a writer and must be used with the bind() function. systemrules.cmigetproperties.parameter.repositoryid=The repository id on the CMIS target system. systemrules.sidebysidelayout.description=Displays components alongside each other. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.sidebysidelayout.doc) for more details. systemrules.editgroup.parameter.name=A new name for the group. systemrules.radiobuttonfieldbyindex.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.queryaggregationcolumnes.parameter.isgrouping=Determines if the field should be grouped. Default\: false. systemrules.deletedocument.parameter.document=The document to delete. systemrules.fulloverlay.parameter.alignvertical=Determines vertical alignment of all content within the overlay. Valid values are \u201CTOP\u201D (default), \u201CMIDDLE\u201D, and \u201CBOTTOM\u201D. systemrules.barcodefield.parameter.disabled=Determines if the field should display as potentially editable but grayed out. Default\: false. systemrules.gridfield.parameter.selectionrequiredmessage=Custom message to display when a selection is required and not provided. systemrules.fileuploadfield.parameter.filedescriptions=Determines the descriptions for the files. When not provided, the descriptions of the new files are empty. Access name, size, and extension of each file using the variables fv\!file.name, fv\!file.size, and fv\!file.extension. Access the index of each file using the variable fv\!index. systemrules.startprocesslink.description=Defines a link to start a process. Users are shown the start form or first chained attended node and any subsequent chained forms. After submitting the last form, the chain completes, the user returns to the original interface, and that interface reloads. Links can be used in charts, grids, hierarchy browsers, images, link fields, milestones, pickers, and rich text. See the [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.startProcess.doc.guidance) for guidance about when to use different methods of starting a process from an interface. systemrules.richtextitem.parameter.linkstyle=Determines how the link renders. Valid values\: \u201CINLINE\u201D (default), \u201CSTANDALONE\u201D. systemrules.gridselection.parameter.paginginfo=Paging and sorting configuration created with a\!pagingInfo(). systemrules.recordlink.parameter.identifier=Identifier of the linked record view. systemrules.dynupdate.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.externalimagefield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.gridlayout.parameter.addrowlink=Link for adding a row to the grid. Create link using a\!dynamicLink(). systemrules.encryptedtextfield.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.integerfield.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.documentandfolderbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.navigationsaveinto=Variable or list of variables to update when the navigation folder changes. systemrules.multipledropdownfield_20r2.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.gridfield_19r1.parameter.disabled=Determines if the user is prevented from changing which rows are selected. Default\: false. systemrules.linechartfield.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.reactivateuser.description=Reactivates a user. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.fileuploadfield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.radiobuttonfieldbyindex.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.gridcolumn.parameter.sortfield=The name of the field that the data should be sorted by when the user sorts by this column. You will need to use the recordType\! domain when referencing record data. For example, recordType\!Case.fields.caseName. systemrules.columnchartfield.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.dyncreate.description=[Deprecated - use the Dynamics Connected System instead] Creates a new business entity in Dynamics. This function returns a writer and must be used with the bind() function. systemrules.deleteknowledgecenter.parameter.deletesubfolders=Delete subfolders? Default\: false. systemrules.columnoverlay.parameter.alignvertical=Determines vertical alignment of all content within the overlay. Valid values are \u201CTOP\u201D (default), \u201CMIDDLE\u201D, and \u201CBOTTOM\u201D. systemrules.exportprocessreporttoexcel.parameter.sheetname=(Optional) The name of the sheet where data will be added as a result of executing this smart service. The following characters will be replaced with underscores\: [ ] / \\ ? * systemrules.multipledropdownfieldbyindex_20r2.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.barcodefield.parameter.acceptedtypes=Determines the types of barcodes that are accepted in the field. Null results in all types being accepted. Valid values\: \u201CCODE39\u201D, \u201CCODE93\u201D, \u201CCODE128\u201D, \u201CDATAMATRIX\u201D, \u201CEAN8\u201D, \u201CEAN13\u201D, \u201CPDF417\u201D, \u201CQRCODE\u201D, \u201CUPCA\u201D, \u201CUPCE\u201D. systemrules.pickerfieldrecords.parameter.recordtype=Required, singular. Filters picker to select records of this type. systemrules.certifiedsailextension.parameter.vendorname=*** This component is provided by a component plug-in from {0}. *** systemrules.cardlayout.description=Displays any arrangement of layouts and components within a card on an interface. Can be styled or linked. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.cardlayout.doc) for more details. systemrules.recordlink.description=Defines a link to a record view. Links can be used in charts, grids, hierarchy browsers, images, link fields, milestones, pickers, and rich text. systemrules.cmicreatefolder.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.stampfield.description=Displays an icon and/or text on a colored circular background. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.stampfield.doc) for more details. systemrules.videofield.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.multipledropdownfield_20r2.parameter.choicevalues=Array of values associated with the available choices. systemrules.pickerfieldusers.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.startprocesslink.parameter.processmodel=The process model to start. systemrules.documentbrowserfieldcolumns_17r3.parameter.folder=The contents of the selected folder are displayed in the document browser. systemrules.sapinvokewriter.description=[Deprecated - use a\!sapInvokeWithCommit instead] Invokes an SAP BAPI function. This function returns a writer and must be used with the bind() function. systemrules.editfolderproperties.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.sblinvokewriter.parameter.enterpriseapp=The enterprise application of the target system. systemrules.recordactionfield.parameter.actions=List of record action items to display in the field, configured using a\!recordActionItem(). systemrules.gridfield.parameter.secondarysorts=Sorts applied to the data in the grid after every user sort interaction. No sorts in this list will be displayed to the user as an arrow in the header of a grid column. If your data is a reference to a record type sourced from processes, this parameter is not supported. systemrules.queryfilter.parameter.operator=Filter operator to apply to the data. Valid values\: \u201C\=\u201D, \u201C<>\u201D, \u201C>\u201D, \u201C>\=\u201D, \u201C<\u201D, \u201C<\=\u201D, \u201Cbetween\u201D, \u201Cin\u201D, \u201Cnot in\u201D, \u201Cis null\u201D, \u201Cnot null\u201D, \u201Cstarts with\u201D, \u201Cnot starts with\u201D, \u201Cends with\u201D, \u201Cnot ends with\u201D, \u201Cincludes\u201D, \u201Cnot includes\u201D. systemrules.gridfield.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.addadminstogroup.parameter.group=The selected users will be added as administrators to this group. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.nextcolumnvalues=Given a node value, describe how to get the next column\u2019s values using the variable fv\!nodeValue. For example, rule\!CRM_getTicketsForCustomer(customer\: fv\!nodeValue, isActive\: true). This rule or expression is evaluated for each value in pathValue where fv\!nodeValue refers any value in pathValue. systemrules.piechartfield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.groupbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.readonly=Determines whether selection is enabled. Default\: false. systemrules.modifyknowledgecentersecurity.parameter.authors=The new users and groups to have author access to the knowledge center. systemrules.sidebysidelayout.parameter.spacing=Determines the space between items in the layout when they are not stacked. Valid values\: \u201CSTANDARD\u201D (default), \u201CNONE\u201D, \u201CDENSE\u201D, \u201CSPARSE\u201D. systemrules.billboardlayout_19r1.parameter.height=Determines the layout height. Valid values\: \u201CSHORT\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM\u201D (default), \u201CTALL\u201D. systemrules.barchartconfig.parameter.secondarygrouping=Defines the field labels to display in the stacking or grouped bars in the chart, configured using a\!grouping(). systemrules.barchartfield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.modifyknowledgecentersecurity.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.radiobuttonfieldbyindex.parameter.value=Index of the choice to display as selected. systemrules.progressbarfield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.gaugepercentage.description=Displays the configured percentage of the gauge, rounded to the nearest integer, for use within the gauge field primary text parameter. systemrules.dropdownfield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.sidebysideitem.parameter.width=Determines the amount of space allocated to each of the items in the row. Valid values\: \u201CAUTO\u201D (default), \u201CMINIMIZE\u201D, \u201C1X\u201D, \u201C2X\u201D, \u201C3X\u201D, \u201C4X\u201D, \u201C5X\u201D, \u201C6X\u201D, \u201C7X\u201D, \u201C8X\u201D, \u201C9X\u201D, and \u201C10X\u201D. systemrules.userrecordlink.description=Defines a link to a user record. Links can be used in charts, grids, hierarchy browsers, images, link fields, milestones, pickers, and rich text. systemrules.movefolder.description=Moves a folder. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.dyncreate.parameter.parameters=The entity to create, given as a dictionary with the same field structure as a Dynamics Entity. systemrules.createknowledgecenter.description=Creates a new Knowledge Center. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.pickerfielddocuments.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.editdocumentproperties.parameter.document=The document to modify. systemrules.barchartconfig.parameter.primarygrouping=Defines the field labels to display on the axis in the chart, configured using a\!grouping(). systemrules.columnslayout.parameter.spacing=Determines the space between columns in the layout when they are not stacked. Valid values\: \u201CSTANDARD\u201D (default), \u201CNONE\u201D, \u201CDENSE\u201D, \u201CSPARSE\u201D. systemrules.imagefield_17r3.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.dyndelete.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.createknowledgecenter_17r4.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.dropdownfield.parameter.choicevalues=Array of values associated with the available choices. systemrules.fileuploadfield.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.datetimedisplayfield.description=WARNING\: This function is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. Instead, use a\!dateTimeField() with the readOnly attribute set to true. systemrules.boxlayout.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the layout is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the layout is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.cardlayout.parameter.padding=Determines the space between the card edges and its contents. Valid values\: \u201CNONE\u201D, \u201CEVEN_LESS\u201D, \u201CLESS\u201D (default), \u201CSTANDARD\u201D, \u201CMORE\u201D, \u201CEVEN_MORE\u201D. systemrules.authorizationlink.parameter.label=Text associated with this link. systemrules.externalimagefield.parameter.alttext=Equivalent alternate text used when accessibility issues prevent the image from displaying. systemrules.formlayout_17r1.parameter.secondcolumncontents=Array of components to display in the second column. systemrules.dyndelete.description=[Deprecated - use the Dynamics Connected System instead] Delete a business entity from Dynamics. This function returns a writer and must be used with the bind() function. systemrules.exportprocessreporttoexcel.parameter.saveinfolder=The folder where the newly created document is to be stored. Applicable and required when creating a new document. systemrules.cancelprocess_17r3.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service executed successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.gridimagecolumn.description=NOTE\: This is a deprecated function for use in an older version of the a\!gridField() function. You can continue to use this function in the older version of the a\!gridField() function by its new name\: a\!gridField_19r1(). The new version of a\!gridField() uses a\!gridColumn() instead. systemrules.recordlink.parameter.label=Text associated with this link. systemrules.creategroup.parameter.delegatedcreation=Should administrators of this group be permitted to create additional groups as children? Default\: false. systemrules.pickerfieldcustom.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.removegroupadmins.parameter.group=The selected users will be removed as administrators of this group. systemrules.sapbapiparameters.parameter.systemnumber=The system number of the SAP application server. systemrules.tojson.description=Converts a value into a JSON string. systemrules.pickerfielddocumentsandfolders.parameter.requiredmessage=Custom message to display when the field\u2019s value is required and not provided. systemrules.billboardlayout_19r1.parameter.backgroundmedia=Determines the background content. Takes priority over background color. Configure using a\!documentImage, a\!userImage, a\!webImage, or a\!webVideo. systemrules.groupbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.rootgroup=The direct members of the initial group are displayed in the first column. systemrules.recordgridfield.parameter.pagesize=The maximum number of rows to display in the grid. Default\: 50 systemrules.billboardlayout.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the layout is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the layout is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.textfield.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.datetimefield.parameter.readonly=Determines if the field should display as not editable. Default\: false. systemrules.radiobuttonfieldbyindex.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.sapbapiparameters.parameter.hostname=The hostname of the SAP server. systemrules.shpcopydocumenttoappian.parameter.hostname=The hostaname of the SharePoint server. systemrules.unlockdocument.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytocsv.parameter.entity=The data store entity to query. systemrules.gridlayout.parameter.headercells=Array of column headers created with a\!gridLayoutHeaderCell(). systemrules.editknowledgecenterproperties.parameter.expirationdays=The number of days after which documents in the selected knowledge center will expire. systemrules.columnlayout.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the layout is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the layout is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.certifiedsailextension.parameter.source=Location of the external content. systemrules.sfcupdate.parameter.parameters=The data to update, given as a dictionary with the fields and corresponding values of the sObject to update. systemrules.gridimagecolumn.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the column is displayed in the grid. When set to false, the column is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.updateuserprofile.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.sbldelete.parameter.appmanager=The active application manager of the target system. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.baroverlay.parameter.position=Determines where the bar overlay appears. Valid values\: \u201CTOP\u201D, \u201CMIDDLE\u201D, \u201CBOTTOM\u201D (default). systemrules.paginginfo.parameter.batchsize=Number of items to return. It must be -1 (indicating all items) or greater. systemrules.multipledropdownfieldbyindex.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.userrecordidentifier.parameter.users=The list of Users for whom record identifiers are to be created. systemrules.documentviewerfield.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D. systemrules.pickerfieldusersandgroups.parameter.value=Array of currently selected users or groups. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytoexcel.parameter.selection=(Optional) A list of fields to retrieve, created with a\!querySelection(). The selection accepts up to 50 columns. systemrules.dropdownfieldbyindex_20r2.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.sectionlayout.parameter.label=Text to display as the section\u2019s title. systemrules.folderbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.rootfolder=The contents of the specified folder or knowledge center are displayed in the first column of the browser. systemrules.sblcreate.parameter.appmanager=The active application manager of the target system. systemrules.facet.parameter.defaultoption=Determines which, if any, filter option is applied when a record list first loads. systemrules.groupbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.datetimefield.parameter.disabled=Determines if the field should display as potentially editable but grayed out. Default\: false. systemrules.pickerfieldrecords.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.multipledropdownfield.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the choice values when the user changes the selections. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.recordfilterlistoption.parameter.id=Integer identifier of the filter option. This must be unique across all other filter options within the same user filter. systemrules.gaugefield.parameter.color=Determines the color. Access the percentage using fv\!percentage. Valid values\: Any valid hex color or \u201CACCENT\u201D (default), \u201CPOSITIVE\u201D, \u201CNEGATIVE\u201D, \u201CWARN\u201D. systemrules.ispagewidth.parameter.pagewidths=Valid values\: \u201CPHONE\u201D, \u201CTABLET_PORTRAIT\u201D, \u201CTABLET_LANDSCAPE\u201D, \u201CDESKTOP_NARROW\u201D, \u201CDESKTOP\u201D, \u201CDESKTOP_WIDE\u201D. Review [UX best practices for responsive design](links.docs.systemrules.shared.responsive.doc). systemrules.gridfield.parameter.userfilters=List of user filter references to display, configured using the recordType\! domain. For example, recordType\!Case.filters.status. You may only reference user filters defined on the source record type used for the grid data. This parameter only applies when a record type is used as the source in the data parameter. systemrules.paymentinfofield.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the field when the value is not null. systemrules.tagitem.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the tag is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the tag is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.wsusernametokenscs.description=Retrieves a WS-Security Username Token retrieved from the Secure Credential Store for use with a\!wsConfig(). systemrules.gridcolumn.description=Displays a column of data as read-only text, links, images, rich text, or other components supported within the read-only grid. systemrules.wsconfig.parameter.extensions=Array of HTTP headers to pass to the web service, created with a\!wsHttpHeaderField(), or WS-Security Username Tokens, created with a\!wsUsernameToken() or a\!wsUsernameTokenScs(). systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytoexcel.parameter.filters=(Optional) A set of conditions to apply to the queried data before any grouping or aggregation. Can use either a list of a\!queryFilter() or a single a\!queryLogicalExpression(). When using a list of a\!queryFilter(), all filters are combined using the AND operator. systemrules.piechartfield.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.sblinvokewriter.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.folderbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.multipledropdownfield.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the field when the value is not null. systemrules.barchartfield.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.pickerfieldusersandgroups.description=Displays an autocompleting input for selecting one or more users or groups. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.pickerfieldusersandgroups.doc) for more details. systemrules.pickerfieldusersandgroups.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.multipledropdownfield.parameter.placeholder=Text to display in the field when it is empty. systemrules.documentimage.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the image is displayed in the component. When set to false, the image is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.newsentrylink.parameter.label=Text associated with this link. systemrules.linechartfield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.exportprocessreporttoexcel.parameter.filters=(Optional) A set of conditions to apply to the queried data. Can use either a list of a\!queryFilter() or a single a\!queryLogicalExpression(). When using a list of a\!queryFilter(), all filters are combined using the AND operator. User filters saved to the process report are applied before these are. systemrules.datedisplayfield.description=WARNING\: This function is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. Instead, use a\!dateField() with the readOnly attribute set to true. systemrules.entitydata.description=Creates an Entity Data for use with a\!writeToMultipleDataStoreEntities(). systemrules.removegroupadmins.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.cmidelete.parameter.atompuburl=The Atom Pub URL of the CMIS target system. systemrules.gridfield_19r1.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.fileuploadfield.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.paragraphfield.parameter.height=Determines the field height. Valid values\: \u201CSHORT\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM\u201D (default), \u201CTALL\u201D. systemrules.startruletestsall.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). The test-run ID of the executed test run is available in the function variable fv\!testRunId. This can be used to query information about the test-run with a\!testRunStatusForId() and a\!testRunResultForId(). systemrules.pickerfieldrecords_20r2.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.integrationerror.parameter.detail=Technical details about the error, including error codes or underlying error messages. systemrules.piechartconfig.parameter.primarygrouping=Defines the field labels to display for each slice of the pie chart, configured using a\!grouping(). systemrules.removegroupmembers.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.tagfield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.gaugefield.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.paragraphfield.parameter.readonly=Determines if the field should display as not editable. Default\: false. systemrules.renameusers.description=Renames existing users. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. Note that during a bulk rename, if any one username change fails, the expression will fail and none of the given usernames will be changed. systemrules.datefield.parameter.readonly=Determines if the field should display as not editable. Default\: false. systemrules.recordgridfield.parameter.columns=The columns to display in the grid, configured using a\!gridColumn(). systemrules.pickerfieldrecords_20r2.description=This is an older version of the a\!pickerFieldRecords() function. You can continue to use this version of the function by its new name\: a\!pickerFieldRecords_20r2(). Use this version of the function when working with record types that have not yet been updated to use record type field references. Displays an autocompleting input for the selection of one or more records, filtered by a single record type. Suggestions and picker tokens use the title of the record. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.pickerfieldrecords.doc) for more details. systemrules.multipledropdownfield.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.sapbapiparameters.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.barchartfield.parameter.height=Determines the chart height. Valid values\: \u201CMICRO\u201D, \u201CSHORT\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM\u201D, \u201CTALL\u201D, \u201CAUTO\u201D (default). See the [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.charts.param.height) for guidance on using the MICRO size. systemrules.sblinvokewriter.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.safelink.parameter.uri=URI destination of this link. systemrules.fileuploadfield_17r1.parameter.requiredmessage=Custom message to display when the field\u2019s value is required and not provided. systemrules.formlayout.parameter.buttons=Buttons to display at the bottom of the form, arranged using a\!buttonLayout(). A Button Layout must be present for a back button to appear for activity-chained tasks. systemrules.checkboxfield.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.radiobuttonfieldbyindex.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.sfcinsert.parameter.parameters=The data to insert, given as a dictionary with the same field structure as the sObject to insert. systemrules.multipledropdownfieldbyindex_20r2.parameter.disabled=Determines if the field should display as potentially editable but grayed out. Default\: false. systemrules.measure.description=Determines the calculations for fields on a chart. systemrules.pickerfieldrecords_20r2.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.checkboxfield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.documentimage.parameter.caption=Text to display in mouseovers and slideshows. systemrules.multipledropdownfield_20r2.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.updateuserprofile.parameter.officephone=The new office phone number of the user. systemrules.recordgridfield.parameter.shadealternaterows=Determines whether alternate rows are shaded. Default\: true. systemrules.isnativephone.description=WARNING\: This function is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. Instead, use a\!isPageWidth to style phone width UI or a\!isNativeMobile to know if the interface is viewed within the Appian for Mobile application. systemrules.milestonefield.description=Displays the completed, current, and future steps of a process or sequence. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.milestonefield.doc) for more details. systemrules.recordfilterlist.parameter.allowmultipleselections=Determines if the filter will allow the user to select a single option or multiple options. Default is true. systemrules.dropdownfieldbyindex_20r2.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.gridlayoutheadercell.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. systemrules.sortinfo.parameter.field=The name of the record field used to sort by. When using a\!sortInfo for sorting record data, this value must directly reference the record field from the `recordType\!` domain. For example\: `recordType\!Case.fields.caseName`. You will need to use the recordType\! domain when referencing record data. For example, recordType\!Case.fields.caseName. When sorting on aggregate data, the field parameter can also accept the alias. systemrules.externallinkfield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.dropdownfieldbyindex_20r2.parameter.choicelabels=Array of options for the user to select. systemrules.sfcsearch.parameter.endpoint=The Salesforce endpoint URL to use for authentication. systemrules.dropdownfieldbyindex_20r2.description=This is an older version of the a\!dropdownFieldByIndex function. You can continue to use this version of the function by its new name\: a\!dropdownFieldByIndex_20r2. The new version of a\!dropdownFieldByIndex has new functionality which allows users to search the list of choices. To upgrade to the new version, simply remove \u201C_20r2\u201D from the name and rename the parameter \u201CplaceholderLabel\u201D to \u201Cplaceholder\u201D. Displays a list of choices for the user to select one item and saves the index of the selected choice. systemrules.documentimage.parameter.alttext=Equivalent alternate text used when accessibility issues prevent the image from displaying. systemrules.gridtextcolumn.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the column is displayed in the grid. When set to false, the column is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.billboardlayout.parameter.marginbelow=Determines how much space is added below the layout. Valid values\: \u201CNONE\u201D, \u201CSTANDARD\u201D (default). systemrules.pickerfieldrecords.parameter.value=Array of currently selected records. This will be either a List of Text or a List of Number (Integer), depending on the recordType selected. systemrules.checkboxfield.parameter.choicevalues=Array of values associated with the available choices. systemrules.paragraphfield.parameter.disabled=Determines if the field should display as potentially editable but grayed out. Default\: false. systemrules.multipledropdownfieldbyindex_20r2.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the field when the value is not null. systemrules.facetoption.description=WARNING\: This function is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. Instead, use a\!recordFilterListOption() systemrules.sblinvokewriter.parameter.port=The port the Siebel server is listening on. systemrules.submitlink.parameter.confirmheader=Text to display at the top of the confirmation dialog. systemrules.paymentinfofield.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.documentandfolderbrowserfieldcolumns.description=Displays the contents of a folder and allows users to navigate through a series of folders to find and select a folder or document. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.documentandfolderbrowserfieldcolumns.doc) for more details. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldtree.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.datetimefield.description=Displays and allows entry of a single date and time (year, month, day, hour, minute, second). To display a read-only date and time using a custom format, use a text component. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.datetimefield.doc) for more details. systemrules.startruletestsapplications.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.multipledropdownfieldbyindex_20r2.parameter.placeholder=Text to display in the field when it is empty. systemrules.sfcinsert.parameter.sendtimewithdatetime=If false, the time component of datetimes sent to Salesforce will be lost, resulting in a time of 00\:00\:00 being written. If true, the full datetime will be preserved. This field defaults to false to preserve backwards compatibility but should be set to true for new uses of the function. systemrules.cmicreatefolder.parameter.parentid=The object id of the CMIS folder which will be the parent of the new folder. Use null() for root. systemrules.imagefield_17r3.description=This is an older version of the a\!imageField function. You can continue to use this version of the function by its new name\: a\!imageField_17r3. The new version of a\!imageField has new functionality. Displays an image from document management or the web. systemrules.exportprocessreporttocsv.parameter.filters=(Optional) A set of conditions to apply to the queried data. Can use either a list of a\!queryFilter() or a single a\!queryLogicalExpression(). When using a list of a\!queryFilter(), all filters are combined using the AND operator. User filters saved to the process report are applied before these are. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldtreenode.parameter.nextlevelcount=Optional count of nodes that would be displayed in the next level were this node in the navigation path. systemrules.boxlayout.parameter.style=Determines the color of the label and box outline. Valid values\: Any valid hex color or \u201CSTANDARD\u201D (default), \u201CACCENT\u201D, \u201CSUCCESS\u201D, \u201CINFO\u201D, \u201CWARN\u201D, \u201CERROR\u201D. systemrules.radiobuttonfield.description=Displays a limited set of choices from which the user must select one item and saves a value based on the selected choice. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.radiobuttonfield.doc) for more details. systemrules.sblquery.parameter.port=The port the Siebel server is listening on. systemrules.pickerfieldusers.parameter.placeholder=Text to display in the field when it is empty. Does not show if the field is read only. systemrules.boxlayout.parameter.padding=Determines the space between the box edges and its contents. Valid values\: \u201CNONE\u201D, \u201CEVEN_LESS\u201D, \u201CLESS\u201D (default), \u201CSTANDARD\u201D, \u201CMORE\u201D, \u201CEVEN_MORE\u201D. systemrules.togglewidget.description=Displays a series of buttons similar to an old style tape deck with only one active at a time. systemrules.shpcopydocumentfromappian.parameter.hostname=The hostaname of the SharePoint server. systemrules.encryptedtextfield.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.wshttpheaderfield.parameter.value=The value of the header. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytoexcel_18r2.parameter.source=The data store entity to query. systemrules.gaugeicon.parameter.alttext=Equivalent alternate text to display in the hover tooltip and for use by screen readers. systemrules.editknowledgecenterproperties.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.gridimagecolumn_17r3.description=NOTE\: This is an older version of the a\!gridImageColumn function for use in an older version of the a\!gridField() function. You can continue to use this version of the function in the a\!gridField_19r1() function by its new name\: a\!gridImageColumn_17r3. The new version of a\!gridField() uses a\!gridColumn() instead. systemrules.cardlayout.parameter.contents=Components and layouts to display within the card. systemrules.renameusers.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.startprocess.parameter.processparameters=A dictionary containing the parameters for the process and their values. systemrules.deletefolder.description=Deletes a folder. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.progressbarfield.parameter.percentage=Number to display between 0 and 100. systemrules.milestonefield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.pickerfielddocumentsandfolders.parameter.readonly=Determines if the field should display as not editable. Default\: false. systemrules.sblinvokewriter.parameter.businessservice=The name of the Siebel Business Service on which to invoke the method. systemrules.imagefield.parameter.style=Determines how the images are rendered. Valid values\: \u201CSTANDARD\u201D (default), \u201CAVATAR\u201D. systemrules.folderbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.selectionsaveinto=Variable or list of variables to update when a folder is clicked. systemrules.imagefield.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.sfcquery.parameter.query=The SOQL query to send to Salesforce. systemrules.pickerfieldrecords.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytoexcel.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). The document ID of the created/updated document is returned in the fv\!newDocument function variable. systemrules.richtexticon.parameter.icon=Icon to display. See the [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.richTextIcon.parameter.icon.doc) for available icons. systemrules.pickerfielddocuments.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the field when the value is not null. systemrules.isnativemobile.description=Returns true if the interface is viewed within the Appian for Mobile application. Returns false otherwise. systemrules.pickerfielddocuments.parameter.placeholder=Text to display in the field when it is empty. Does not show if the field is read only. systemrules.formlayout_17r1.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the form. systemrules.completetask.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytoexcel.parameter.customcellvalues=(Optional) Array of values to be added on the specified custom cell position. systemrules.fileuploadfield.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.createcustomgroup.parameter.grouptype=The type of the group. systemrules.userbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.multipledropdownfieldbyindex.parameter.disabled=Determines if the field should display as potentially editable but grayed out. Default\: false. systemrules.folderbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.navigationsaveinto=Variable or list of variables to update when the navigation folder changes. systemrules.pickerfieldfolders.description=Displays an autocompleting input for selecting one or more folders. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.pickerfieldfolders.doc) for more details. systemrules.linkfield.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldcolumnsnode.description=Returns a Hierarchy Column Node. systemrules.webcontentfield_deprecated.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.selectionvalue=Value of the currently selected node. The selection will be indicated by a unique display if present in the navigation path. systemrules.pickerfielddocumentsandfolders.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.gridlinkcolumn.parameter.data=Array of links to display in the column. Create links with a\!documentDownloadLink(), a\!dynamicLink(), a\!newsEntryLink(), a\!processTaskLink(), a\!recordLink(), a\!safeLink(), a\!submitLink(), a\!userRecordLink(), or a\!authorizationLink(). systemrules.multipledropdownfield_20r2.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.fileuploadfield_17r1.parameter.documentdescription=Determines the description for the document. When not provided, the description of the new file or version is empty. systemrules.tagfield.parameter.tags=List of tags to display. Configured using a\!tagItem(). systemrules.editgroup.parameter.groupprivacy=Should members be able to view all other members of the group? Valid values\: \u201CLOW\u201D (default), \u201CHIGH\u201D. systemrules.buttonwidget.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.linechartfield.parameter.yaxistitle=Title for the dependent (vertical) axis. systemrules.documentviewerfield.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.stampfield.parameter.align=Determines alignment of the stamp. Valid values\: \u201CSTART\u201D (default), \u201CCENTER\u201D, \u201CEND\u201D. systemrules.formlayout_17r1.parameter.buttons=Buttons to display at the bottom of the form, arranged using a\!buttonLayout(). A Button Layout must be present for a back button to appear for activity-chained tasks. systemrules.modifyusersecurity.parameter.editors=List of users or groups that will have editor privileges on the user. systemrules.documentbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.queryentity.description=Executes a query on a given Data Store Entity and returns the resulting DataSubset. See the [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.queries.doc.guidance) for guidance about when to use different querying methods. systemrules.buttonwidgetsubmit.description=WARNING\: This function is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. Instead, use a\!buttonWidget() with the submit attribute set to true. Displays a button that submits a form. Buttons must be placed inside a button layout. systemrules.sidebysideitem.description=Displays one item within a side by side layout. systemrules.shpinvoke.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.facetoption.parameter.id=Integer identifier of the filter option. This must be unique across all other filter options within the same user filter. systemrules.listviewitem.parameter.timestamp=A Date and Time associated with this item, such as a create or modify time. systemrules.barcodefield.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the field when the value is not null. systemrules.richtextitem_18r1.description=This is an older version of the a\!richTextItem function. You can continue to use this version of the function by its new name\: a\!richTextItem_18r1. The new version of a\!richTextItem has new functionality. Displays styled text within a rich text component. systemrules.barchartfield.parameter.colorscheme=Determines which color scheme to use in the chart. Use one of the following valid values\: \u201CCLASSIC\u201D (default), \u201CMIDNIGHT\u201D, \u201COCEAN\u201D, \u201CMOSS\u201D, \u201CBERRY\u201D, \u201CPARACHUTE\u201D, \u201CRAINFOREST\u201D, \u201CSUNSET\u201D or define a custom color scheme using a\!colorSchemeCustom. See the [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.charts.param.colorScheme) for guidance on how to use color schemes. systemrules.dynretrieve.parameter.parameters=The entity to retrieve, given as a dictionary with fields for EntityName, Id (GUID), and ColumnSet. systemrules.createfolder.parameter.parentfolder=If not null, the new folder will be created in this Folder. systemrules.userrecordfacets.description=[Deprecated] This function has been deprecated. Use the new a\!userRecordFilterList function instead. Defines the user filters for the User record type. systemrules.dropdownfieldbyindex_20r2.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the field when the value is not null. systemrules.barcodefield.parameter.placeholder=Text to display in the field when it is empty. Does not show if the field is read only. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldtreenode.parameter.details=Text to display below the node description. systemrules.fileuploadfield_17r1.parameter.documentname=Determines the name for the document. When not provided, the uploaded filename is used. systemrules.modifyusersecurity.parameter.viewers=List of users or groups that will have viewer privileges on the user. systemrules.floatingpointdisplayfield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.barchartfield.parameter.yaxistitle=Title for the dependent (horizontal) axis. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytoexcel.parameter.documentname=The name of the new document that is to be created by this smart service. systemrules.shpcopydocumentfromappian.parameter.appiandocument=The Appian document to copy to SharePoint. systemrules.sapbapiparameters.parameter.connectionproperties=The connection properties to use when creating the connection to the SAP instance, given as a dictionary. The dictionary fields are the camel-cased names of the properties with \u2019.\u2019s removed, and the values are the properties values to use. systemrules.sfcdescribesobjects.parameter.endpoint=The Salesforce endpoint URL to use for authentication. systemrules.sidebysidelayout.parameter.stackwhen=Determines the page width at which side by side items stack vertically. List all widths where items should stack. Valid values\: \u201CPHONE\u201D, \u201CTABLET_PORTRAIT\u201D, \u201CTABLET_LANDSCAPE\u201D, \u201CDESKTOP_NARROW\u201D, \u201CDESKTOP\u201D, \u201CDESKTOP_WIDE\u201D, \u201CNEVER\u201D (default). Review [UX best practices](links.docs.systemrules.shared.responsive.doc) for responsive design. systemrules.milestonefield.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.billboardlayout.description=Displays a background color, image, or video with optional overlay content. See the [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.billboardlayout.doc) for guidance on choosing the best background image for your interface. systemrules.pickerfieldfolders.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.sblupdatefieldvalue.parameter.fieldvalues=The field values of the new record to update, given as a dictionary with the field names based on the fields of the Business Object and values set to the desired new field values. systemrules.modifyfoldersecurity.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.barcodefield.description=Displays and allows entry of a barcode using a barcode scanner or manually. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.barcodefield.doc) for more details. systemrules.dyndisassociate.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.sectionlayout_17r1.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display above the section. systemrules.folderbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.readonly=Determines whether selection is enabled. Default\: false. systemrules.recordgridfield.parameter.initialsorts=Sorts applied to the grid upon initial load only. The first sort in this list will be displayed to the user as an arrow in the header of the corresponding grid column (if applicable). systemrules.deletegroup.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.facet.parameter.isvisible=Determines whether the filter is visible to the user at runtime. Default is true. systemrules.pickerfieldusersandgroups.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.deleteknowledgecenter.description=Deletes a knowledge center. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.radiobuttonfield.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.httpqueryparameter.description=Creates an HTTP query parameter object which can be passed to an HTTP function. systemrules.pickerfieldfolders.parameter.folderfilter=When present, only folders that are inside this folder and its subfolders are suggested. systemrules.recordgridfield.parameter.spacing=Determines the spacing within grid cells. Valid values\: \u201CSTANDARD\u201D (default), \u201CDENSE\u201D. systemrules.richtextbulletedlist.parameter.items=Array of text to display as a bulleted list. Text can be further formatted using a\!richTextItem() or a\!richTextHeader(). Nested lists can be created using a\!richTextListItem(). systemrules.radiobuttonfieldbyindex.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.userandgroupbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.selectionvalue=This user or group is displayed as selected when it is present in the navigation path array. systemrules.recordfilterdaterange_20r2.parameter.defaultto=Determines the default end date, if any, for the date range filter. systemrules.sapinvoke.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.dropdownfieldbyindex.description=Displays a list of choices for the user to select one item and saves the index of the selected choice. systemrules.radiobuttonfield.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.addadminstogroup.parameter.newadministrators=The users that will be added as administrators. systemrules.dropdownfield_20r2.description=This is an older version of the a\!dropdownField function. You can continue to use this version of the function by its new name\: a\!dropdownField_20r2. The new version of a\!dropdownField has new functionality which allows users to search the list of choices. To upgrade to the new version, simply remove \u201C_20r2\u201D from the name and rename the parameter \u201CplaceholderLabel\u201D to \u201Cplaceholder\u201D. Displays a list of choices for the user to select one item and saves a value based on the selected choice. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.dropdownfield.doc) for more details. systemrules.httpauthenticationbasic.parameter.username=The username to use during the authentication. Created with a\!scsField(). systemrules.webcontentfield_deprecated.parameter.alttext=Equivalent alternate text provided to assistive technology. systemrules.pickerfieldcustom.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.sectionlayout.description=Displays any arrangement of layouts and components beneath a section title on an interface. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.sectionlayout.doc) for more details. systemrules.externallinkfield.description=WARNING\: This function is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. Instead, use a\!linkField(). systemrules.linechartfield.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.addadminstogroup.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service executed successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.certifiedsailextension.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.queryaggregation.parameter.aggregationcolumns=Array of Aggregation Columns indicating which fields to group or aggregate, created with a\!queryAggregationColumn. systemrules.linechartfield_19r1.parameter.showtooltips=Determines if a tooltip displays the data value for each data point. Default\: true. systemrules.recordfilterdaterange_20r2.parameter.field=Name of the field the date range filter will filter against. systemrules.pickerfieldcustom.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the array of selected identifiers when the user adds or removes an item. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.linechartconfig.parameter.primarygrouping=Defines the field labels to display on the axis in the chart, configured using a\!grouping(). systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytocsv.parameter.csvdelimiter=(Optional) The field delimiter used to separate fields in the CSV file. Valid values are\: \u201CTAB\u201D, \u201CCOMMA\u201D, \u201CSEMICOLON\u201D, \u201CSPACE\u201D, \u201CPIPE\u201D, \u201CCARET\u201D. Default\: \u201CCOMMA\u201D. systemrules.sapinvokewithcommit.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). Result details are available in the function variable fv\!result. systemrules.textfield.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.columnchartfield.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.paymentinfofield.parameter.value=Holds the payment information collected from the payment card. systemrules.progressbarfield.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.webcontentfield.description=Displays content inline from an external source. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.webcontentfield.doc) for more details. systemrules.exportprocessreporttoexcel.parameter.documenttoupdate=The existing document to update with the exported data. This can be useful when using the smart service multiple times in the same process model. Appian supports Excel 2007 and above. Macros or existing formatting are not supported. Note\: A new version of this document will be created. systemrules.sapinvoke.parameter.hostname=The hostname of the SAP server. systemrules.checkboxfieldbyindex.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.radiobuttonfield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytoexcel_18r2.parameter.customcellvalues=(Optional) Array of values to be added on the specified custom cell position. systemrules.pickerfielddocumentsandfolders.parameter.maxselections=Maximum number of allowed selections. Once this number is reached, further selections are blocked until a selection is removed. systemrules.entitydata.parameter.entity=This field holds a single Data Store Entity value in which the data to be updated is stored. It is required for the data type. systemrules.queryaggregation.description=Creates an Aggregation configuration for use with a\!query(). systemrules.pickerfieldusersandgroups.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the array of selected users or groups when the user selects or removes a user or group. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.modifyfoldersecurity.parameter.folder=The folder you want to set security for. systemrules.startprocesslink.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the link is displayed in the component. When set to false, the link is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.cardlayout.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the layout is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the layout is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.signaturefield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.pickerfieldgroups.parameter.readonly=Determines if the field should display as not editable. Default\: false. systemrules.signaturefield.parameter.requiredmessage=Custom message to display when the field\u2019s value is required and not provided. systemrules.certifiedsailextension.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.columnoverlay.parameter.position=Determines where the column overlay appears. Valid values\: \u201CSTART\u201D (default), \u201CCENTER\u201D, \u201CEND\u201D. systemrules.sblupdatefieldvalue.parameter.hostname=The hostname of the Siebel server. systemrules.sfcinsert.parameter.endpoint=The Salesforce endpoint URL to use for authentication. systemrules.recordnewsfield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.lockdocument.description=Locks a document. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.datetimefield.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.sapinvokewriter.parameter.hostname=The hostname of the SAP server. systemrules.multipledropdownfield.parameter.choicevalues=Array of values associated with the available choices. systemrules.stampfield.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.columnchartfield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.recordfilterlist.parameter.isvisible=Determines whether the filter is visible to the user at runtime. Default is true. systemrules.cmigetobjectidbypath.parameter.path=The CMIS path of the object. The meaning of the path is defined by the CMIS server (e.g., /folder1/folder2/mydocument3). systemrules.dynretrieve.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.gaugeicon.description=Displays an icon for use within the gauge field primary text parameter. systemrules.sidebysidelayout.parameter.label=Text to display as the layout label. systemrules.linechartfield.parameter.height=Determines the chart height. Valid values\: \u201CMICRO\u201D, \u201CSHORT\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM\u201D (default), \u201CTALL\u201D. See the [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.charts.param.height) for guidance on using the MICRO size. systemrules.paymentinfofield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.timedisplayfield.parameter.value=The time to display. systemrules.richtextdisplayfield.parameter.align=Determines alignment of the text value. Valid values\: \u201CLEFT\u201D, \u201CCENTER\u201D, \u201CRIGHT\u201D. Does not apply to lists. systemrules.pickerfieldcustom.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.buttonlayout.parameter.primarybuttons=Array of prominent buttons created with a\!buttonWidget(). systemrules.creategroup.parameter.membershippolicy=How will users become members of this group? Valid values\: \u201CCLOSED\u201D (default), \u201CEXCLUSIVE\u201D, \u201CAUTOMATIC\u201D. systemrules.folderbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.selectionvalue=The folder to show as selected. systemrules.sapinvoke.description=Invokes an SAP BAPI function. This function should be used for reads only. Use a\!sapInvokeWithCommit to write to SAP. systemrules.groupbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.selectionsaveinto=Variable or list of variables to update upon selection of a group. systemrules.sfcsearch.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.dropdownfieldbyindex_20r2.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.editfolderproperties.parameter.name=The new name of the folder. systemrules.pickerfieldgroups.parameter.disabled=Determines if the field should display as potentially editable but grayed out. Default\: false. systemrules.updateuserprofile.parameter.homephone=The new home phone number of the user. systemrules.wsconfig.parameter.port=The port name within the given service to invoke, as defined in the element. systemrules.submitlink.description=Defines a link to trigger form submission. Links can be used in charts, grid columns, images, link fields, milestones, pickers, and rich text. systemrules.pickerfieldusersandgroups.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.sfcquery.description=[Deprecated - use the Salesforce Connected System instead] Runs a SOQL query against Salesforce. systemrules.createfolder.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). The created folder is available in the function variable fv\!folder. systemrules.pickerfieldrecords.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.documentandfolderbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.navigationvalue=The folder that has been navigated to whose contents are displayed in the rightmost column. systemrules.editgroup.parameter.securitytype=Who should have access to this group? Valid values\: \u201CPUBLIC\u201D (default), \u201CPERSONAL\u201D, \u201CRESTRICTED\u201D. systemrules.documentandfolderbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.readonly=Determines whether selection is enabled. Default\: false. systemrules.removegroupmembers.description=Removes members from a group. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.recordfilterdaterange.parameter.name=Name of the date range user filter. systemrules.columnslayout.description=Displays any number of columns alongside each other. On narrow screens and mobile devices, columns are stacked. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.columnslayout.doc) for more details. systemrules.buttonwidgetsubmit.parameter.validationgroup=Components in the same validation group are validated when the button is used and \u201Cvalidate\u201D is true. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.cmicopydocumenttoappianfolder.parameter.repositoryid=The repository id on the CMIS target system. systemrules.pickerfieldgroups.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.chartreferenceline.parameter.style=Style of the reference line. Valid values are\: \u201CSOLID\u201D, \u201CDOT\u201D, \u201CDASH\u201D (default), \u201CDASHDOT\u201D, \u201CSHORTDASH\u201D. systemrules.gaugeicon.parameter.color=Determines the icon color. Access the percentage using fv\!percentage. Valid values\: Any valid hex color or \u201CACCENT\u201D, \u201CPOSITIVE\u201D, \u201CNEGATIVE\u201D, \u201CWARN\u201D. Defaults to the gauge field color. systemrules.fileuploadfield_17r1.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the document when the user uploads a file. Removing an uploaded file saves a null document. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.recordfilterlistoption.description=Creates a filter option to be used in a list user filter. systemrules.milestonefield.parameter.links=Array of links to apply to the steps. Create links with a\!documentDownloadLink(), a\!dynamicLink(), a\!newsEntryLink(), a\!processTaskLink(), a\!recordLink(), a\!reportLink(), a\!safeLink(), a\!startProcessLink(), a\!submitLink(), a\!userRecordLink(), or a\!authorizationLink(). systemrules.fileuploadfield.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the field when the value is not null. Access the names, sizes, and extensions of the uploaded files using the variables fv\!files.name, fv\!files.size, and fv\!files.extension. systemrules.createfolder.description=Creates a new folder. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.timedisplayfield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.paragraphfield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.documentbrowserfieldcolumns_17r3.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.writetomultipledatastoreentities.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service executed successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). The stored values are available in the function variable fv\!storedValues. systemrules.pickerfieldrecords.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.shpcopydocumentfromappian.parameter.port=The port the SharePoint server is listening on. systemrules.columnchartfield.parameter.config=Configures how to display data on the chart, including fields used for calculations and grouping, using a\!columnChartConfig(). Only applies when using a record type as a source in the data parameter. See the [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.chartconfig.doc) for more details on how to configure a chart with a record type as the source. systemrules.pickerfieldfolders.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.dropdownfieldbyindex_20r2.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.pickerfielddocumentsandfolders.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the field when the value is not null. systemrules.updateuserprofile.parameter.email=The new email address of the user. systemrules.fileuploadfield.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.linechartfield_19r1.description=This is an older version of the a\!lineChartField() function. You can continue to use this version of the function by its new name\: a\!lineChartField_19r1(). The new version of a\!lineChartField() has new functionality. Displays a series of numerical data as points connected by lines. Use a line chart to visualize trends of data that changes over time. systemrules.richtextlistitem.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the list item is displayed in the component. When set to false, the list item is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.radiobuttonfield.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.barchartfield.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.pickerfielddocumentsandfolders.parameter.placeholder=Text to display in the field when it is empty. Does not show if the field is read only. systemrules.gaugefield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.recordnewsfield.parameter.identifier=Unique identifier for the record, either the primary key (entity-backed), the process ID (process-backed), or the ID in the DataSubset\u2019s \u201Cidentifiers\u201D field (service-backed). systemrules.sectionlayoutcolumns.parameter.columns=Array of columns to display in the section, created with a\!columnLayout(). systemrules.createuser.parameter.sendaccountcreationemail=If true (default), an email with a temporary password will be sent to the new user. systemrules.sapinvoke.parameter.connectionproperties=The connection properties to use when creating the connection to the SAP instance, given as a dictionary. The dictionary fields are the camel-cased names of the properties with \u2019.\u2019s removed, and the values are the properties values to use. systemrules.richtextheader.description=Displays a header within a rich text component. systemrules.dynretrievemultiple.parameter.parameters=The query, given as a dictionary with a field named FetchExpression that has a value in the Dynamics FetchXML format. systemrules.submitlink.parameter.cancelbuttonlabel=Text to display on the cancel button. systemrules.multipledropdownfieldbyindex_20r2.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.buttonwidgetsubmit.parameter.confirmbuttonlabel=Text to display on the confirmation button. systemrules.dropdownfield_20r2.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.createuser.parameter.firstname=The first name of the new user. systemrules.barchartfield.parameter.showdatalabels=Determines if data values are displayed next to each bar. Default\: false. systemrules.cmicopydocumenttoappianfolder.description=Copies a CMIS document from the target system to an Appian folder, creating a new document. This function returns a writer and must be used with the bind() function. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytocsv.description=Exports the selected data store entity to CSV. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.sapbapiparameters.description=Lists the parameters required to call the given SAP BAPI. systemrules.sbldelete.parameter.hostname=The hostname of the Siebel server. systemrules.groupbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.queryentity.parameter.query=The query to execute, created using a\!query(). systemrules.userandgroupbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.pathsaveinto=Variable or list of variables to update when a user clicks on a user or group. systemrules.httpauthenticationbasic.description=Creates an object that contains the information required to perform HTTP Basic authentication. systemrules.reportlink.description=Defines a link to a report. Links can be used in charts, grids, hierarchy browsers, images, link fields, milestones, pickers, and rich text. systemrules.linechartfield_19r1.parameter.referencelines=Array of reference line values for each threshold to be defined on the chart. Configured using a\!chartReferenceLine(). systemrules.billboardlayout.parameter.overlay=Determines the overlay. Configure using a\!columnOverlay, a\!barOverlay, or a\!fullOverlay. systemrules.gridfield.parameter.showexportbutton=Determines if grid data can be exported. This parameter only applies when a record type is used as the source in the data parameter. Default\: false. systemrules.datasubset.description=Creates a value of type DataSubset for service-backed records and custom pickers, leaving the data as provided. To apply sorting or paging, use todatasubset(). systemrules.radiobuttonfield.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.dynassociate.description=[Deprecated - use the Dynamics Connected System instead] Creates a relationship between two or more entities in Dynamics. This function returns a writer and must be used with the bind() function. systemrules.buttonwidgetsubmit.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the button value when the user presses it. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.gridfield.parameter.height=Determines height of the grid. Valid values\: \u201CSHORT\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM\u201D, \u201CTALL\u201D, \u201CAUTO\u201D (default). When it is set to SHORT, MEDIUM, or TALL, the header is frozen. systemrules.togglewidget.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the text when the user selects a button. systemrules.cmigetobjectidbypath.parameter.repositoryid=The repository id on the CMIS target system. systemrules.cmicopydocumenttoappianfolder.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.datasubset.parameter.totalcount=Number of rows of data across all pages. systemrules.gaugefield.parameter.primarytext=Content to display on the first line inside the gauge. Create using plain text, a\!gaugeIcon(), a\!gaugePercentage(), or a\!gaugeFraction(). systemrules.pickerfieldfolders.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.integerfield.description=Displays and allows entry of a single integer number. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.integerfield.doc) for more details. systemrules.fileuploadfield_17r1.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.editdocumentproperties.parameter.description=The new description of the document. systemrules.httpresponse_17r4.parameter.body=The body of the response. systemrules.webcontentfield_deprecated.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.linechartfield.parameter.yaxismin=Determines the minimum displayed point on the vertical axis. systemrules.pickerfieldrecords.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the array of selected records when the user selects or removes a record. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.updateuserprofile.parameter.zipcode=The new zip code of the user. systemrules.stampfield.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D. systemrules.multipledropdownfield.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.richtextnumberedlist.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the list is displayed in the component. When set to false, the list is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.sblquery.parameter.appmanager=The active application manager of the target system. systemrules.updateusertype.description=Changes the type of a user. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.colorschemecustom.description=A custom list of colors to apply to the chart. systemrules.querycolumn.parameter.visible=Determines if the column is retrieved or is only available for sorting. Default\: true. systemrules.datetimedisplayfield.parameter.value=Date and time to display in the field. systemrules.pickerfieldfolders.parameter.placeholder=Text to display in the field when it is empty. Does not show if the field is read only. systemrules.pickerfieldrecords_20r2.parameter.disabled=Determines if the field should display as potentially editable but grayed out. Default\: false. systemrules.dropdownfield_20r2.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.radiobuttonfield.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the field when the value is not null. systemrules.updateusertype.parameter.user=The user to change the type of. systemrules.fileuploadfield_17r1.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.barcodefield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.cmigetfolderchildren.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.pickerfieldrecords.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the field when the value is not null. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldcolumnsnode.parameter.nextcolumncount=Optional count of nodes that would be displayed in the next column were this node in the navigation path. This value is displayed on mobile only. systemrules.pickerfielddocuments.parameter.maxselections=Maximum number of allowed selections. Once this number is reached, further selections are blocked until a selection is removed. systemrules.externalimagefield.description=WARNING\: This function is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. Instead, use a\!imageField(). systemrules.linkfield.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytocsv.parameter.selection=(Optional) A list of fields that you wish to retrieve, created with a\!querySelection(). systemrules.pickerfieldrecords.parameter.placeholder=Text to display in the field when it is empty. Does not show if the field is read only. systemrules.dropdownfield_20r2.parameter.value=Value of the choice to display as selected. systemrules.billboardlayout.parameter.backgroundmedia=Determines the background content. Takes priority over background color. Configure using a\!documentImage, a\!userImage, a\!webImage, or a\!webVideo. systemrules.sidebysidelayout.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the layout is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the layout is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.querycolumn.parameter.alias=The short name by which the resulting value can be referenced. systemrules.gridlayoutcolumnconfig.parameter.weight=Determines how wide distributed columns are in relation to each other. Valid values\: integers from 1 (default) to 10. systemrules.deletefromdatastoreentities.parameter.deletioncomment=Additional info to capture in the audit logs, for example, if the node is run as an administrator, indicate the user who requested the deletion. systemrules.queryentity.parameter.entity=The Data Store Entity to query. systemrules.buttonwidgetsubmit.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the button is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the button is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.buttonwidgetsubmit.parameter.skipvalidation=Determines if validation is skipped. Default\: false. systemrules.chartseries.parameter.label=Name to display in the legend. systemrules.documentandfolderbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.rootfolder=The contents of the specified folder or knowledge center are displayed in the first column of the browser. systemrules.httpqueryparameter.parameter.name=The query parameter name. systemrules.pickerfieldcustom.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the field when the value is not null. systemrules.pickerfieldusersandgroups.parameter.groupfilter=When present, only users or groups which are members of this group are suggested. systemrules.sectionlayout_17r1.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.pickerfieldrecords_20r2.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.paymentinfofield.parameter.disabled=Determines if the field should display as potentially editable but disabled. Default\: false. systemrules.shpcopydocumenttoappian.parameter.appianfolder=The Appian folder to which the document from SharePoint will be copied. systemrules.pickerfieldgroups.parameter.groupfilter=When present, only groups which are members of this group are suggested. systemrules.imagefield.parameter.images=Array of images to display, created with a\!webImage(), a\!userImage(), or a\!documentImage(). systemrules.datefield.parameter.requiredmessage=Custom message to display when the field\u2019s value is required and not provided. systemrules.piechartfield.parameter.config=Configures how to display data on the chart, including fields used for calculations and grouping, using a\!pieChartConfig(). Only applies when using a record type as a source in the data parameter. See the [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.chartconfig.doc) for more details on how to configure a chart with a record type as the source. systemrules.pickerfieldcustom.parameter.placeholder=Text to display in the field when it is empty. Does not show if the field is read only. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytoexcel_18r2.parameter.documentname=The name of the new document that is to be created by this smart service. systemrules.pickerfieldgroups.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.submitlink.parameter.confirmmessage=Text to display in a confirmation dialog box. systemrules.listviewitem.description=Creates a List View Item for use with record type definitions. systemrules.multipledropdownfield_20r2.parameter.value=Values of choices to display as selected. systemrules.queryfilter.parameter.value=The value to compare to the given field using the given operator. Can be entered as an expression. Optional if the operator value is \u201Cis null\u201D or \u201Cnot null\u201D. Filter is ignored if value is empty or null and operator is neither \u201Cis null\u201D or \u201Cnot null\u201D. systemrules.datetimedisplayfield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.videofield.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.listviewitem.parameter.image=An image associated with the item, either an image document to display or a user whose avatar should be shown. systemrules.groupbrowserfieldcolumns.description=Displays group membership structure in columns. Users can navigate through the structure and select a single group. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.groupbrowserfieldcolumns.doc) for more details. systemrules.shpinvokewriter.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.sfcdelete.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytoexcel_18r2.description=Exports the selected data store entity to Excel. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.certifiedsailextension.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.textfield.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the field when the value is not null. systemrules.barcodefield.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the text when the user changes it. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.boxlayout.parameter.label=Text to display as the box\u2019s title. systemrules.sidebysidelayout.parameter.alignvertical=Determines vertical alignment of all content within the layout. Valid values are \u201CTOP\u201D (default), \u201CMIDDLE\u201D, and \u201CBOTTOM\u201D. systemrules.linechartfield.parameter.categories=Text, Date, or Date and Time array to display on the x-axis below each data point. If you are using an array of Date or Date and Time, make sure the data is sorted prior to using it as a category. systemrules.facetoption.parameter.datacount=Number of items associated with the filter. systemrules.externalimagefield.parameter.source=Source of the image to display. systemrules.externallinkfield.parameter.links=Array of links to display in the field. systemrules.startprocess.parameter.processmodel=The process model to start asynchronously. systemrules.sapinvoke.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.gridfield.parameter.actionsdisplay=Determines which details are shown for record actions, regardless of style. Valid values\: \u201CLABEL_AND_ICON\u201D (default), \u201CLABEL\u201D, \u201CICON\u201D. systemrules.buttonlayout.parameter.secondarybuttons=Array of less prominent buttons created with a\!buttonWidget(). systemrules.iconnewsevent.parameter.icon=Icon to display. See the [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.iconnewsevent.parameter.icon.doc) for available icons. Valid values\: \u201CADD_PERSON\u201D, \u201CAIRPLANE\u201D, \u201CARCHIVE\u201D, \u201CATTACHMENT\u201D, \u201CBANK\u201D, \u201CBAR_CHART\u201D, \u201CBARCODE\u201D, \u201CBOOK\u201D, \u201CBRIEFCASE\u201D, \u201CBUILDING\u201D, \u201CCALENDAR\u201D, \u201CCAR\u201D, \u201CCHEVRONS\u201D, \u201CCLIPBOARD\u201D, \u201CCLOCK\u201D, \u201CCLOUDY\u201D, \u201CCOMPOSE\u201D, \u201CCONVERSATION\u201D, \u201CCREDIT_CARD\u201D, \u201CCROSSOVER\u201D, \u201CCURRENCY_DOLLAR\u201D, \u201CCURRENCY_EURO\u201D, \u201CCURRENCY_POUND\u201D, \u201CCURRENCY_YEN\u201D, \u201CDELETE\u201D, \u201CDISCS\u201D, \u201CDOCUMENT\u201D, \u201CDOWNLOAD\u201D, \u201CENVELOPE\u201D, \u201CEXIT\u201D, \u201CEYE\u201D, \u201CFACTORY\u201D, \u201CFILE_CABINET\u201D, \u201CFILE_DOC\u201D, \u201CFILE_DOCX\u201D, \u201CFILE_PDF\u201D, \u201CFILE_PPT\u201D, \u201CFILE_PPTX\u201D, \u201CFILE_XLS\u201D, \u201CFILE_XLSX\u201D, \u201CFOLDER\u201D, \u201CFOUNTAIN_PEN\u201D, \u201CGEAR\u201D, \u201CGEARS\u201D, \u201CGLOBE\u201D, \u201CHAMMER\u201D, \u201CHANDSHAKE\u201D, \u201CHOME\u201D, \u201CHOURGLASS\u201D, \u201CID_CARD\u201D, \u201CKEY\u201D, \u201CLIFE_PRESERVER\u201D, \u201CLIGHT_GLOW\u201D, \u201CLIGHTNING\u201D, \u201CLINE_CHART\u201D, \u201CLINE_CHART_UP\u201D, \u201CLIST\u201D, \u201CMAGNIFY\u201D, \u201CMEDAL\u201D, \u201CMICROPHONE\u201D, \u201CMUSIC_NOTE\u201D, \u201CPADLOCK\u201D, \u201CPAINT_ROLLER\u201D, \u201CPAPER_AIRPLANE\u201D, \u201CPARTLY_CLOUDY\u201D, \u201CPAUSE\u201D, \u201CPEN\u201D, \u201CPENCIL\u201D, \u201CPEOPLE_2\u201D, \u201CPEOPLE_3\u201D, \u201CPEOPLE_4\u201D, \u201CPERSON\u201D, \u201CPERSON_INFO\u201D, \u201CPIE_CHART\u201D, \u201CPIGGY\u201D, \u201CPLAY\u201D, \u201CPLUS\u201D, \u201CPRESENTATION\u201D, \u201CPROCESS\u201D, \u201CQUESTION_BOX\u201D, \u201CQUESTION_BUBBLE\u201D, \u201CQUESTION_CIRCLE\u201D, \u201CREFRESH\u201D, \u201CREMOVE_PERSON\u201D, \u201CREPLY\u201D, \u201CREPLY_ALL\u201D, \u201CRETURN\u201D, \u201CRIBBON\u201D, \u201CROAD_SIGN_CURVES\u201D, \u201CROAD_SIGN_TURN\u201D, \u201CROCKET\u201D, \u201CSCALE\u201D, \u201CSHARE\u201D, \u201CSHOPPING_CART\u201D, \u201CSIGN_POST\u201D, \u201CSIGNATURE\u201D, \u201CSMART_PHONE\u201D, \u201CSPEECH_BUBBLE\u201D, \u201CSPEECH_BUBBLE_DOTS\u201D, \u201CSPINNER\u201D, \u201CSTEPS\u201D, \u201CSTOP\u201D, \u201CSTORMY\u201D, \u201CSUITCASE\u201D, \u201CSUN\u201D, \u201CTABLE\u201D, \u201CTARGET\u201D, \u201CTASK\u201D, \u201CTASK_BIG\u201D, \u201CTASK_PROBLEM\u201D, \u201CTHUMBS_DOWN\u201D, \u201CTHUMBS_UP\u201D, \u201CTRAFFIC_CONE\u201D, \u201CTROPHY\u201D, \u201CUMBRELLA\u201D, \u201CVIDEO\u201D, \u201CWARNING\u201D, \u201CWHEELCHAIR\u201D, \u201CWRENCH\u201D, \u201CZOOM_IN\u201D, \u201CZOOM_OUT\u201D. systemrules.sfcdescribesobjects.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.submitlink.parameter.value=Value to be saved when the link is clicked. systemrules.checkboxfieldbyindex.parameter.align=Determines alignment of choice labels. Appian recommends this setting only be used inside the Grid Layout component. Valid values\: \u201CLEFT\u201D, \u201CCENTER\u201D, \u201CRIGHT\u201D. systemrules.textfield.parameter.placeholder=Text to display in the field when it is empty. Does not show if the field is read only. systemrules.webimage.description=Displays an image from the web for use in an image field, rich text, hierarchy tree browser, billboard, or image column in a grid. systemrules.dropdownfield_20r2.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.piechartfield.parameter.colorscheme=Determines which color scheme to use in the chart. Use one of the following valid values\: \u201CCLASSIC\u201D (default), \u201CMIDNIGHT\u201D, \u201COCEAN\u201D, \u201CMOSS\u201D, \u201CBERRY\u201D, \u201CPARACHUTE\u201D, \u201CRAINFOREST\u201D, \u201CSUNSET\u201D or define a custom color scheme using a\!colorSchemeCustom. See the [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.charts.param.colorScheme) for guidance on how to use color schemes. systemrules.recordactionitem.parameter.action=A record action reference associated with a record type, configured using the recordType\! domain. For example, recordType\!Case.actions.editCase. This action will use the display name, process model, icon, context, and visibility set in the record type object. systemrules.exportprocessreporttocsv.parameter.report=The process report to query. systemrules.wsconfig.description=Creates a web service configuration for use with webservicequery(). systemrules.queryselection.description=Creates a Query Selection configuration for use with a\!query(). systemrules.gridlayout.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.gridlayoutheadercell.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the header cell is displayed in the grid. When set to false, the header cell is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.richtextnumberedlist.parameter.items=Array of text to display as a numbered list. Text can be further formatted using a\!richTextItem() or a\!richTextHeader(). Nested lists can be created using a\!richTextListItem(). systemrules.datefield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.formlayoutcolumns.parameter.label=Text to display as the form\u2019s title. systemrules.formlayout_17r1.parameter.firstcolumncontents=Array of components to display in the first column. systemrules.gridfield_19r1.parameter.emptygridmessage=Text to display in the grid when no data is available. Default is \u201CNo items available\u201D. systemrules.gridfield_19r1.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the paging or grid selection configuration when the user pages, sorts, or changes the grid\u2019s selections. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.wshttpheaderfield.parameter.name=The name of the header. systemrules.cmicreatefolder.parameter.atompuburl=The Atom Pub URL of the CMIS target system. systemrules.editgroup.parameter.parent=The group\u2019s parent. You must be an administrator of the selected parent group. systemrules.fileuploadfield.description=This component requires Appian for Mobile Devices version 17.2 or later. Allows users to upload one or more files. File upload is only supported on start forms and task forms. Uploaded documents are not accessible until after form submission. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.fileuploadfield.doc) for more details. systemrules.imagefield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.encryptedtextfield.parameter.disabled=Determines if the field should display as potentially editable but grayed out. Default\: false. systemrules.milestonefield.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.textfield.parameter.align=Determines alignment of the text value. Appian recommends this setting only be used inside the Grid Layout component. Valid values\: \u201CLEFT\u201D, \u201CCENTER\u201D, \u201CRIGHT\u201D. systemrules.modifyfoldersecurity.parameter.readers=The new users and groups to have reader access to the folder. systemrules.multipledropdownfield_20r2.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.multipledropdownfieldbyindex_20r2.parameter.requiredmessage=Custom message to display when the field\u2019s value is required and not provided. systemrules.pickerfieldfolders.parameter.disabled=Determines if the field should display as potentially editable but grayed out. Default\: false. systemrules.barchartfield.parameter.categories=Text to display on the x-axis next to each bar. systemrules.multipledropdownfield.parameter.value=Values of choices to display as selected. systemrules.columnoverlay.parameter.style=Determines the overlay style. Valid values\: \u201CDARK\u201D (default), \u201CSEMI_DARK\u201D, \u201CNONE\u201D, \u201CSEMI_LIGHT\u201D, \u201CLIGHT\u201D. systemrules.encryptedtextfield.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.integerfield.parameter.align=Determines alignment of number value. Appian recommends this setting only be used inside the Grid Layout component. Valid values\: \u201CLEFT\u201D, \u201CCENTER\u201D, \u201CRIGHT\u201D. systemrules.editgroup.parameter.delegatedcreation=Should administrators of this group be permitted to create additional groups as children? Default\: false. systemrules.dyncreate.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.barchartfield.parameter.stacking=Determines if series values display as separate bars or stacked within one bar. Valid values\: \u201CNONE\u201D (default), \u201CNORMAL\u201D, \u201CPERCENT_TO_TOTAL\u201D. systemrules.pickerfielddocumentsandfolders.parameter.folderfilter=When present, only documents and folders that are inside this folder and its subfolders are suggested. systemrules.exportprocessreporttocsv.parameter.includeheader=(Optional) Outputs the field\u2019s label in the first row of the document if set to true. Default\: true systemrules.radiobuttonfieldbyindex.description=Displays a limited set of choices from which the user must select one item and saves the index of the selected choice. systemrules.linechartfield.parameter.yaxismax=Determines the maximum displayed point on the vertical axis. systemrules.userandgroupbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.documentbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.buttonwidget.parameter.confirmbuttonlabel=Text to display on the confirmation button. systemrules.gridfield_19r1.parameter.shadealternaterows=Determines whether alternate rows are shaded. Default\: true. systemrules.submitlink.parameter.label=Text associated with this link. systemrules.dashboardlayout_17r1.parameter.firstcolumncontents=Array of components to display in the first column. systemrules.documentviewerfield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.barcodefield.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.encryptedtextfield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.newsentrylink.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the link is displayed in the component. When set to false, the link is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.textfield.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.sectionlayout.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display above the section. systemrules.deletefolder.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.columnchartconfig.parameter.measures=Defines the numerical calculations for data in the chart, configured using a\!measure(). If no measure is provided, a count of records shows as the measurement in the chart. systemrules.linechartfield_19r1.parameter.yaxistitle=Title for the dependent (vertical) axis. systemrules.gridtextcolumn.parameter.links=Array of links to apply to the data. Create links with a\!documentDownloadLink(), a\!dynamicLink(), a\!newsEntryLink(), a\!processTaskLink(), a\!recordLink(), a\!reportLink(), a\!safeLink(), a\!startProcessLink(), a\!submitLink(), a\!userRecordLink(), or a\!authorizationLink(). systemrules.query.parameter.selection=Array of fields to retrieve created with a\!querySelection(). systemrules.datasubset.parameter.batchsize=Number of items to return. It must be -1 (indicating all items) or greater. systemrules.userrecordlink.parameter.user=The User whose record will be linked. systemrules.formlayout_17r1.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.deletedocument.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.gridlayoutcolumnconfig.parameter.width=Determines the column width. Valid values\: \u201CDISTRIBUTE\u201D (default), \u201CNARROW\u201D, \u201CICON\u201D. systemrules.sectionlayout_17r1.parameter.iscollapsible=Determines if an expand/collapse control appears in the section label. Default is false. systemrules.multipledropdownfield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.gridfield_19r1.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.webimage.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the image is displayed in the component. When set to false, the image is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.gridlayout.parameter.selectionrequired=Determines if a selection is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.sblquery.parameter.language=The target system language. systemrules.userimage.parameter.caption=Text to display in mouseovers. systemrules.gridfield.parameter.refreshonreferencedvarchange=When true, the value of this local variable will be refreshed each time the value of any variable it references within the value parameter is updated. To refresh the local variable when another variable that is not used within value changes, use refreshOnVarChange. Default\: true. systemrules.userrecordidentifier.description=Creates Record Identifiers for User records for use with Post Event smart services. systemrules.dyndelete.parameter.parameters=The entity to delete, given as a dictionary with fields for EntityName and Id (GUID). systemrules.dashboardlayout_17r1.description=WARNING\: This function is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. Instead, use another layout or a list of components. systemrules.createcustomgroup.parameter.parent=The group\u2019s parent. You must be an administrator of the selected parent group. systemrules.checkboxfieldbyindex.parameter.requiredmessage=Custom message to display when the field\u2019s value is required and not provided. systemrules.userimage.parameter.alttext=Equivalent alternate text used when accessibility issues prevent the image from displaying. systemrules.sblinvokewriter.parameter.hostname=The hostname of the Siebel server. systemrules.linechartfield.parameter.series=Array of data series created with a\!chartSeries(). systemrules.fulloverlay.parameter.contents=The interface to display in the overlay. Accepts layouts and display components. Supported layouts and components\: Box, Button, Card, Columns, Image, Link, Milestone, Progress Bar, Record Action Field, Rich Text, Section, Side By Side. systemrules.documentbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.navigationvalue=The folder that has been navigated to whose contents are displayed in the rightmost column. systemrules.webcontentfield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.webimage.parameter.caption=Text to display in mouseovers and slideshows. systemrules.tagitem.parameter.text=Text to display within the tag. The tag displays a maximum of 40 characters. systemrules.recordlink.parameter.recordtype=Record type of the linked record view. systemrules.entitydataidentifiers.description=Creates a EntityDataIdentifiers configuration for use with a\!deleteFromDataStoreEntities(). systemrules.documentbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.navigationsaveinto=Variable or list of variables to update when the navigation folder changes. systemrules.multipledropdownfieldbyindex.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytocsv.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). The document ID of the created/updated document is returned in the fv\!newDocument function variable. systemrules.createuser.parameter.lastname=The last name of the new user. systemrules.stampfield.parameter.icon=Icon to display inside the stamp. See the [documentation for available icons](links.docs.systemrules.styledIcon.doc). systemrules.gridfield_19r1.parameter.height=Determines the height of the grid. Valid values\: \u201CSHORT\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM\u201D, \u201CTALL\u201D, \u201CAUTO\u201D (default). When set to SHORT, MEDIUM, or TALL, the header is frozen. systemrules.sapinvokewithcommit.parameter.tableparameters=The table parameters to send to the BAPI function, given as a dictionary. systemrules.buttonwidgetsubmit.parameter.size=Determines the size of the button. Valid values\: \u201CSMALL\u201D, \u201CSTANDARD\u201D (default), \u201CLARGE\u201D. systemrules.webimage.parameter.alttext=Equivalent alternate text used when accessibility issues prevent the image from displaying. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldtree.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.richtextitem.description=Displays styled text within a rich text component. systemrules.dropdownfield_20r2.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.multipledropdownfieldbyindex.parameter.searchdisplay=Determines when a search box displays above the options. Valid values\: \u201CAUTO\u201D (default), \u201CON\u201D, \u201COFF\u201D. When set to \u201CAUTO\u201D, the search box displays if there are more than 11 options. systemrules.certifiedsailextension.parameter.height=Determines the layout height. Valid values\: \u201CSHORT\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM\u201D, \u201CTALL\u201D, \u201CAUTO\u201D (default). systemrules.formlayout_17r1.parameter.skipautofocus=Determines whether the first input will receive focus when a form loads. Default is false. systemrules.sapinvokewithcommit.parameter.connectionproperties=The connection properties to use when creating the connection to the SAP instance, given as a dictionary. The dictionary fields are the camel-cased names of the properties with \u2019.\u2019s removed, and the values are the properties values to use. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.sfcinsert.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.exportprocessreporttocsv.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). The document ID of the created/updated document is returned in the fv\!newDocument function variable. systemrules.richtextitem_18r1.parameter.linkstyle=Determines how the link renders. Valid values\: \u201CINLINE\u201D (default), \u201CSTANDALONE\u201D. systemrules.dropdownfieldbyindex_20r2.parameter.requiredmessage=Custom message to display when the field\u2019s value is required and not provided. systemrules.tagitem.description=Displays a short text label with colored background for use with a\!tagField. systemrules.applycomponents.parameter.array=Array of items to pass as parameters to the function. Use merge() to pass multiple arrays. systemrules.tagfield.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.orgchartfield.parameter.showallancestors=Determines if all ancestors above the user are displayed. Default is false, which displays only the user\u2019s supervisor. systemrules.updateuserprofile.parameter.supervisor=The new supervisor of the user. systemrules.boxlayout.parameter.marginbelow=Determines how much space is added below the layout. Valid values\: \u201CNONE\u201D (default), \u201CSTANDARD\u201D. systemrules.gridfield.parameter.showsearchbox=Determines if the record search box should be shown. This parameter only applies when a record type is used as the source in the data parameter. Default\: true. systemrules.paginginfo.parameter.sort=Array of Sort Info configurations created with a\!sortInfo(). systemrules.linechartfield_19r1.parameter.connectnulls=Determines whether to connect a graph line across null points, or render a gap between the two points on either side of the null. Default\: false. function.documentation_appian_internal.listOfUnnamedType=List of [Unnamed Type] systemrules.formlayoutcolumns.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the form. systemrules.wsconfig.parameter.service=Service name to invoke, as defined in the WSDL\u2019s element. systemrules.pickerfieldusers.parameter.readonly=Determines if the field should display as not editable. Default\: false. systemrules.datetimefield.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the date and time when the user changes it. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.datefield.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.editdocumentproperties.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.httpquery.description=[Deprecated - use an Integration instead] Makes an HTTP request. systemrules.multipledropdownfieldbyindex_20r2.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.pickerfieldusersandgroups.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.sblinvoke.parameter.appmanager=The active application manager of the target system. systemrules.shpcopydocumentfromappian.description=[Deprecated - use the SharePoint Connected System instead] Copies a document from Appian to SharePoint. This function returns a writer and must be used with the bind() function. systemrules.recordactionfield.parameter.align=Determines alignment of the actions. Valid values\: \u201CSTART\u201D, \u201CCENTER\u201D, \u201CEND\u201D. systemrules.checkboxfieldbyindex.parameter.disabled=Determines if the field should display as potentially editable but grayed out. Default\: false. systemrules.datetimefield.parameter.requiredmessage=Custom message to display when the field\u2019s value is required and not provided. systemrules.httpauthenticationbasic.parameter.preemptive=Determines whether or not authentication credentials are sent only after a 401 Not Authorized response or, when true, before the system has challenged. Default\: false. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldtreenode.parameter.id=Required unique identifier of the node. This value only needs to be unique within the node\u2019s level. systemrules.folderbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.pathvalue=As the user clicks through the browser, clicked nodes become highlighted. These clicked nodes\u2019 values are in the pathValue. They should be stored in a variable, for example local\!path. The clicked node\u2019s value is used to determine the next column, generated by nextColumnValues. systemrules.torecordidentifier.description=Creates Record Identifiers for use with Post Event smart services. systemrules.sblcreate.parameter.port=The port the Siebel server is listening on. systemrules.fromjson_19r2.parameter.jsontext=The text to convert from a JSON string to an Appian value. systemrules.sfcquery.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.cmicopydocumentfromappian.parameter.properties=The CMIS document properties, given as a dictionary. The string \u201Ccmis\:\u201D will automatically be included in the key name if no colon is present in key name. Example\: {name\:\u201Ctest name\u201D, description\:\u201Ctest description\u201D}. systemrules.userandgroupbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.orgchartfield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.sblupdatefieldvalue.description=Set the field values of a record in Siebel. This function returns a writer and must be used with the bind() function. systemrules.httpquery.parameter.method=The http method with which to call the url. Available options are \u201CGET\u201D (default), \u201CHEAD\u201D, \u201COPTIONS\u201D, and \u201CTRACE\u201D. systemrules.wsconfig.parameter.operation=The operation on the web service to invoke, as defined in the element. systemrules.textfield.parameter.masked=Determines if the value is obscured from view. Default\: false. systemrules.modifyusersecurity.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.pickerfielddocumentsandfolders.description=Displays an autocompleting input for the selection of one or more documents or folders. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.pickerfielddocumentsandfolders.doc) for more details. systemrules.boxlayout.parameter.iscollapsible=Determines if an expand/collapse control appears in the box header. Default\: false. systemrules.setgroupattributes.parameter.group=The group whose attributes will be set. systemrules.gaugefraction.parameter.denominator=Value to display as the bottom portion of the fraction. Value cannot be negative. Default\: 100. Numerator is calculated automatically based on denominator and fill percentage. systemrules.createknowledgecenter.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). The created Knowledge Center is available in the function variable fv\!knowledgecenter. systemrules.columnchartfield.parameter.showlegend=Determines if a color legend displays below the chart. Default\: true. systemrules.pickerfieldusers.parameter.disabled=Determines if the field should display as potentially editable but grayed out. Default\: false. systemrules.pickerfieldrecords.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.fileuploadfield.parameter.disabled=Determines if the field should display as potentially editable but grayed out. When files are present in this state, they may not be deleted. Default\: false. systemrules.richtextitem.parameter.color=Determines the text color. Valid values\: Any valid hex color or \u201CSTANDARD\u201D (default), \u201CACCENT\u201D, \u201CPOSITIVE\u201D, \u201CNEGATIVE\u201D, \u201CSECONDARY\u201D. systemrules.paragraphfield.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.createknowledgecenter.parameter.name=The name of the new Knowledge Center. systemrules.richtextdisplayfield.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.datetimefield.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.chartreferenceline.parameter.value=The numeric value at which the reference line will be drawn. systemrules.timedisplayfield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.barchartfield.parameter.xaxistitle=Title for the independent (vertical) axis. systemrules.multipledropdownfieldbyindex.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.buttonwidget.parameter.style=Determines the intent of the button. Valid values\: \u201CNORMAL\u201D (default), \u201CPRIMARY\u201D, \u201CSECONDARY\u201D, \u201CDESTRUCTIVE\u201D, and \u201CLINK\u201D. systemrules.httpquery.parameter.basicauthenticationcredentials=The credentials for the request. Built with a\!httpAuthenticationBasic(). systemrules.cancelprocess_17r3.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.linechartconfig.description=Contains configuration for how to display data in a line chart. systemrules.gridfield_19r1.parameter.columns=Array of Grid Columns to display. Columns can be created with a\!gridTextColumn() or a\!gridImageColumn(). systemrules.columnoverlay.description=Displays a vertical overlay for use in billboard layout. systemrules.entitydataidentifiers.parameter.identifiers=This field holds multiple Any Type values for the primary key values of the data to be deleted. systemrules.piechartfield.parameter.style=Determines if the chart displays as a full pie or as a donut. Valid values\: \u201CPIE\u201D (default), \u201CDONUT\u201D. systemrules.multipledropdownfieldbyindex_20r2.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the choice indexes when the user changes the selections. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.dynretrieve.parameter.endpoint=The Dynamics organization endpoint URL. systemrules.pickerfielddocuments.parameter.readonly=Determines if the field should display as not editable. Default\: false. systemrules.sectionlayout_17r1.description=This is an older version of the a\!sectionLayout function. You can continue to use this version of the function by its new name\: a\!sectionLayout_17r1. The new version of a\!sectionLayout has new functionality. Displays one or two columns of related components beneath a section title on an interface. systemrules.pickerfielddocumentsandfolders.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.richtextlistitem.parameter.nestedlist=A bulleted or numbered list to nest within the rich text list item. systemrules.linechartfield_19r1.parameter.showlegend=Determines if a color legend displays below the chart. Default\: true. systemrules.signaturefield.parameter.target=Determines the eventual location of the saved signature file. systemrules.integerfield.parameter.requiredmessage=Custom message to display when the field\u2019s value is required and not provided. systemrules.userimage.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the image is displayed in the component. When set to false, the image is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.sblquery.parameter.hostname=The hostname of the Siebel server. systemrules.buttonwidget.parameter.tooltip=Text to display on mouseover (web) or long press (mobile). systemrules.paymentinfofield.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.barcodefield.parameter.value=Text to display in the field. systemrules.pickerfieldcustom.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.gridimagecolumn_17r3.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the column is displayed in the grid. When set to false, the column is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.userbrowserfieldcolumns.description=Displays group membership structure in columns. Users can navigate through the structure and select a single user. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.userbrowserfieldcolumns.doc) for more details. systemrules.documentviewerfield.parameter.document=The document to display. systemrules.dropdownfield_20r2.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.paragraphfield.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the text when the user changes it. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.integerfield.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.sendpushnotification.parameter.recipients=Recipients of the push notification. If a user is included multiple times, they receive a single notification. systemrules.cmidelete.parameter.repositoryid=The repository id on the CMIS target system. systemrules.floatingpointdisplayfield.parameter.value=Number to display in the field. systemrules.recordfilterlistoption.parameter.datacount=Number of items associated with the filter. systemrules.chartreferenceline.parameter.label=Text to display on top of the reference line. systemrules.richtexticon.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the icon is displayed in the component. When set to false, the icon is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldtree.description=Displays hierarchical data in the form of drillable tree. See the [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldtree.doc) for a detailed explanation of how the hierarchy browser works and how to configure it. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.height=Determines the height of the component.Valid values\: \u201CSHORT\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM\u201D (default), \u201CTALL\u201D. systemrules.recordfilterlist.parameter.name=Name of the user filter. systemrules.queryaggregationcolumnes.parameter.visible=Determines if the column is retrieved or is only available for sorting. Default\: true. (this behavior is undefined and not guaranteed). systemrules.gridlayout.parameter.selectable=Determines if the selection column is displayed. Default\: false. systemrules.userbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.pathsaveinto=Variable or list of variables to update when a user clicks on a user or group. systemrules.dropdownfield_20r2.parameter.choicevalues=Array of values associated with the available choices. systemrules.documentandfolderbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.sapinvokewithcommit.parameter.bapi=The name of the SAP BAPI to for which the parameters will be listed. systemrules.recordfilterdaterange.parameter.field=The record field for the filter. systemrules.exportprocessreporttoexcel.parameter.startingcell=(Optional) The cell where the output will begin. Default\: \u201CA1\u201D. Any data in rows above this cell will remain in the sheet; any data in the same row or below will be removed and overwritten. systemrules.radiobuttonfield.parameter.value=Value of choice to display as selected. systemrules.pickerfielddocuments.parameter.disabled=Determines if the field should display as potentially editable but grayed out. Default\: false. systemrules.sbldelete.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.sfcsearch.description=[Deprecated - use the Salesforce Connected System instead] Runs a SOSL query against Salesforce. systemrules.datefield.parameter.disabled=Determines if the field should display as potentially editable but grayed out. Default\: false. systemrules.fulloverlay.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the overlay is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the overlay is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.barcodefield.parameter.masked=Determines if the value is obscured from view. Default\: false. systemrules.formlayoutcolumns.description=This function has been deprecated. Use a\!formLayout instead. See the documentation for a\!formLayout to learn about this function. Displays up to two columns of components beneath a title and above buttons. Use this as the top-level layout of start and task forms when you are defining columns using a rule that is may be used in other layouts or if you are displaying empty columns. systemrules.exportprocessreporttoexcel.parameter.customcellpositions=(Optional) Array of cell positions where custom cell values should be added. systemrules.pickerfieldusers.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the field when the value is not null. systemrules.updateusertype.parameter.newusertype=The new type for the user. Valid values\: \u201CADMINISTRATOR\u201D (default), \u201CBASIC\u201D. systemrules.deletedocument.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.multipledropdownfieldbyindex_20r2.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.cmicopydocumentfromappian.description=Copies an Appian document to a folder in the CMIS target system. This function returns a writer and must be used with the bind() function. systemrules.userandgroupbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.barcodefield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.sortinfo.description=Creates a Sort Info configuration for use with read-only grids, charts, a\!pagingInfo(), and a\!dataSubset(). systemrules.exportprocessreporttoexcel.description=Exports data from a process report to Excel. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.sapinvokewriter.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.linechartfield.parameter.yaxisstyle=Determines how to display the labels, axis separators, and grid lines for the Y-Axis. Valid values\: \u201CSTANDARD\u201D (default), \u201CMINIMAL\u201D, \u201CNONE\u201D. systemrules.httpresponse_17r4.parameter.headers=A list of headers for the response. Built with a\!httpHeader(). systemrules.movedocument.parameter.destination=The new parent folder for the selected document. systemrules.columnchartfield.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.sfcdescribesobjects.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.radiobuttonfieldbyindex.parameter.choicelayout=Determines the layout. Valid values\: \u201CSTACKED\u201D (default), \u201CCOMPACT\u201D. systemrules.httpresponse.parameter.headers=A list of headers for the response. Built with a\!httpHeader(). Header values set using a\!scsField() will be ignored. systemrules.floatingpointdisplayfield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.pickerfieldcustom.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.authorizationlink.parameter.connectedsystem=Connected system used to generate the authorization link. Provide the connected system value returned by an integration when the response indicates that the user needs to authorize. systemrules.webcontentfield.parameter.disabled=Determines if the user is prevented from interacting with the web content. Default\: false. systemrules.tagfield.parameter.align=Determines alignment of the tags. Valid values\: \u201CSTART\u201D (default), \u201CCENTER\u201D, \u201CEND\u201D. systemrules.httpwrite.description=[Deprecated - use an Integration instead] Makes an HTTP request. This function returns a writer and must be used with the bind() function. systemrules.editknowledgecenterproperties.parameter.name=The new name of the knowledge center. systemrules.paragraphfield.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.chartseries.description=Defines a series of data for a bar, column, line, or pie chart. systemrules.datefield.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.modifyknowledgecentersecurity.parameter.knowledgecenter=The knowledge center you want to set security for. systemrules.orgchartfield.description=Displays the organizational structure of users within Appian based on the users\u2019 Supervisor field values. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.orgchartfield.doc) for more details. systemrules.sapinvoke.parameter.bapi=The name of the SAP BAPI function to invoke. systemrules.pickerfieldusers.parameter.value=Array of currently selected users. systemrules.multipledropdownfieldbyindex.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the choice indexes when the user changes the selections. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.startprocess.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). Information about the started process is available in the function variable fv\!processInfo. systemrules.radiobuttonfield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.formlayoutcolumns.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this form. systemrules.processtasklink.description=Defines a link to a process task. Links can be used in charts, grids, hierarchy browsers, images, link fields, milestones, pickers, and rich text. systemrules.boxlayout.parameter.isinitiallycollapsed=Determines if the box is collapsed when the interface first loads. Default\: false. systemrules.checkboxfield.parameter.value=Values of choices to display as selected. systemrules.signaturefield.parameter.readonly=Determines if the field should display as not editable. Default\: false. systemrules.sblupdatefieldvalue.parameter.language=The target system language. systemrules.barchartfield.parameter.yaxisstyle=Determines how to display the labels, axis separators, and grid lines for the Y-Axis. Valid values\: \u201CSTANDARD\u201D (default), \u201CMINIMAL\u201D, \u201CNONE\u201D. systemrules.userandgroupbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.pathvalue=The path from the first column to the current navigation. systemrules.editdocumentproperties.parameter.name=The new name of the document. systemrules.sapinvokewithcommit.parameter.hostname=The hostname of the SAP server. systemrules.shpinvoke.description=[Deprecated - use the SharePoint Connected System instead] Invokes a SharePoint REST API endpoint. This function should be used for reads only. Use a\!shpInvokeWriter() to write to SharePoint. systemrules.wsconfig.parameter.wsdlcredentials=Credentials with which to access the web service\u2019s WSDL, created with a\!wsHttpCredentials(). systemrules.richtextdisplayfield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.pickerfielddocumentsandfolders.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the array of selected documents and folders when the user selects or removes a document or folder. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.encryptedtextfield.parameter.refreshafter=Determines when the saveInto expression is evaluated. Valid values\: \u201CUNFOCUS\u201D (default), \u201CKEYPRESS\u201D. systemrules.timedisplayfield.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.dropdownfieldbyindex.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.cmicopydocumentfromappian.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.progressbarfield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.togglewidget.parameter.value=The value for the selected button. systemrules.sapbapiparameters.parameter.bapi=The name of the SAP BAPI to for which the parameters will be listed. systemrules.sectionlayout_17r1.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the layout is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the layout is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.shpinvokewriter.parameter.port=The port the SharePoint server is listening on. systemrules.deletefolder.parameter.deletesubfolders=Delete subfolders? Default\: false. systemrules.columnchartfield.parameter.colorscheme=Determines which color scheme to use in the chart. Use one of the following valid values\: \u201CCLASSIC\u201D (default), \u201CMIDNIGHT\u201D, \u201COCEAN\u201D, \u201CMOSS\u201D, \u201CBERRY\u201D, \u201CPARACHUTE\u201D, \u201CRAINFOREST\u201D, \u201CSUNSET\u201D or define a custom color scheme using a\!colorSchemeCustom. See the [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.charts.param.colorScheme) for guidance on how to use color schemes. systemrules.createcustomgroup.parameter.description=The description of the group. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldtreenode.parameter.image=Required image to display in the node, created with a\!documentImage(), a\!userImage(), or a\!webImage(). systemrules.gridfield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this grid. systemrules.folderbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.navigationvalue=The folder that has been navigated to whose contents are displayed in the rightmost column. systemrules.webcontentfield_deprecated.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.pickerfielddocumentsandfolders.parameter.disabled=Determines if the field should display as potentially editable but grayed out. Default\: false. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldcolumns.description=Displays hierarchical data in the form of drillable columns. See the [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.hierarchyBrowserFieldColumns.doc) for a detailed explanation of how the hierarchy browser works and how to configure it. systemrules.formlayout_17r1.parameter.label=Text to display as the form\u2019s title. systemrules.lockdocument.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.exportprocessreporttocsv.parameter.saveinfolder=The folder where the newly created document is to be stored. Applicable and required when creating a new document. systemrules.sblinvokewriter.description=Invokes a method in the Siebel Business Service. This function returns a writer and must be used with the bind() function. systemrules.exportprocessreporttocsv.parameter.documentname=The name of the new document that is to be created by this smart service. systemrules.httpauthenticationbasic.parameter.password=The password to use during the authentication. Created with a\!scsField(). systemrules.pickerfieldusers.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.recordactionfield.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component, along with any record action items, is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.creategroup.parameter.securitytype=Who should have access to this group? Valid values\: \u201CPUBLIC\u201D (default), \u201CPERSONAL\u201D, \u201CRESTRICTED\u201D. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.updateusertype.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.checkboxfield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.encryptedtextfield.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.userimage.parameter.user=The user whose profile photo will be shown. systemrules.renameusers.parameter.oldusernames=The current username of the user. systemrules.deletefromdatastoreentities.parameter.datatodelete=A list of EntityDataIdentifiers that identify the items to delete. systemrules.multipledropdownfieldbyindex.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.paragraphfield.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.datefield.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the field when the value is not null. systemrules.gaugefield.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.writetodatastoreentity.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). The stored values are available in the function variable fv\!storedValues. systemrules.checkboxfieldbyindex.description=Displays a limited set of choices from which the user may select none, one, or many items and saves the indices of the selected choices. systemrules.shpcopydocumenttoappian.parameter.timeout=The amount of time to wait for a response from SharePoint, in milliseconds. systemrules.pickerfieldcustom.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.recordfilterchoices.description=Used to configure user filter choices for expression-backed records. systemrules.sfcupdate.description=[Deprecated - use the Salesforce Connected System instead] Updates existing objects in Salesforce. This function returns a writer and must be used with the bind() function. systemrules.shpinvokewriter.parameter.timeout=The amount of time to wait for a response from SharePoint, in milliseconds. systemrules.cmicopydocumenttoappian.parameter.atompuburl=The Atom Pub URL of the CMIS target system. systemrules.sblquery.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytoexcel.parameter.saveinfolder=The folder where the newly created document is to be stored. Applicable and required when creating a new document. systemrules.submitlink.parameter.confirmbuttonstyle=Determines the intent of the button. Valid values\: \u201CPRIMARY\u201D, \u201CDESTRUCTIVE\u201D. systemrules.linechartfield_19r1.parameter.categories=Text to display on the x-axis below each data point. systemrules.recordgridfield.parameter.emptygridmessage=Text to display in the grid when no data is available. Default is \u201CNo items available\u201D. systemrules.pickerfielddocumentsandfolders.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.checkboxfield.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.reportlink.parameter.label=Text associated with this link. systemrules.certifiedsailextension.parameter.showborder=Determines whether the field has an outer border. Default\: false. systemrules.imagefield_17r3.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.gridfield.parameter.rowheader=Index of the column to be used as the row header. Screen readers will announce the value in each row header when navigating to other cells within that row. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.cmicopydocumenttoappianfolder.parameter.atompuburl=The Atom Pub URL of the CMIS target system. systemrules.piechartfield.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.editgroup.parameter.description=A new description for the group. systemrules.processtasklink.parameter.task=Process task to view when the link is clicked. systemrules.gridimagecolumn.parameter.field=Name of the data field associated with the column for use in sorting. systemrules.shpcopydocumenttoappian.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.gridfield.parameter.emptygridmessage=Text to display in the grid when no data is available. Default is \u201CNo items available\u201D. systemrules.dynupdate.parameter.endpoint=The Dynamics organization endpoint URL. systemrules.dropdownfield.parameter.value=Value of the choice to display as selected. systemrules.datefield.parameter.value=Date to display in the field. systemrules.tojson.parameter.value=The value to convert into a JSON string. systemrules.gridfield_19r1.parameter.spacing=Determines the spacing within grid cells. Valid values\: \u201CSTANDARD\u201D (web default), \u201CDENSE\u201D (mobile default). systemrules.gridcolumn.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the column is displayed in the grid. When set to false, the column is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytoexcel_18r2.parameter.aggregation=(Optional) A list of fields and the operations you wish to perform on them when retrieving the data, created with a\!queryAggregation(). systemrules.recordlink.parameter.dashboard=URL stub of the destination record view. Default\: \u201Csummary\u201D. systemrules.sectionlayout_17r1.parameter.label=Text to display as the section\u2019s title. systemrules.shpcopydocumentfromappian.parameter.path=The path portion of the REST API URL that represents the location in SharePoint to which the document will be copied. systemrules.dropdownfieldbyindex.parameter.choicelabels=Array of options for the user to select. systemrules.addmemberstogroup.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.sfcdelete.parameter.ids=The ids of the objects to delete. systemrules.queryaggregationcolumn.parameter.alias=(Optional) The short name by which the result of the AggregationColumn value can be referenced in other places of the Query value. Values are case-sensitive. systemrules.linkfield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.floatingpointdisplayfield.description=WARNING\: This function is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. Instead, use a\!floatingPointField() with the readOnly attribute set to true. systemrules.deactivateuser.parameter.user=The user to deactivate. systemrules.pickerfieldgroups.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.gridfield.parameter.initialsorts=Sorts applied to the grid upon initial load only. The first sort in this list will be displayed to the user as an arrow in the header of the corresponding grid column (if applicable). systemrules.ispagewidth.description=Returns true if the interface is being viewed on a page that falls within the specified width ranges. Returns false otherwise. This function checks the width of the content area on the page, which may not be the width of the entire window. systemrules.sbldelete.parameter.language=The target system language. systemrules.gridtextcolumn.description=NOTE\: This is a deprecated function for use in an older version of the a\!gridField() function. You can continue to use this function in the older version of the a\!gridField() function by its new name\: a\!gridField_19r1(). The new version of a\!gridField() uses a\!gridColumn() instead. systemrules.linechartfield_19r1.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.deactivateuser.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.httpformpart.parameter.value=The form part value. If the value is a document, it can be streamed by setting the contentType to \u201Cauto-detect\u201D. systemrules.dropdownfieldbyindex_20r2.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.groupbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.hideusers=Determines whether users will be displayed. Default\: false. systemrules.unlockdocument.description=Unlocks a document. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.exportprocessreporttoexcel.parameter.context=Contains an array of either Group, User, Number (Integer), or Process Model to pass to the report context. systemrules.sidebysidelayout.parameter.marginbelow=Determines how much space is added below the layout. Valid values\: \u201CNONE\u201D, \u201CSTANDARD\u201D (default). systemrules.floatingpointfield.parameter.readonly=Determines if the field should display as not editable. Default\: false. systemrules.documentviewerfield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.updateuserprofile.parameter.city=The new city of the user. systemrules.addmemberstogroup.description=Adds members to a group. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.pickerfieldgroups.description=Displays an autocompleting input for selecting one or more groups. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.pickerfieldgroups.doc) for more details. systemrules.tagfield.description=Displays a list of short text labels with colored background to highlight important attributes. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.tagfield.doc) for more details. systemrules.dropdownfield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.datefield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.recordfilterchoices.parameter.choicevalues=Array of values associated with the available choices. systemrules.createuser.parameter.nickname=The nickname of the new user. systemrules.multipledropdownfield.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.iconindicator.description=Returns a document image that corresponds to the given icon. systemrules.imagefield.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.queryrecordtype.parameter.paginginfo=The paging and sorting configurations to apply when retrieving the record data. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldtreenode.parameter.label=Required text to display as the title of the node. systemrules.linechartfield_19r1.parameter.allowdecimalaxislabels=Allows dependent (vertical) values to display as decimal numbers instead of integers. Default\: false. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytoexcel.description=Exports the selected data store entity to Excel. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.sapinvokewithcommit.parameter.clientnumber=The SAP client number used to access the system. systemrules.gridfield_19r1.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.sfcinsert.description=[Deprecated - use the Salesforce Connected System instead] Inserts new objects into Salesforce. This function returns a writer and must be used with the bind() function. systemrules.columnslayout.parameter.alignvertical=Determines vertical alignment of all column content with the layout. Valid values are \u201CTOP\u201D (default), \u201CMIDDLE\u201D, and \u201CBOTTOM\u201D. systemrules.userandgroupbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.readonly=Determines whether selection is enabled. Default\: false. systemrules.piechartconfig.parameter.sort=Field to sort by in the chart. To define a sort, use the alias or record field reference of any grouping or measure fields, and sort ascending or descending using a\!sortInfo(). systemrules.pickerfieldcustom.parameter.selectedtooltips=Array of text tooltips for the currently selected items. systemrules.testrunresultforid.parameter.testrunid=The test-run ID of the test-run you want to check on. systemrules.queryaggregationcolumnes.parameter.alias=The short name by which the resulting value can be referenced. Fields which are grouped by cannot have aliases. systemrules.pickerfieldusers.parameter.requiredmessage=Custom message to display when the field\u2019s value is required and not provided. systemrules.shpcopydocumentfromappian.parameter.subsitepath=(Optional) The path portion of the REST API URL that represents the SharePoint subsite. It must start with a forward slash (/). Leave blank if accessing the base site. systemrules.sectionlayoutcolumns.description=This function has been deprecated. Use a\!sectionLayout instead. See the documentation for a\!sectionLayout to learn about this function. Displays one or two columns of related components beneath a section title on an interface. Use this when you are defining columns using a rule that is may be used in other layouts or if you are displaying empty columns. systemrules.radiobuttonfield.parameter.choicevalues=Array of values associated with the available choices. systemrules.sapinvokewithcommit.parameter.committransaction=Flag indicating if a commit transaction should be automatically executed at the end. systemrules.dynassociate.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.pickerfielddocumentsandfolders.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.barchartfield.parameter.yaxismin=Determines the minimum displayed point on the horizontal axis. systemrules.grouping.parameter.formatvalue=Display value for the given grouping value. This parameter is evaluated once for each value returned. You can reference the unformatted result from the data source using fv\!value. (Note\: this display value does not affect the values used in calculations for the chart; it is only used for display). systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytoexcel.parameter.aggregation=(Optional) A list of fields and the operations to perform on them when retrieving the data, created with a\!queryAggregation(). The aggregation accepts up to 50 columns. systemrules.addmemberstogroup.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.sblupdatefieldvalue.parameter.appmanager=The active application manager of the target system. systemrules.formlayout.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.cmigetfolderchildren.parameter.repositoryid=The repository id on the CMIS target system. systemrules.recordfilterdaterange_20r2.description=This is an older version of the a\!recordFilterDateRange() function. You can continue to use this version of the function by its new name\: a\!recordFilterDateRange_20r2(). Use this version of the function when working with record types that have not yet been updated to use record type field references. Creates a value of type Facet used to define a date range user filter. systemrules.cmigetproperties.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.progressbarfield.parameter.showpercentage=Determines whether the progress bar displays the percentage. Default\: true. systemrules.columnchartfield.parameter.height=Determines the chart height. Valid values\: \u201CMICRO\u201D, \u201CSHORT\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM\u201D (default), \u201CTALL\u201D. See the [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.charts.param.height) for guidance on using the MICRO size. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytoexcel.parameter.includeheader=(Optional) Outputs the field name or its alias, if available, in the first row of the document if set to true. Default\: true systemrules.sendpushnotification.parameter.body=The message to display below the title, truncated starting at 140 characters on some devices. systemrules.pickerfieldgroups.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the array of selected groups when the user selects or removes a group. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.multipledropdownfield_20r2.parameter.requiredmessage=Custom message to display when the field\u2019s value is required and not provided. systemrules.grouping.description=Determines the groupings for fields on a chart. systemrules.exportprocessreporttocsv.parameter.context=Contains an array of either Group, User, Number (Integer), or Process Model to pass to the report context. systemrules.billboardlayout_19r1.parameter.backgroundcolor=Determines the background color. When background media is also specified, the background color shows while media is loading or when background image is transparent. Must be a valid hex code. Default is \#f0f0f0. systemrules.gridfield.parameter.openactionsin=Determines how record actions should open to the user. Valid values\: \u201CDIALOG\u201D (default), \u201CNEW_TAB\u201D, SAME_TAB. systemrules.pickerfieldrecords_20r2.parameter.maxselections=Maximum number of allowed selections. Once this number is reached, further selections are blocked until a selection is removed. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.nodeconfigs=Describe how to display a value as a node using a\!hierarchyBrowserFieldColumnsNode() and fv\!nodeValue. This rule or expression is evaluated for each value where fv\!nodeValue is any node value. systemrules.buttonwidgetsubmit.parameter.cancelbuttonlabel=Text to display on the cancel button. systemrules.pickerfielddocuments.description=Displays an autocompleting input for the selection of one or more documents. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.pickerfielddocuments.doc) for more details. systemrules.textfield.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.textfield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.barchartfield.parameter.series=Array of data series created with a\!chartSeries(). systemrules.modifyknowledgecentersecurity.parameter.administrators=The new users and groups to have administrator access to the knowledge center. systemrules.httpresponse_17r4.parameter.statuscode=The status code of the response. Default is \u201C200\u201D meaning successful completion of the request. systemrules.webcontentfield.parameter.showborder=Determines whether the field has an outer border. Default\: false. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.selectionsaveinto=Variable or list of variables to update when a user clicks on a selectable node, as determined by the node configurations. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.wsusernametokenscs.parameter.useperuser=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.piechartconfig.description=Contains configuration for how to display data in a pie chart. systemrules.chartreferenceline.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the reference line is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the reference line is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.querylogicalexpression.parameter.filters=Array of Query Filters to apply, created using a\!queryFilter(). systemrules.barchartconfig.parameter.datalimit=Maximum number of data points to display on the chart. Default\: 100. Valid values\: 1-5000. systemrules.cmicopydocumentfromappian.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.dynretrievemultiple.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.timedisplayfield.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.sblcreate.parameter.enterpriseapp=The enterprise application of the target system. systemrules.scsfield.parameter.fieldkey=The key for the field which stores the requested data. systemrules.httpquery.parameter.url=The URL for the request. systemrules.barchartfield.parameter.showtooltips=Determines if a tooltip displays the data value for a bar. Default\: true. systemrules.tagitem.parameter.textcolor=Determines the text color. Valid values\: Any valid hex color or \u201CSTANDARD\u201D (default). systemrules.measure.parameter.field=Reference to the record field to use in this calculation, configured using the recordType\! domain. For example, recordType\!Case.fields.caseId. systemrules.checkboxfield.parameter.choicelayout=Determines the layout. Valid values\: \u201CSTACKED\u201D (default), \u201CCOMPACT\u201D. systemrules.radiobuttonfieldbyindex.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.wshttpcredentials.parameter.domain=The domain against which to authenticate, if required by the authentication scheme. systemrules.multipledropdownfield.parameter.requiredmessage=Custom message to display when the field\u2019s value is required and not provided. systemrules.pickerfieldgroups.parameter.value=Array of currently selected groups. systemrules.recordfilterdaterange.parameter.defaultfrom=Determines the default start date, if any, for the date range filter. systemrules.linechartfield.parameter.data=Reference to the record type used for the source of this chart. Can accept a\!recordData or a Record Type Reference. systemrules.scsfield.description=Creates an object which contains the information required to access data in the Secure Credentials Store. systemrules.documentandfolderbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.buttonwidget.description=Displays a button that can conditionally be used to submit a form. Buttons must be placed inside a button layout. systemrules.signaturefield.parameter.buttonstyle=Determines the style of the signature button. Valid values\: \u201CPRIMARY\u201D, \u201CSECONDARY\u201D (default), \u201CSTANDARD\u201D, \u201CLINK\u201D. systemrules.columnslayout.parameter.stackwhen=Determines the page width at which column layouts stack vertically. List all widths where columns should stack. Valid values\: \u201CPHONE\u201D (default), \u201CTABLET_PORTRAIT\u201D, \u201CTABLET_LANDSCAPE\u201D, \u201CDESKTOP_NARROW\u201D, \u201CDESKTOP\u201D, \u201CDESKTOP_WIDE\u201D, \u201CNEVER\u201D. Review [UX best practices](links.docs.systemrules.shared.responsive.doc) for responsive design. systemrules.headercontentlayout.parameter.contents=Components and layouts to display in the body of the interface. systemrules.pickerfieldgroups.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.shpinvokewriter.parameter.httpmethod=The HTTP method to use when invoking the REST API. Valid values\: \u201CGET\u201D, \u201CPOST\u201D, \u201CPUT\u201D, \u201CDELETE\u201D, \u201CMERGE\u201D. systemrules.videofield.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.buttonarraylayout.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the layout is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the layout is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.richtextdisplayfield.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.exportprocessreporttoexcel.parameter.customcellvalues=(Optional) Array of values to be added on the specified custom cell position. systemrules.columnchartfield.parameter.allowdecimalaxislabels=Allows dependent (vertical) values to display as decimal numbers instead of integers. Default\: false. systemrules.completetask.parameter.taskinputs=A dictionary containing keys and values that corresponds to the task\u2019s inputs. systemrules.gridlayout.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.gridimagecolumn_17r3.parameter.field=Name of the data field associated with the column for use in sorting. systemrules.datetimefield.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.wsconfig.parameter.endpointcredentials=Credentials with which to invoke the web service, created with a\!wsHttpCredentials(). systemrules.cmigetfolderchildren.description=Retrieves the children of the given folder from the CMIS target system. systemrules.gridfield_19r1.parameter.selection=Determines if the selection column is displayed. Default\: false. systemrules.documentbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.gridfield.parameter.refreshalways=When true, the value of this local variable will be refreshed after each user interaction and each interval refresh. Because the variable is continually refreshed, you cannot update its value by saving into it. Default\: false. systemrules.deletefromdatastoreentities.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.sendpushnotification.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.buttonwidget.parameter.value=Value to be saved when the button is pressed. systemrules.query.parameter.aggregation=Aggregation configuration for data retrieval created with a\!queryAggregation(). systemrules.cmicopydocumentfromappian.parameter.appiandocument=The Appian document to copy to the target CMIS system. systemrules.barchartconfig.description=Contains configuration for how to display data in a bar chart. systemrules.buttonwidgetsubmit.parameter.confirmmessage=Text to display in a confirmation dialog box. systemrules.paymentinfofield.parameter.align=Determines alignment of the payment button. Valid values\: \u201CLEFT\u201D (default), \u201CCENTER\u201D, \u201CRIGHT\u201D. systemrules.validationmessage.parameter.validateafter=Determines when the validation message is displayed. Valid values\: \u201CREFRESH\u201D (default), \u201CSUBMIT\u201D. systemrules.stampfield.parameter.tooltip=Text to display on mouseover (web) or tap (mobile). systemrules.datefield.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.pickerfieldfolders.parameter.maxselections=Maximum number of allowed selections. Once this number is reached, further selections are blocked until a selection is removed. systemrules.deactivateuser.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.sectionlayout.parameter.divider=Determines where a divider appears within the section. Valid values\: \u201CNONE\u201D (default), \u201CABOVE\u201D, \u201CBELOW\u201D. systemrules.paragraphfield.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the field when the value is not null. systemrules.pickerfieldgroups.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytoexcel.parameter.sheetname=(Optional) The name of the sheet where data will be added as a result of executing this smart service. The following characters will be replaced with underscores\: [ ] / \\ ? * systemrules.creategroup.parameter.grouptype=The type of the group. systemrules.columnslayout.parameter.showdividers=Determines whether dividers appear between the columns. Default\: false. systemrules.richtexticon.description=Displays an icon for use in rich text. systemrules.integerfield.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.sapinvokewithcommit.parameter.importparameters=The import parameters to send to the BAPI function, given as a dictionary. systemrules.paragraphfield.parameter.placeholder=Text to display in the field when it is empty. Does not show if the field is read only. systemrules.gridfield_19r1.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.gaugefield.parameter.secondarytext=Optional text to display on the second line inside the gauge. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytoexcel_18r2.parameter.documentdescription=(Optional) A brief description of the document. systemrules.fromjson.parameter.jsontext=The text to convert from a JSON string to an Appian value. systemrules.piechartfield.parameter.height=Determines the chart height. Valid values\: \u201CSHORT\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM\u201D (default), \u201CTALL\u201D. systemrules.encryptedtextfield.parameter.value=Text to display in the text field. systemrules.columnslayout.parameter.marginbelow=Determines how much space is added below the layout. Valid values\: \u201CNONE\u201D, \u201CSTANDARD\u201D (default). systemrules.httpwrite.parameter.url=The URL for the request. systemrules.integerdisplayfield.parameter.value=Number to display in the field. systemrules.stampfield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.pickerfieldrecords_20r2.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the array of selected records when the user selects or removes a record. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.barchartfield.parameter.yaxismax=Determines the maximum displayed point on the horizontal axis. systemrules.fileuploadfield_17r1.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.wsusernametoken.parameter.password=The password used to authenticate. systemrules.gridfield.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. systemrules.pickerfielddocuments.parameter.value=Array of currently selected documents. systemrules.queryfilter.description=Creates a Query Filter configuration for use with a\!pickerFieldRecords, a\!query, a\!queryRecordType, a\!recordData, and a\!recordFilterListOption. systemrules.grouping.parameter.alias=The short name by which the result of the grouping field can be referenced in other places of the chart configuration. Values are case-sensitive. systemrules.startruletestsall.description=Executes all test cases configured for expression rules in the Appian system. systemrules.pickerfieldfolders.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the field when the value is not null. systemrules.documentandfolderbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.gridcolumn.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon in the column header with the specified text as a tooltip. systemrules.buttonwidget.parameter.label=Text to display on the button. systemrules.buttonlayout.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.documentbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.height=Determines the height of the component. Valid values\: \u201CSHORT\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM\u201D (default), \u201CTALL\u201D. systemrules.sblinvokewriter.parameter.language=The target system language. systemrules.piechartfield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.richtextlistitem.description=Displays a nested list within a bulleted or numbered list in a rich text component. systemrules.applycomponents.parameter.arrayvariable=An uninitialized load variable. This parameter is optional and only needed if additions or removals are being made to the \u201Carray\u201D parameter in a SAIL interface, in which case equivalent operations must be made to the array created in this variable by a\!applyComponents(). systemrules.gridfield.parameter.refreshafter=Refreshes the value of the local variable each time a specified event completes. Valid values\: \u201CRECORD_ACTION\u201D. systemrules.floatingpointfield.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.pickerfieldusers.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.paymentinfofield.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the Payment Info when the user changes it. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.writetodatastoreentity.description=Creates or updates data in a data store entity. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.piechartfield.parameter.showaspercentage=Determines if the data is shown as a percentage. Default\: false. systemrules.pickerfieldgroups.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the field when the value is not null. systemrules.recordgridfield.description=Displays a read-only grid with data from the record type. The grid can display data as read-only text, links, images, rich text, or other components supported in read-only grids. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.recordgridfield.doc) for more details. systemrules.encryptedtextfield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.sbldelete.parameter.parameters=The record to delete, given as a dictionary with the field structure of the Siebel Business Component and Business Object to delete. systemrules.integerdisplayfield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.documentdownloadlink.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the link is displayed in the component. When set to false, the link is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.pickerfieldgroups.parameter.placeholder=Text to display in the field when it is empty. Does not show if the field is read only. systemrules.recordfilterdaterange.parameter.isvisible=Determines whether the filter is visible to the user. Default is true. systemrules.linechartfield_19r1.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.recordactionfield.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldtree.parameter.pathsaveinto=Variable or list of variables to update when a user clicks on a drillable node, as determined by the node configurations. For example, local\!path. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.gridfield_19r1.description=This is an older version of the a\!gridField() function. You can continue to use this version of the function by its new name\: a\!gridField_19r1(). The new version of a\!gridField() has new functionality. Displays read-only text, links, and images in a grid that supports selecting, sorting, and paging. systemrules.sblquery.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.gaugefraction.description=Displays text in a fractional format for use within the gauge field primary text parameter. systemrules.pickerfielddocuments.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.pickerfielddocuments.parameter.requiredmessage=Custom message to display when the field\u2019s value is required and not provided. systemrules.userandgroupbrowserfieldcolumns.description=Displays group membership structure in columns. Users can navigate through the structure and select a single user or group. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.userandgroupbrowserfieldcolumns.doc) for more details. systemrules.pickerfielddocumentsandfolders.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.gridfield_19r1.parameter.identifiers=Array of Texts or Integers that uniquely identify rows for selection. systemrules.cmigetrepoinfo.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.sblcreate.parameter.parameters=The record to create, given as a dictionary with the field structure of the Siebel Business Component and Business Object to create. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytoexcel_18r2.parameter.saveinfolder=The folder where the newly created document is to be stored. Applicable and required when creating a new document. systemrules.richtextdisplayfield.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.webcontentfield_deprecated.parameter.source=Location of the external content. systemrules.tagitem.parameter.recordlink=Link to apply to the tag. Create a link with a\!recordLink() or a\!userRecordLink(). systemrules.stampfield.parameter.backgroundcolor=Determines the background color. Valid values\: Any valid hex color or \u201CACCENT\u201D (default), \u201CPOSITIVE\u201D, \u201CNEGATIVE\u201D, \u201CSECONDARY\u201D, \u201CTRANSPARENT\u201D. If \u201CTRANSPARENT\u201D is selected, the circle border will take on the content color and the circle fill will be transparent. systemrules.dropdownfield_20r2.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.cmigetrepoinfo.parameter.repositoryid=The repository id on the CMIS target system. systemrules.multipledropdownfield.description=Displays a list of choices for the user to select multiple items and saves values based on the selected choices. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.multipledropdownfield.doc) for more details. systemrules.dashboardlayoutcolumns.description=This function has been deprecated. Use a\!dashboardLayout instead. See the documentation for a\!dashboardLayout to learn about this function. Displays up to two columns of components. Use this as the top-level layout for record views and Tempo reports when you are defining columns using a rule that is may be used in other layouts or if you are displaying empty columns. systemrules.deletefromdatastoreentities.description=Deletes data from data store entities. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.documentimage.description=Displays an image from document management for use in an image field, rich text, hierarchy tree browser, billboard, or image column in a grid. systemrules.formlayout_17r1.description=This is an older version of the a\!formLayout function. You can continue to use this version of the function by its new name\: a\!formLayout_17r1. The new version of a\!formLayout has new functionality. Displays up to two columns of components beneath a title and above buttons. Use this as the top-level layout of start and task forms. systemrules.wsusernametoken.parameter.username=The username used to authenticate. systemrules.gridselection.description=NOTE\: This is a deprecated function for use in an older version of the a\!gridField() function. You can continue to use this function in the older version of the a\!gridField() function by its new name\: a\!gridField_19r1(). The new version of a\!gridField() has new paging and selection capabilities. systemrules.editknowledgecenterproperties.parameter.knowledgecenter=The knowledge center to modify. systemrules.userbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.entitydata.parameter.data=This field holds multiple Any Type values to store in the entity. systemrules.folderbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.encryptedtextfield.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the encrypted text when the user changes the field. systemrules.exportprocessreporttoexcel.parameter.documentdescription=(Optional) A brief description of the document. systemrules.fromjson_19r2.description=Converts a JSON string into an Appian value. systemrules.httpresponse.parameter.body=The body of the response. This value can be either text or a document. If a document is supplied, the document will be streamed as binary data to the caller, and default headers will be set. systemrules.gridlayout.parameter.height=Determines the height of the grid. Valid values\: \u201CSHORT\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM\u201D, \u201CTALL\u201D, \u201CAUTO\u201D (default). When set to SHORT, MEDIUM, or TALL, the header is frozen. systemrules.queryaggregationcolumn.parameter.groupingfunction=(Optional) A function that can be applied on the selected field. Valid values are YEAR and MONTH. This parameter can only be used with Date and Date and Time data types. Requires isGrouping to be true. systemrules.queryentity_18r3.parameter.query=The query to execute, created using a\!query(). systemrules.pickerfieldfolders.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the array of selected folders when the user selects or removes a folder. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.pickerfieldrecords.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.groupbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.queryaggregationcolumn.description=Creates an Aggregation Column configuration for use with a\!queryAggregation(). systemrules.linechartfield.description=Displays a series of numerical data as points connected by lines. Use a line chart to visualize trends of data that changes over time. If specific values are more important than the trend, consider using a column chart. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.linechartfield.doc) for more details. systemrules.modifyusersecurity.parameter.administrators=List of users or groups that will have administrative privileges on the user. systemrules.imagefield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.buttonwidget.parameter.size=Determines the size of the button. Valid values\: \u201CSMALL\u201D, \u201CSTANDARD\u201D (default), \u201CLARGE\u201D. systemrules.videofield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.updateuserprofile.parameter.state=The new state of the user. systemrules.httpresponse.parameter.statuscode=The status code of the response. Default is \u201C200\u201D meaning successful completion of the request. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldtree.parameter.nextlevelvalues=Given a node value, describe how to get the next level\u2019s values using the variable fv\!nodeValue. For example, rule\!CRM_getCustomerUsersBySupervisor(customer\: fv\!nodeValue, isActive\: true). This rule or expression is evaluated for each value in pathValue where fv\!nodeValue refers any value in pathValue. systemrules.sblinvokewriter.parameter.method=The name of the method to invoke. systemrules.cmigetproperties.parameter.objectid=The object id of the CMIS object whose properties will be retrieved. systemrules.testrunstatusforid.description=Provided a test-run ID, this function queries for the status of a rule test-run. systemrules.columnchartfield.parameter.yaxistitle=Title for the dependent (vertical) axis. systemrules.measure.parameter.function=Function to use with calculations on the field provided. Accepts \u201CCOUNT\u201D, \u201CSUM\u201D, \u201CMIN\u201D, \u201CMAX\u201D, AVG\u201C. systemrules.buttonlayout.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the layout is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the layout is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytocsv.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.dropdownfieldbyindex.parameter.disabled=Determines if the field should display as potentially editable but grayed out. Default\: false. systemrules.webcontentfield.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.sblinvoke.parameter.port=The port the Siebel server is listening on. systemrules.facet_17r1.parameter.options=Array of filter options created with a\!facetOption(). systemrules.movefolder.parameter.destinationfolder=The new parent folder for the selected folder. systemrules.safelink.parameter.label=Text associated with this link. systemrules.pickerfieldcustom.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.piechartfield.parameter.data=Reference to the record type used for the source of this chart. Can accept a\!recordData or a Record Type Reference. systemrules.buttonwidget.parameter.disabled=Determines if the user is prevented from pressing the button. Default\: false. systemrules.iconnewsevent.parameter.color=Color of icon to display. Valid values\: \u201CBLUE\u201D, \u201CGREEN\u201D, \u201CGREY\u201D, \u201CORANGE\u201D, \u201CPURPLE\u201D, \u201CRED\u201D. systemrules.startprocess.description=Asynchronously starts a process using the provided parameters. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. See the [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.startProcess.doc.guidance) for guidance about when to use different methods of starting a process from an interface. systemrules.richtextitem_18r1.parameter.text=Array of text to display as a rich text item. Text can be further formatted using a\!richTextItem(). systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytoexcel_18r2.parameter.selection=(Optional) A list of fields that you wish to retrieve, created with a\!querySelection(). systemrules.updateuserprofile.parameter.mobilephone=The new mobile phone number of the user. systemrules.sidebysidelayout.parameter.requiredmessage=Custom message to display when the layout\u2019s values are required and not provided. systemrules.headercontentlayout.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the layout is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the layout is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.multipledropdownfieldbyindex.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.linechartfield_19r1.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.pickerfieldusers.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.checkboxfield.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.documentandfolderbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.height=Determines the height of the component. Valid values\: \u201CSHORT\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM\u201D (default), \u201CTALL\u201D. systemrules.creategroup.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.formlayout.parameter.skipautofocus=Determines whether the first input will receive focus when a form loads. Default is false. systemrules.creategroup.parameter.name=The name of the group. systemrules.pickerfieldusersandgroups.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.textfield.parameter.readonly=Determines if the field should display as not editable. Default\: false. systemrules.radiobuttonfieldbyindex.parameter.choicelabels=Array of options for the user to select. systemrules.foreach.parameter.items=Array or DataSubset containing the items over which to iterate. systemrules.dyndelete.parameter.endpoint=The Dynamics organization endpoint URL. systemrules.baroverlay.parameter.contents=The interface to display in the overlay. Accepts layouts and display components. Supported layouts and components\: Box, Button, Card, Columns, Image, Link, Milestone, Progress Bar, Record Action Field, Rich Text, Section, Side By Side. systemrules.encryptedtextfield.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.columnoverlay.parameter.width=Determines the column overlay width. Valid values\: \u201CNARROW\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM\u201D (default), \u201CWIDE\u201D. systemrules.columnchartfield.parameter.yaxismin=Determines the minimum displayed point on the vertical axis. systemrules.pickerfieldfolders.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.dropdownfieldbyindex.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.milestonefield.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.buttonlayout.description=Displays a list of buttons grouped by prominence. Use this layout in cases where prominence needs to be explicitly specified. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.buttonlayout.doc) for more details. systemrules.cmigetfolderchildren.parameter.paginginfo=The start index and batch size of the list of objects to retrieve, created with a\!pagingInfo(). The sort values in the paging info are ignored. systemrules.gridfield.parameter.selectable=Determines if grid rows are selectable. When selection style is \u201CCHECKBOX\u201D (default), the selection column is displayed. Default\: false. systemrules.linechartfield_19r1.parameter.series=Array of data series created with a\!chartSeries(). systemrules.webcontentfield_deprecated.parameter.showborder=Determines whether the field has an outer border. Default\: false. systemrules.cmigetfolderchildren.parameter.folderid=The object id of the CMIS folder. systemrules.applycomponents.parameter.function=Rule to call on each item in the array. systemrules.createfolder.parameter.parentknowledgecenter=If not null, the new folder will be created in this Knowledge Center. systemrules.documentbrowserfieldcolumns_17r3.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.cmidelete.description=Delete an object in the CMIS target system. This function returns a writer and must be used with the bind() function. systemrules.webimage.parameter.source=Location of the image. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytocsv.parameter.aggregation=(Optional) A list of fields and the operations you wish to perform on them when retrieving the data, created with a\!queryAggregation(). systemrules.userrecordlistviewitem.description=Defines the List View Item Template for the User record type. systemrules.paginginfo.parameter.startindex=Index where the current page begins. It must be greater than zero. systemrules.dyncreate.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.columnchartfield.parameter.series=Array of data series created with a\!chartSeries(). systemrules.sblupdatefieldvalue.parameter.enterpriseapp=The enterprise application of the target system. systemrules.multipledropdownfield_20r2.parameter.choicelabels=Array of options for the user to select. systemrules.folderbrowserfieldcolumns.description=Displays the contents of a folder and allows users to navigate through a series of folders to find and select a folder. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.folderbrowserfieldcolumns.doc) for more details. systemrules.columnchartconfig.parameter.primarygrouping=Defines the field labels to display on the axis in the chart, configured using a\!grouping(). systemrules.imagefield.parameter.align=Determines alignment of the image(s). Valid values\: \u201CSTART\u201D, \u201CCENTER\u201D, \u201CEND\u201D. Image fields in grids are center-aligned by default. Image fields outside of grids are start-aligned by default. systemrules.submitlink.parameter.confirmbuttonlabel=Text to display on the confirmation button. systemrules.textfield.parameter.disabled=Determines if the field should display as potentially editable but grayed out. Default\: false. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldtreenode.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the node is displayed in the component. When set to false, the node is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.sapinvoke.parameter.tableparameters=The table parameters to send to the BAPI function, given as a dictionary. systemrules.isnativetablet.description=WARNING\: This function is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. Instead, use a\!isPageWidth to style tablet width UI or a\!isNativeMobile to know if the interface is viewed within the Appian for Mobile application. systemrules.linkfield.description=Displays one or more links of any link type, including document links, task links, record view links, external web page links, and dynamic links that update variables. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.linkfield.doc) for more details. systemrules.togglewidget.parameter.choicevalues=The value for each individual button when selected. systemrules.pickerfieldrecords.parameter.maxselections=Maximum number of allowed selections. Once this number is reached, further selections are blocked until a selection is removed. systemrules.richtextimage.description=Displays an icon-sized image within a rich text component. systemrules.recorddata.parameter.recordtype=A reference to a record type, configured using the recordType\! domain. For example, recordType\!Case. systemrules.fromjson.description=Converts a JSON string into an Appian value. systemrules.textfield.parameter.refreshafter=Determines when the saveInto expression is evaluated. Valid values\: \u201CUNFOCUS\u201D (default), \u201CKEYPRESS\u201D. systemrules.sfcdescribeglobal.parameter.endpoint=The Salesforce endpoint URL to use for authentication. systemrules.newsentrylink.parameter.entry=The ID of the linked feed entry. systemrules.dashboardlayout_17r1.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the layout is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the layout is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.timedisplayfield.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.httpquery.parameter.queryparameters=A list of query parameters you wish to add to the request. Built with a\!httpQueryParameter(). systemrules.formlayout.parameter.contents=Components and layouts to display in the form body. systemrules.documentdownloadlink.description=Defines a link used to download a document. Links can be used in charts, grids, hierarchy browsers, images, link fields, milestones, pickers, and rich text. systemrules.gridfield.parameter.pagesize=The maximum number of rows to display in the grid. Default\: 10 systemrules.fileuploadfield_17r1.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.pickerfielddocuments.parameter.folderfilter=When present, only documents that are inside this folder and its subfolders are suggested. systemrules.gridimagecolumn.parameter.style=Determines how the images are rendered. Valid values\: \u201CSTANDARD\u201D (default), \u201CAVATAR\u201D. systemrules.sblinvoke.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.fileuploadfield.parameter.maxselections=Maximum number of allowed files. Once this number is reached, further uploads are blocked until a file is removed. systemrules.dropdownfield.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.dropdownfieldbyindex.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.recordgridfield.parameter.rowheader=Index of the column to be used as the row header. Screen readers will announce the value in each row header when navigating to other cells within that row. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.recordfilterlistoption.parameter.name=Display name of the filter option. systemrules.movedocument.parameter.document=The document to move. systemrules.dropdownfield.parameter.choicelabels=Array of options for the user to select. systemrules.dashboardlayout.description=WARNING\: This function is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. Instead, use another layout or a list of components. systemrules.createfolder.parameter.name=The name of the new folder. systemrules.checkboxfieldbyindex.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the choice indexes when the user changes the selections. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.checkboxfieldbyindex.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.richtextbulletedlist.description=Displays a bulleted list within a rich text component. systemrules.paragraphfield.parameter.refreshafter=Determines when the saveInto expression is evaluated. Valid values\: \u201CUNFOCUS\u201D (default), \u201CKEYPRESS\u201D. systemrules.modifyknowledgecentersecurity.parameter.readers=The new users and groups to have reader access to the knowledge center. systemrules.barchartfield.parameter.xaxisstyle=Determines how to display the labels and axis separators for the X-Axis. Valid values\: \u201CSTANDARD\u201D (default), \u201CNONE\u201D. systemrules.wshttpcredentials.parameter.password=The password used to authenticate. systemrules.chartseries.parameter.links=Array of links that determines behavior when a data point is clicked. Create links with a\!documentDownloadLink(), a\!dynamicLink(), a\!newsEntryLink(), a\!processTaskLink(), a\!recordLink(), a\!reportLink(), a\!safeLink(), a\!startProcessLink(), a\!submitLink(), a\!userRecordLink(), or a\!authorizationLink(). systemrules.signaturefield.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.createfolder.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.shpinvokewriter.parameter.retries=The number of times to retry a request after receiving a timeout. systemrules.linkfield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.validationmessage.description=Defines a validation message for form, section, and editable grid components. systemrules.integerdisplayfield.description=WARNING\: This function is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. Instead, use a\!integerField() with the readOnly attribute set to true. systemrules.pickerfieldcustom.parameter.selectedlinks=Array of links to apply to the selected tokens. Create links with a\!authorizationLink(), a\!documentDownloadLink(), a\!dynamicLink(), a\!newsEntryLink(), a\!processTaskLink(), a\!recordLink(), a\!reportLink(), a\!safeLink(), a\!startProcessLink(), a\!submitLink(), or a\!userRecordLink(). systemrules.validationmessage.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the validation is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the validation is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.gridfield_19r1.parameter.requireselection=Determines if a selection is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.sbldelete.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.userbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.readonly=Determines whether selection is enabled. Default\: false. systemrules.groupbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.columnlayout.parameter.width=Determines the column width. Valid values\: \u201CAUTO\u201D (default), \u201CEXTRA_NARROW\u201D, \u201CNARROW\u201D, \u201CNARROW_PLUS\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM_PLUS\u201D, \u201CWIDE\u201D, \u201CWIDE_PLUS\u201D. systemrules.cmicopydocumenttoappian.parameter.objectid=The object id of the CMIS document that will be copied to Appian. systemrules.completetask.description=Completes a task using the provided parameters as task inputs. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.exportprocessreporttoexcel.parameter.sheetnumber=(Optional) The sheet number where data will be added as a result of executing this smart service. Default is 1, the first sheet. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytocsv.parameter.documentdescription=(Optional) A brief description of the document. systemrules.fileuploadfield_17r1.description=This is an older version of the a\!fileUploadField function. You can continue to use this version of the function by its new name\: a\!fileUploadField_17r1. The new version of a\!fileUploadField has new functionality. Allows users to upload a file. File upload is only enabled on start forms and task forms. Uploaded documents are not accessible until after form submission. systemrules.sidebysidelayout.parameter.required=Determines if all values within the layout are required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.pickerfieldusers.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the array of selected users when the user selects or removes a user. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.userimage.parameter.link=Link that determines the behavior of an image when clicked. Create links with a\!documentDownloadLink(), a\!dynamicLink(), a\!newsEntryLink(), a\!processTaskLink(), a\!recordLink(), a\!userRecordLink(), a\!reportLink(), a\!safeLink(), a\!startProcessLink(), or a\!submitLink(). systemrules.userbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.selectionsaveinto=Variable or list of variables to update upon selection of a user. systemrules.fileuploadfield.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the files when the user uploads files. Removing all uploaded files saves a null document. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.userbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.pathvalue=The path from the first column to the current navigation. systemrules.integerfield.parameter.readonly=Determines if the field should display as not editable. Default\: false. systemrules.textfield.description=Displays and allows entry of a single line of text. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.textfield.doc) for more details. systemrules.creategroup.parameter.groupprivacy=Should members be able to view all other members of the group? Valid values\: \u201CLOW\u201D (default), \u201CHIGH\u201D. systemrules.columnchartfield.parameter.yaxismax=Determines the maximum displayed point on the vertical axis. systemrules.formlayoutcolumns.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.recordactionfield.parameter.display=Determines which details are shown for the actions, regardless of style. Valid values\: \u201CLABEL_AND_ICON\u201D (default), \u201CLABEL\u201D, \u201CICON\u201D. systemrules.linechartfield.parameter.xaxistitle=Title for the independent (horizontal) axis. systemrules.shpinvoke.parameter.httpmethod=The HTTP method to use when invoking the REST API. Valid values\: \u201CGET\u201D. Use a\!shpInvokeWriter() for calls that use the \u201CPOST\u201D, \u201CPUT\u201D, \u201CDELETE\u201D, \u201CMERGE\u201D methods. systemrules.updateuserprofile.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.barchartfield.parameter.data=Reference to the record type used for the source of this chart. Can accept a\!recordData or a Record Type Reference. systemrules.gridlayout.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.pickerfieldrecords_20r2.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.wsconfig.parameter.wsdlurl=The URL of the WSDL for the web service. systemrules.documentbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.rootfolder=The contents of the specified folder or knowledge center are displayed in the first column of the browser. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytoexcel_18r2.parameter.customcellpositions=(Optional) Array of cell positions where custom cell values should be added. systemrules.richtexticon.parameter.caption=Text to display in mouseovers. systemrules.integerfield.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.pickerfieldcustom.parameter.selectedlabels=Array of text display labels for the currently selected items. systemrules.piechartfield.parameter.series=Array of data series created with a\!chartSeries(). systemrules.sidebysidelayout.parameter.items=List of items that are displayed in the layout. Accepts a\!sideBySideItem. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytoexcel_18r2.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). The document ID of the created/updated document is returned in the fv\!newDocument function variable. systemrules.shpinvokewriter.parameter.path=The path portion of the REST API URL to invoke. systemrules.datetimefield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.sblinvokewriter.parameter.appmanager=The active application manager of the target system. systemrules.httpquery.parameter.headers=A list of headers you wish to send as part of the request. Built with a\!httpHeader(). systemrules.checkboxfieldbyindex.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.dropdownfield_20r2.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the field when the value is not null. systemrules.richtexticon.parameter.alttext=Equivalent alternate text to display when accessibility or browser compatibility issues prevent the icon from displaying. systemrules.dyndisassociate.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.dynupdate.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.barchartfield.description=Displays numerical data as horizontal bars. Use a bar chart to display several values at the same point in time. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.barchartfield.doc) for more details. systemrules.modifyfoldersecurity.description=Modifies the security of a folder. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.checkboxfield.parameter.disabled=Determines if the field should display as potentially editable but grayed out. Default\: false. systemrules.radiobuttonfieldbyindex.parameter.disabled=Determines if the field should display as potentially editable but grayed out. Default\: false. systemrules.reactivateuser.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.gaugefield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.scsfield.parameter.externalsystemkey=The key of the corresponding external system in the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.wshttpcredentials.parameter.username=The username used to authenticate. systemrules.queryrecordtype.parameter.selection=List of record fields to be retrieved from the query. Record fields must be directly referenced from the recordType\! domain. For example\: `recordType\!Case.fields.caseName`. When no record fields are specified, all record fields are returned in the order they are configured in the record type\u2019s data model. systemrules.gaugefield.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.cmigetobjectidbypath.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.deletegroup.parameter.group=The group to delete. systemrules.barcodefield.parameter.refreshafter=Determines when the saveInto expression is evaluated. Valid values\: \u201CUNFOCUS\u201D (default), \u201CKEYPRESS\u201D. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldtreenode.parameter.description=Text to display below the node label. systemrules.pickerfieldusers.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.fileuploadfield.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.integrationerror.parameter.message=A description of the error. systemrules.gridfield.parameter.refreshonvarchange=Refreshes the value of the local variable each time any of these specific variables change. This allows you to refresh the value when a variable that is not referenced within the value parameter is updated. You can define either using a single variable (e.g. refreshOnVarChange\: local\!var1) or a list of variables (e.g. refreshOnVarChange\: {local\!var1, local\!var2}). systemrules.baroverlay.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the overlay is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the overlay is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.deletefromdatastoreentities.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.linechartconfig.parameter.measures=Defines the numerical calculations for data in the chart, configured using a\!measure(). If no measure is provided, a count of records shows as the measurement in the chart. systemrules.richtextitem.parameter.text=Array of text to display as a rich text item. Text can be further formatted using a\!richTextItem(). systemrules.dropdownfield.parameter.requiredmessage=Custom message to display when the field\u2019s value is required and not provided. systemrules.imagefield_17r3.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.paragraphfield.parameter.requiredmessage=Custom message to display when the field\u2019s value is required and not provided. systemrules.buttonarraylayout.description=Displays a list of buttons in the order they are specified. Use this layout when the default positioning for the buttons is sufficient. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.buttonarraylayout.doc) for more details. systemrules.updateuserprofile.parameter.title=The new title of the user. systemrules.dropdownfield.description=Displays a list of choices for the user to select one item and saves a value based on the selected choice. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.dropdownfield.doc) for more details. systemrules.billboardlayout.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.pickerfieldusersandgroups.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.gaugeicon.parameter.icon=Icon to display. See the [documentation for available icons](links.docs.systemrules.styledIcon.doc). systemrules.setgroupattributes.parameter.attributes=The attributes to set on the group. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytocsv.parameter.includeheader=(Optional) Outputs the field name or its alias, if available, in the first row of the document if set to true. Default\: true systemrules.buttonwidget.parameter.width=Determines button width. Valid values are \u201CMINIMIZE\u201D and \u201CFILL\u201D. \u201CMINIMIZE\u201D width is determined by button label. \u201CFILL\u201D width fills the button container. Default behavior displays \u201CFILL\u201D width buttons on phone size screens and \u201CMINIMIZE\u201D buttons on wider screens. systemrules.pickerfielddocuments.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the array of selected documents when the user selects or removes a document. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.sblquery.parameter.sort=The sort order to apply to the query, given as a dictionary with field names based on the fields of the Business Object and values of \u201CASCENDING\u201D or \u201CDESCENDING\u201D. systemrules.floatingpointfield.parameter.value=Number to display in the field. systemrules.datefield.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the date when the user changes it. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.dropdownfield.parameter.disabled=Determines if the field should display as potentially editable but grayed out. Default\: false. systemrules.tagitem.parameter.tooltip=Text to display as a tooltip on the tag. systemrules.encryptedtextfield.parameter.placeholder=Text to display in the field when it is empty. Does not show if the field is read only. systemrules.httpheader.parameter.name=The header name. systemrules.richtextlistitem.parameter.text=Array of text to display as a rich text list item. Text can be formatted using a\!richTextItem(). systemrules.barcodefield.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.recordfilterlist.description=Creates a list user filter to be used in a record list. systemrules.wshttpheaderfield.description=Creates an HTTP header for use with a\!wsConfig(). systemrules.tojson_17r1.parameter.value=The value to convert into a JSON string. systemrules.checkboxfield.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the field when the value is not null. systemrules.documentbrowserfieldcolumns_17r3.parameter.height=Determines the height of the component. Valid values\: \u201CSHORT\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM\u201D (default), \u201CTALL\u201D. systemrules.gridfield.parameter.disablerowselectionwhen=Determines for each row if selection is disabled. The condition defined in this parameter is evaluated once for each row. You can reference fields from the source using dot notation, such as fv\!row.status. You will need to use the recordType\! domain when referencing record data. For example, fv\!row[recordType\!Case.fields.caseName]. You can also reference the identifier of the row using fv\!identifier. Default\: false. systemrules.progressbarfield.parameter.color=Determines the color. Valid values\: Any valid hex color or \u201CACCENT\u201D (default), \u201CPOSITIVE\u201D, \u201CNEGATIVE\u201D, \u201CWARN\u201D. systemrules.facetoption.parameter.name=Display name of the filter option. systemrules.webvideo.parameter.tooltip=Text to display in mouseovers. systemrules.signaturefield.parameter.filedescription=Determines the description for the signature file. When not provided, the description of the new file is empty. systemrules.linechartfield.parameter.colorscheme=Determines which color scheme to use in the chart. Use one of the following valid values\: \u201CCLASSIC\u201D (default), \u201CMIDNIGHT\u201D, \u201COCEAN\u201D, \u201CMOSS\u201D, \u201CBERRY\u201D, \u201CPARACHUTE\u201D, \u201CRAINFOREST\u201D, \u201CSUNSET\u201D or define a custom color scheme using a\!colorSchemeCustom. See the [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.charts.param.colorScheme) for guidance on how to use color schemes. systemrules.createcustomgroup.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). The created group is available in the function variable fv\!group. systemrules.multipledropdownfieldbyindex_20r2.parameter.value=Indices of choices to display as selected. systemrules.linechartfield_19r1.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.stampfield.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.cmicopydocumenttoappianfolder.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.dynupdate.description=[Deprecated - use the Dynamics Connected System instead] Updates a business entity in Dynamics. This function returns a writer and must be used with the bind() function. systemrules.datasubset.parameter.identifiers=Array of identifiers. systemrules.sfcdescribeglobal.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.certifiedsailextension.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.chartseries.parameter.data=Array of decimal data values to display in a chart. systemrules.dropdownfield.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.datasubset.parameter.data=Array of data values. systemrules.columnchartfield.parameter.stacking=Determines if series values display as separate columns or stacked within one column. Valid values\: \u201CNONE\u201D (default), \u201CNORMAL\u201D, \u201CPERCENT_TO_TOTAL\u201D. systemrules.updateuserprofile.parameter.overwriteallfields=Set to True to overwrite all fields with specified values or null if no value is specified. systemrules.stampfield.parameter.text=Text to display within the stamp. systemrules.floatingpointfield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.newsentrylink.description=Defines a link to a news entry. Links can be used in charts, grids, hierarchy browsers, images, link fields, milestones, pickers, and rich text. systemrules.checkboxfield.parameter.choicelabels=Array of options for the user to select. systemrules.formlayout.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the layout is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the layout is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.textfield.parameter.requiredmessage=Custom message to display when the field\u2019s value is required and not provided. systemrules.richtexticon.parameter.linkstyle=Determines how the link renders. Valid values\: \u201CINLINE\u201D (default), \u201CSTANDALONE\u201D. systemrules.movefolder.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.pickerfielddocuments.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.webcontentfield_deprecated.parameter.disabled=Determines if the user is prevented from interacting with the web content. Default\: false. systemrules.shpinvokewriter.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.dashboardlayout_17r1.parameter.secondcolumncontents=Array of components to display in the second column. systemrules.startprocesslink.parameter.label=Text associated with this link. systemrules.floatingpointfield.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.columnchartconfig.description=Contains configuration for how to display data in a column chart. systemrules.createknowledgecenter.parameter.description=The description of the new Knowledge Center. systemrules.gridfield.parameter.shadealternaterows=Determines whether alternate rows are shaded. Default\: true. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.pathsaveinto=Variable or list of variables to update when a user clicks on a drillable or selectable node, as determined by the node configurations. For example, local\!path. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.buttonwidget.parameter.confirmheader=Text to display at the top of the confirmation dialog. systemrules.formlayout_17r1.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this form. systemrules.dropdownfieldbyindex.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.piechartfield.parameter.showtooltips=Determines if a tooltip displays the data value for a pie slice. Default\: false. systemrules.floatingpointfield.parameter.requiredmessage=Custom message to display when the field\u2019s value is required and not provided. systemrules.orgchartfield.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.multipledropdownfieldbyindex_20r2.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.pickerfielddocuments.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.sectionlayout.parameter.contents=Components and layouts to display in the section body. systemrules.pickerfielddocuments.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.sblcreate.parameter.language=The target system language. systemrules.exportprocessreporttoexcel.parameter.report=The process report to query. systemrules.folderbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.documentviewerfield.parameter.disabled=Determines if the user is prevented from interacting with the document. Default\: false. systemrules.richtextheader.parameter.text=Array of text to display as a rich text header. systemrules.datefield.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.sectionlayout.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.webcontentfield.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.createcustomgroup.parameter.securitytype=Who should have access to this group? Valid values\: \u201CPUBLIC\u201D (default), \u201CPERSONAL\u201D, \u201CRESTRICTED\u201D. systemrules.dropdownfield_20r2.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.buttonarraylayout.parameter.marginbelow=Determines how much space is added below the buttons. Valid values\: \u201CNONE\u201D, \u201CSTANDARD\u201D (default). systemrules.richtextbulletedlist.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the list is displayed in the component. When set to false, the list is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.barchartfield.parameter.referencelines=Array of reference line values for each threshold to be defined on the chart. Configured using a\!chartReferenceLine(). systemrules.tagfield.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D. systemrules.columnchartfield.parameter.categories=Text to display on the x-axis next to each column. systemrules.milestonefield.parameter.active=Index of the current step. When null, all steps are in the future. When -1, all steps are completed. systemrules.sapinvokewriter.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.deleteknowledgecenter.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.pickerfieldrecords_20r2.parameter.filters=List of filters to apply when searching for records. systemrules.fileuploadfield_17r1.parameter.target=Determines the eventual location of the uploaded file. systemrules.webimage.parameter.link=Link that determines the behavior of an image when clicked. Create links with a\!documentDownloadLink(), a\!dynamicLink(), a\!newsEntryLink(), a\!processTaskLink(), a\!recordLink(), a\!reportLink(), a\!safeLink(), a\!startProcessLink(), a\!submitLink(), a\!userRecordLink(), or a\!authorizationLink(). systemrules.gridimagecolumn.parameter.isthumbnail=Determines whether the images can be viewed at a larger size when clicked. Multiple images will be visible in a slideshow. Default\: false. systemrules.gridfield_19r1.parameter.requiredmessage=Custom message to display when selection is required and no selection is made. systemrules.shpcopydocumenttoappian.parameter.port=The port the SharePoint server is listening on. systemrules.testrunresultforid.description=Provided a test-run ID, this function returns a TestRunResult data type containing the results of a rule test-run. systemrules.pickerfieldrecords.parameter.filters=List of filters to apply when searching for records. systemrules.linkfield.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.cardlayout.parameter.showborder=Determines whether the layout has an outer border. Default\: true. systemrules.gridfield.parameter.borderstyle=Determines the style of the grid border. Valid values\: \u201CSTANDARD\u201D (default), \u201CLIGHT\u201D. systemrules.cancelprocess.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.sblinvoke.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.barcodefield.parameter.align=Determines alignment of the text value. Valid values\: \u201CLEFT\u201D (default), \u201CCENTER\u201D, \u201CRIGHT\u201D. systemrules.signaturefield.parameter.disabled=Determines if the field should display as potentially editable but grayed out. When a signature is present in this state, it may not be deleted. Default\: false. systemrules.sectionlayout_17r1.parameter.firstcolumncontents=Array of components to display in the section\u2019s first column. systemrules.editgroup.parameter.group=The group to modify. systemrules.cardlayout.parameter.height=Determines the card height. Valid values\: \u201CSHORT\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM\u201D, \u201CTALL\u201D, \u201CAUTO\u201D (default). systemrules.checkboxfield.parameter.requiredmessage=Custom message to display when the field\u2019s value is required and not provided. systemrules.dropdownfieldbyindex.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.foreach.parameter.expression=The expression to be evaluated with each iteration. The following special variables are available\: fv\!item (the current array item), fv\!index (the current item\u2019s index in the array), fv\!itemCount (the number of items), fv\!identifier (when using a DataSubset, the current item\u2019s identifier), fv\!isFirst (true during the first iteration, false afterward), fv\!isLast (true during the last iteration, false beforehand). systemrules.documentandfolderbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.gridlinkcolumn.parameter.field=Name of the data field associated with the column for use in sorting. systemrules.columnoverlay.parameter.contents=The interface to display in the overlay. Accepts layouts and display components. Supported layouts and components\: Box, Button, Card, Columns, Image, Link, Milestone, Progress Bar, Record Action Field, Rich Text, Section, Side By Side. systemrules.httpwrite.parameter.headers=A list of headers you wish to send as part of the request. Built with a\!httpHeader(). systemrules.multipledropdownfieldbyindex_20r2.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.createuser.parameter.middlename=The middle name of the new user. systemrules.folderbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.columnchartfield.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.shpcopydocumentfromappian.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.httpresponse.description=Creates a Web API Response. systemrules.sbldelete.parameter.enterpriseapp=The enterprise application of the target system. systemrules.linechartfield_19r1.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.cmigetproperties.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.documentbrowserfieldcolumns_17r3.parameter.knowledgecenter=The contents of the selected knowledge center are displayed in the document browser. systemrules.signaturefield.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.cmicopydocumentfromappian.parameter.repositoryid=The repository id on the CMIS target system. systemrules.processtasklink.parameter.label=Label associated with this link. systemrules.editknowledgecenterproperties.description=Modifies the properties of a knowledge center. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.updateuserprofile.parameter.user=The user whose profile will be updated. systemrules.setgroupattributes.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.fileuploadfield.parameter.uploadmethods=(Mobile-only) Determines which mobile upload methods are displayed to users. If one method is specified, the upload button will be customized. Multiple may be applied. If value is null, all methods are provided. Valid values include\: null (default), \u201CSIGNATURE\u201D, \u201CCAMERA\u201D, \u201CCHOOSE_PHOTO\u201D, \u201CCHOOSE_FILE\u201D. systemrules.startruletestsall.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.facet.parameter.name=Name of the user filter. systemrules.webcontentfield.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.pickerfieldusersandgroups.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.dynamiclink.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the link is displayed in the component. When set to false, the link is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.shpinvokewriter.parameter.parameters=The data to use in the body of the request, given as a dictionary. systemrules.shpinvoke.parameter.port=The port the SharePoint server is listening on. systemrules.datetimefield.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.richtextimage.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the image is displayed in the component. When set to false, the image is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.gridfield.parameter.columns=The columns to display in the grid, configured using a\!gridColumn(). systemrules.sblquery.parameter.parameters=The records to query, given as a dictionary with the field structure of the Siebel Business Component and Business Object. systemrules.pickerfielddocumentsandfolders.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.radiobuttonfield.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.sfcupdate.parameter.endpoint=The Salesforce endpoint URL to use for authentication. systemrules.linechartconfig.parameter.sort=Field to sort by in the chart. To define a sort, use the alias or record field reference of any grouping or measure fields, and sort ascending or descending using a\!sortInfo(). systemrules.signaturefield.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.togglewidget.parameter.choicetooltips=A list of text that will appear as tooltips for each button. systemrules.checkboxfield.parameter.align=Determines alignment of choice labels. Appian recommends this setting only be used inside the Grid Layout component. Valid values\: \u201CLEFT\u201D, \u201CCENTER\u201D, \u201CRIGHT\u201D. systemrules.webcontentfield.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.createuser.parameter.username=The username of the new user. systemrules.dashboardlayoutcolumns.parameter.columns=Array of columns to display on the dashboard, created with a\!columnLayout(). systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytocsv.parameter.filters=(Optional) A set of conditions to apply to the queried data before any grouping or aggregation. Can use either a list of a\!queryFilter() or a single a\!queryLogicalExpression(). When using a list of a\!queryFilter(), all filters are combined using the AND operator. systemrules.orgchartfield.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.movedocument.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.checkboxfieldbyindex.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldcolumnsnode.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the node is displayed in the component. When set to false, the node is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.shpinvoke.parameter.hostname=The hostaname of the SharePoint server. systemrules.checkboxfield.description=Displays a limited set of choices from which the user may select none, one, or many items and saves the values of the selected choices. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.checkboxfield.doc) for more details. systemrules.cardlayout.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.floatingpointfield.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the number when the user changes it. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.richtexticon.parameter.size=Determines the icon size. Valid values\: \u201CSMALL\u201D, \u201CSTANDARD\u201D (default), \u201CMEDIUM\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM_PLUS\u201D, \u201CLARGE\u201D, \u201CLARGE_PLUS\u201D, \u201CEXTRA_LARGE\u201D. systemrules.grouping.parameter.interval=Function to use with grouping on this field. Only relevant for date or date & time fields. Valid values\: \u201CYEAR\u201D, \u201CMONTH\u201D systemrules.pickerfieldcustom.parameter.suggestfunction=A reference to a rule or function that populates the suggestion pane. The rule or function must take a single Text parameter and must return a DataSubset, created via a\!dataSubset() or a plugin function, where \u201Cdata\u201D contains the labels to display and \u201Cidentifiers\u201D contains the values to save. systemrules.documentviewerfield.parameter.height=Determines the field height. Valid values\: \u201CSHORT\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM\u201D (default), \u201CTALL\u201D. systemrules.webcontentfield_deprecated.description=This component has been deprecated. Use a\!webContentField instead. Displays content inline from an external source. systemrules.tagfield.parameter.size=Determines the size of the tags. Valid values\: \u201CSMALL\u201D, \u201CSTANDARD\u201D (default). systemrules.datetimedisplayfield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.certifiedsailextension.parameter.genericSaveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the {0} value when the user changes it. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.webcontentfield.parameter.source=Location of the external content. systemrules.folderbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.milestonefield.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.floatingpointfield.parameter.disabled=Determines if the field should display as potentially editable but grayed out. Default\: false. systemrules.richtexticon.parameter.link=Link that determines the behavior of the icon when clicked. Create links with a\!authorizationLink(), a\!documentDownloadLink(), a\!dynamicLink(), a\!newsEntryLink(), a\!processTaskLink(), a\!recordLink(), a\!userRecordLink(), a\!reportLink(), a\!safeLink(), a\!startProcessLink(), or a\!submitLink(). If more than one link is provided, only the first will be used. systemrules.queryaggregationcolumn.parameter.visible=(Optional) Determines whether the aggregation column should be visible to end users. If false, the data for the column will not be retrieved, but it can be used for sorting. Default value is true. systemrules.dropdownfieldbyindex_20r2.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.completetask.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.sblcreate.parameter.hostname=The hostname of the Siebel server. systemrules.safelink.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the link is displayed in the component. When set to false, the link is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.pickerfieldrecords_20r2.parameter.requiredmessage=Custom message to display when the field\u2019s value is required and not provided. systemrules.fileuploadfield.parameter.target=Determines the eventual location of the uploaded files. systemrules.multipledropdownfield_20r2.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.barcodefield.parameter.requiredmessage=Custom message to display when the field\u2019s value is required and not provided. systemrules.linechartconfig.parameter.datalimit=Maximum number of data points to display on the chart. Default\: 100. Valid values\: 1-5000. systemrules.movefolder.parameter.folder=The folder to move. systemrules.multipledropdownfieldbyindex_20r2.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.httpwrite.parameter.method=The http method with which to call the url. systemrules.lockdocument.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.entitydataidentifiers.parameter.entity=This field holds a single Data Store Entity value in which the data to be deleted is stored. It is required for the data type. systemrules.sblinvoke.parameter.language=The target system language. systemrules.sapinvokewriter.parameter.connectionproperties=The connection properties to use when creating the connection to the SAP instance, given as a dictionary. The dictionary fields are the camel-cased names of the properties with \u2019.\u2019s removed, and the values are the properties values to use. systemrules.encryptedtextfield.description=Allows entry of a single line of text that is encrypted when saved into a variable. The value remains encrypted while on the server and is only decrypted when displayed in the component. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.encryptedtextfield.doc) for more details. systemrules.imagefield_17r3.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.cmicopydocumenttoappianfolder.parameter.objectid=The object id of the CMIS document that will be copied to Appian. systemrules.sectionlayout.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the layout is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the layout is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldcolumnsnode.parameter.id=Required unique identifier of the node. This value only needs to be unique within the node\u2019s column. systemrules.cmidelete.parameter.objectid=The object id of the CMIS object to delete. systemrules.datasubset.parameter.sort=Array of Sort Info configurations created with a\!sortInfo(). systemrules.fileuploadfield_17r1.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.gridfield.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.floatingpointfield.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.floatingpointfield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.modifyfoldersecurity.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.sectionlayout.parameter.marginbelow=Determines how much space is added below the layout. Valid values\: \u201CNONE\u201D, \u201CSTANDARD\u201D (default). systemrules.webcontentfield_deprecated.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.gaugefield.parameter.percentage=Number to display between 0 and 100. systemrules.paymentinfofield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.paragraphfield.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.dashboardlayout.parameter.contents=Components and layouts to display in the dashboard body. systemrules.recordlink.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the link is displayed in the component. When set to false, the link is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.sectionlayout.parameter.iscollapsible=Determines if an expand/collapse control appears in the section label. Default is false. systemrules.createknowledgecenter_17r4.parameter.name=The name of the new Knowledge Center. systemrules.multipledropdownfield.parameter.choicelabels=Array of options for the user to select. systemrules.richtextitem.parameter.style=Determines the text style. Multiple styles may be applied. Valid values\: \u201CPLAIN\u201D (default), \u201CEMPHASIS\u201D, \u201CSTRONG\u201D, \u201CUNDERLINE\u201D. systemrules.deletegroup.description=Deletes the group. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.datefield.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.datetimefield.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.datefield.parameter.align=Determines alignment of the date value. Appian recommends this setting only be used inside the Grid Layout component. Valid values\: \u201CLEFT\u201D, \u201CCENTER\u201D, \u201CRIGHT\u201D. systemrules.gridlayout.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.gridimagecolumn.parameter.label=Text to display as the column header. systemrules.setgroupattributes.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.certifiedsailextension.parameter.alttext=Equivalent alternate text provided to assistive technology. systemrules.columnchartfield.parameter.xaxistitle=Title for the independent (horizontal) axis. systemrules.gridfield_19r1.parameter.totalcount=Number of rows of data for all pages in the grid. systemrules.gridlayout.parameter.shadealternaterows=Determines whether alternate rows are shaded. Default\: true. systemrules.billboardlayout_19r1.parameter.overlaycolumnwidth=Determines the column overlay width. Ignored when a bar overlay is also specified. Valid values\: \u201CNARROW\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM\u201D (default), \u201CWIDE\u201D. systemrules.sfcupdate.parameter.sendtimewithdatetime=If false, the time component of datetimes sent to Salesforce will be lost, resulting in a time of 00\:00\:00 being written. If true, the full datetime will be preserved. This field defaults to false to preserve backwards compatibility but should be set to true for new uses of the function. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytoexcel.parameter.startingcell=(Optional) The cell where the output will begin. Default\: \u201CA1\u201D. Any data in rows above this cell will remain in the sheet; any data in the same row or below will be removed and overwritten. systemrules.buttonarraylayout.parameter.buttons=Array of buttons created with a\!buttonWidget(). systemrules.userandgroupbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.writetomultipledatastoreentities.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.userandgroupbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.buttonarraylayout.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.exportprocessreporttocsv.parameter.documentdescription=(Optional) A brief description of the document. systemrules.radiobuttonfield.parameter.disabled=Determines if the field should display as potentially editable but grayed out. Default\: false. systemrules.columnoverlay.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the overlay is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the overlay is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.pickerfieldgroups.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.httpformpart.parameter.contenttype=The form part content type. This field can be set to \u201Cauto-detect\u201D to automatically detect the content type of a document value. systemrules.multipledropdownfieldbyindex_20r2.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.querycolumn.parameter.field=The dot notation to the data field to retrieve. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytoexcel_18r2.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.submitlink.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the link value when the user clicks it. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.sectionlayoutcolumns.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.gridimagecolumn.parameter.size=Determines how the images are sized. Valid values\: \u201CICON\u201D (default), \u201CGALLERY\u201D, \u201CTINY\u201D, \u201CSMALL\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM\u201D, \u201CLARGE\u201D. systemrules.facet.description=WARNING\: This function is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. Instead, use a\!recordFilterList() systemrules.linechartfield.parameter.showdatalabels=Determines if data values are displayed next to each data point. Default\: false. systemrules.linechartfield_19r1.parameter.xaxistitle=Title for the independent (horizontal) axis. systemrules.documentandfolderbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.selectionvalue=The document or folder to show as selected. systemrules.editdocumentproperties.description=Modifies the properties of a document. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.writetodatastoreentity.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.groupbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.pathvalue=The path from the first column to the current navigation. systemrules.sendpushnotification.parameter.title=The title to display in the notification, truncated starting at 49 characters on some devices. systemrules.documentbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.readonly=Determines whether selection is enabled. Default\: false. systemrules.sapinvokewithcommit.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.multipledropdownfieldbyindex.description=Displays a list of choices for the user to select multiple items and saves the indices of the selected choices. systemrules.createknowledgecenter_17r4.description=Creates a new Knowledge Center. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.cancelprocess.parameter.processid=The id of the process to cancel. systemrules.facetoption.parameter.filter=Filter to apply when the filter option is selected, created with a\!queryFilter(). systemrules.shpinvoke.parameter.timeout=The amount of time to wait for a response from SharePoint, in milliseconds. systemrules.integrationerror.description=Creates an integration error value. Use when configuring custom error handling for integration objects. systemrules.multipledropdownfieldbyindex.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.sblupdatefieldvalue.parameter.port=The port the Siebel server is listening on. systemrules.reportlink.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the link is displayed in the component. When set to false, the link is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.formlayoutcolumns.parameter.columns=Array of columns to display on the form, created with a\!columnLayout(). systemrules.gridcolumn.parameter.value=The value to display in each cell within the column. The value can be text, a\!imageField(), a\!linkField(), a\!richTextDisplayField(), a\!tagField(), a\!buttonArrayLayout(), a\!recordActionField(), or a\!progressBarField(). It is evaluated once for each row. You can reference fields from the source using dot notation, such as fv\!row.status. You will need to use the recordType\! domain when referencing record data. For example, fv\!row[recordType\!Case.fields.caseName]. You can also reference the identifier of the row using fv\!identifier. systemrules.stampfield.parameter.contentcolor=Determines the icon and/or text color. Valid values\: Any hex color or \u201CSTANDARD\u201D (default), \u201CACCENT\u201D, \u201CPOSITIVE\u201D, \u201CNEGATIVE\u201D. systemrules.dropdownfieldbyindex.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the field when the value is not null. systemrules.pickerfielddocumentsandfolders.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.dynretrievemultiple.parameter.endpoint=The Dynamics organization endpoint URL. systemrules.sfcdescribesobjects.description=[Deprecated - use the Salesforce Connected System instead] Lists all of the attributes and their types of the given objects. systemrules.dropdownfieldbyindex.parameter.placeholder=Text to display when nothing is selected and the value is null. systemrules.integerfield.parameter.masked=Determines if the value is obscured from view. Default\: false. systemrules.queryentity.parameter.fetchtotalcount=If set to true, runs the query that retrieves the total number of rows in the totalCount parameter of the resulting datasubset. In cases where you don\u2019t need the totalCount, skipping this query can improve the performance of a\!queryEntity(). Default\: false. See the [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.queryentity.syntax) for more information. systemrules.gridfield.parameter.selectionsaveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the selected identifiers when the user changes selections. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. You can reference the rows selected and deselected in the most recent user interaction (not all selected or deselected rows) using fv\!selectedRows and fv\!deselectedRows respectively. systemrules.cardlayout.parameter.showshadow=Determines whether the layout has an outer shadow. Default\: false. systemrules.gridfield.parameter.spacing=Determines the spacing within grid cells. Valid values\: \u201CSTANDARD\u201D (default), \u201CDENSE\u201D. systemrules.fileuploadfield.parameter.buttonsize=Determines the size of the upload button. Valid values\: \u201CSMALL\u201D (default), \u201CSTANDARD\u201D, \u201CLARGE\u201D. systemrules.recordactionitem.description=Displays a record action defined within a record action field or read-only grid sourced from a record type. A record action is an end-user action configured within a record type object, such as a related action or a record list action. systemrules.piechartfield.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.pickerfieldusersandgroups.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.creategroup.parameter.parent=The group\u2019s parent. You must be an administrator of the selected parent group. systemrules.sortinfo.parameter.ascending=Determines what order the data is sorted in. Sorted in ascending order when the value is true and descending order when the value is false. Default\: false. systemrules.completetask.parameter.taskid=The ID of the task to complete. systemrules.sblcreate.description=Creates a new record in Siebel. This function returns a writer and must be used with the bind() function. systemrules.webcontentfield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.documentviewerfield.description=Displays a document from document management on an interface. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.documentviewerfield.doc) for more details. systemrules.gaugefield.description=Displays completion percentage in a circular style with optional text. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.gaugefield.doc) for more details. systemrules.gridlinkcolumn.parameter.alignment=Determines the alignment of the link. Valid values\: \u201CLEFT\u201D, \u201CCENTER\u201D, \u201CRIGHT\u201D. systemrules.gridtextcolumn.parameter.alignment=Determines the alignment of the column header and data. Valid values\: \u201CLEFT\u201D, \u201CCENTER\u201D, \u201CRIGHT\u201D. systemrules.sfcquery.parameter.endpoint=The Salesforce endpoint URL to use for authentication. systemrules.integerfield.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.sapinvokewriter.parameter.clientnumber=The SAP client number used to access the system. systemrules.submitlink.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the link is displayed in the component. When set to false, the link is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.gridlayout.parameter.borderstyle=Determines the style of the grid border. Valid values\: \u201CSTANDARD\u201D (default), \u201CLIGHT\u201D. systemrules.deactivateuser.description=Deactivates a user. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.orgchartfield.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.piechartfield.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.cmigetrepoinfo.description=Retrieves information about the target CMIS target system repository. systemrules.webcontentfield_deprecated.parameter.height=Determines the layout height. Valid values\: \u201CSHORT\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM\u201D (default), \u201CTALL\u201D. systemrules.pickerfieldusersandgroups.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the field when the value is not null. systemrules.recordnewsfield.parameter.recordtype=Record type of the record. systemrules.dropdownfield.parameter.searchdisplay=Determines when a search box displays above the options. Valid values\: \u201CAUTO\u201D (default), \u201CON\u201D, \u201COFF\u201D. When set to \u201CAUTO\u201D, the search box displays if there are more than 11 options. systemrules.userandgroupbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.gridcolumn.parameter.label=Text to display as the column header. systemrules.columnchartfield.parameter.yaxisstyle=Determines how to display the labels, axis separators, and grid lines for the Y-Axis. Valid values\: \u201CSTANDARD\u201D (default), \u201CMINIMAL\u201D, \u201CNONE\u201D. systemrules.gridtextcolumn.parameter.field=Name of the data field associated with the column for use in sorting. systemrules.reportlink.parameter.report=The linked report. function.documentation_appian_internal.unnamedType=[Unnamed Type] systemrules.pickerfieldusersandgroups.parameter.placeholder=Text to display in the field when it is empty. Does not show if the field is read only. systemrules.fileuploadfield_17r1.parameter.value=The document associated with this field. systemrules.recordfilterlistoption.parameter.filter=Filter to apply when the filter option is selected, created with a\!queryFilter(). systemrules.sapbapiparameters.parameter.clientnumber=The SAP client number used to access the system. systemrules.gridimagecolumn.parameter.data=Array of images to display, created with a\!documentImage(), a\!userImage(), or a\!webImage(). systemrules.userbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.height=Determines the height of the component.Valid values\: \u201CSHORT\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM\u201D (default), \u201CTALL\u201D. systemrules.queryentity_18r3.description=This is an older version of the a\!queryEntity() function. You can continue to use this version of the function by its new name\: a\!queryEntity_18r3(). The new version of a\!queryEntity() has new functionality\: By default, the query that retrieves the total number of rows in the totalCount parameter of the resulting datasubset is not executed. In cases where you don\u2019t need the totalCount, skipping this query can improve the performance of a\!queryEntity(). See the [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.queryentity.syntax) for more information. systemrules.addadminstogroup.description=Adds administrators to a group. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.formlayout_17r1.parameter.contents=Components and layouts to display in the form body. systemrules.writetomultipledatastoreentities.description=Creates or updates data in multiple data store entities in a single database transaction. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.gridlayoutheadercell.parameter.label=Text to display as the column header. systemrules.pickerfieldrecords_20r2.parameter.value=Array of currently selected records. This will be either a List of Text or a List of Number (Integer), depending on the recordType selected. systemrules.sblinvoke.parameter.parameters=The input parameters for the method, given as a dictionary. systemrules.columnlayout.description=Displays a column that can be used within a\!columnsLayout. systemrules.multipledropdownfield_20r2.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.sblinvoke.parameter.hostname=The hostname of the Siebel server. systemrules.dynupdate.parameter.parameters=The entity to update, given as a dictionary with the same field structure as a Dynamics Entity. systemrules.signaturefield.parameter.filename=Determines the name for the signature file. When not provided, the timestamp will be used. systemrules.billboardlayout_19r1.parameter.overlaypositioncolumn=Determines where the column overlay appears. Ignored when a bar overlay is also specified. Valid values\: \u201CSTART\u201D, \u201CCENTER\u201D, \u201CEND\u201D. systemrules.pickerfieldcustom.parameter.requiredmessage=Custom message to display when the field\u2019s value is required and not provided. systemrules.pickerfieldusersandgroups.parameter.readonly=Determines if the field should display as not editable. Default\: false. systemrules.sidebysidelayout.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.cmicopydocumenttoappianfolder.parameter.appianfolder=The Appian folder to which the document from the CMIS system will be copied. systemrules.recordnewsfield.description=Creates a Record News Field component. systemrules.shpinvokewriter.description=[Deprecated - use the SharePoint Connected System instead] Invokes a SharePoint REST API endpoint. This function returns a writer and must be used with the bind() function. systemrules.querylogicalexpression.parameter.logicalexpressions=Array of Logical Expression to apply, created with a\!queryLogicalExpression(). systemrules.measure.parameter.label=Text to display in the legend or tooltip when using the measure in a chart. If no label is defined, the label displays with the function name and field name. The label only displays if a single grouping is used on a bar, column, or line chart. systemrules.exportprocessreporttoexcel.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). The document ID of the created/updated document is returned in the fv\!newDocument function variable. systemrules.dropdownfield.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytoexcel.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.cmigetfolderchildren.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.richtextdisplayfield.description=Displays text in variety of styles, including bold, italics, underline, links, headers, and numbered and bulleted lists. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.richtextdisplayfield.doc) for more details. systemrules.videofield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.gaugefield.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.gridfield.parameter.data=The data to display in the grid. Use a record type reference or a\!recordData() to source your data from records and utilize records functionality, such as user filters and export. For other cases, you can use a query, such as a\!queryEntity(), a Data Subset, a list of Dictionary, or an array of data. When necessary, specify pagingInfo as fv\!pagingInfo to have the grid automatically manage paging. When using a query that returns a datasubset, you must specify fetchTotalCount as true. systemrules.pickerfieldrecords.description=Displays an autocompleting input for the selection of one or more records, filtered by a single record type. Suggestions and picker tokens use the title of the record. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.pickerfieldrecords.doc) for more details. systemrules.fileuploadfield_17r1.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.tagfield.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.torecordidentifier.parameter.identifier=Array of identifiers, either the primary key (entity-backed), the process ID (process-backed), or the ID in the DataSubset\u2019s \u201Cidentifiers\u201D field (service-backed). systemrules.dynretrievemultiple.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.dropdownfieldbyindex.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the choice index when the user changes the selection. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.exportprocessreporttoexcel.parameter.includeheader=(Optional) Outputs the field\u2019s label in the first row of the document if set to true. Default\: true systemrules.sblquery.parameter.enterpriseapp=The enterprise application of the target system. systemrules.movedocument.description=Moves a document. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.multipledropdownfieldbyindex.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.dashboardlayout.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the layout is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the layout is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.gridrowlayout.parameter.selectiondisabled=When selection is enabled, determines if the selection checkbox is disabled for this row. Default\: false. systemrules.pickerfieldrecords_20r2.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.cancelprocess.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service executed successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). The boolean function variable fv\!alreadyClosed indicates whether the process was already closed. systemrules.deletefolder.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.richtextitem_18r1.parameter.link=Link to apply to the text. Create a link with a\!documentDownloadLink(), a\!dynamicLink(), a\!newsEntryLink(), a\!processTaskLink(), a\!recordLink(), a\!reportLink(), a\!safeLink(), a\!startProcessLink(), a\!submitLink(), a\!userRecordLink(), or a\!authorizationLink(). systemrules.wsusernametoken.description=Creates a WS-Security Username Token for use with a\!wsConfig(). systemrules.userandgroupbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.selectionsaveinto=Variable or list of variables to update upon selection of a user or group. systemrules.gridimagecolumn_17r3.parameter.label=Text to display as the column header. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldtree.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.buttonwidget.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the button value when the user presses it. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.updateuserprofile.parameter.lastname=The new last name of the user. systemrules.facet.parameter.options=Array of filter options created with a\!facetOption(). systemrules.multipledropdownfield_20r2.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the field when the value is not null. systemrules.cmicopydocumenttoappian.parameter.repositoryid=The repository id on the CMIS target system. systemrules.updateuserprofile.parameter.middlename=The new middle name of the user. systemrules.buttonwidget.parameter.validate=Determines if this button performs validation. Default\: false, unless submit is true. systemrules.editgroup.parameter.membershippolicy=How will users become members of this group? Valid values\: \u201CCLOSED\u201D (default), \u201CEXCLUSIVE\u201D, \u201CAUTOMATIC\u201D. systemrules.multipledropdownfield_20r2.parameter.placeholder=Text to display in the field when it is empty. systemrules.gridlayout.parameter.spacing=Determines the spacing within grid cells. Valid values\: \u201CSTANDARD\u201D (web default), \u201CDENSE\u201D (mobile default). systemrules.pickerfieldrecords.parameter.requiredmessage=Custom message to display when the field\u2019s value is required and not provided. systemrules.cmigetobjectidbypath.description=Retrieves the CMIS object id from the CMIS target system, using the given path. systemrules.pickerfieldusers.description=Displays an autocompleting input for the selection of one or more users. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.pickerfieldusers.doc) for more details. systemrules.encryptedtextfield.parameter.align=Determines alignment of text value. Appian recommends this setting only be used inside the Grid Layout component. Valid values\: \u201CLEFT\u201D, \u201CCENTER\u201D, \u201CRIGHT\u201D. systemrules.addmemberstogroup.parameter.newmembers=The users and groups that will be added as members. systemrules.shpinvoke.parameter.parameters=The data to use in the body of the request, given as a dictionary. systemrules.pickerfieldrecords_20r2.parameter.recordtype=Required, singular. Filters picker to select records of this type. systemrules.recordfilterdaterange_20r2.parameter.name=Name of the date range user filter. systemrules.gridlayout.parameter.selectiondisabled=Determines if selection is disabled on all rows. Default\: false. systemrules.shpinvokewriter.parameter.hostname=The hostaname of the SharePoint server. systemrules.gridfield.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the grid when the data is invalid, configured using a\!validationMessage(). You can reference the current page of data using fv\!currentPage. systemrules.documentandfolderbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.sectionlayoutcolumns.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display above the section. systemrules.cmigetrepoinfo.parameter.atompuburl=The Atom Pub URL of the CMIS target system. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldtree.parameter.pathvalue=The first value in the pathValue array appears in the uppermost level of the tree and is the root of the visible hierarchy. As the user clicks through the browser, clicked nodes become highlighted. These clicked nodes\u2019 values are in the pathValue. They should be stored in a variable, for example local\!path. A clicked node\u2019s value is used to determine the next level, generated by nextLevelValues. The pathValue must have a default value. systemrules.testrunstatusforid.parameter.testrunid=The test-run ID of the test-run you want to check on. systemrules.cmicreatefolder.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.sapbapiparameters.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.gridlayout.parameter.rows=Array of grid rows created with a\!gridRowLayout(). systemrules.gridlayout.description=Displays a tabular layout of SAIL components to provide quick inline editing of fields. For an example of how to configure an editable grid, see the [Add, Edit, and Remove Data in an Inline Editable Grid SAIL Recipe](links.docs.systemrules.gridlayout.recipe). systemrules.radiobuttonfield.parameter.choicelayout=Determines the layout. Valid values\: \u201CSTACKED\u201D (default), \u201CCOMPACT\u201D. systemrules.fileuploadfield_17r1.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytocsv.parameter.documenttoupdate=The existing document to update with the exported data. Using this parameter will append new contents at the end of the file. Note\: A new version of this document will be created. systemrules.formlayout.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this form. systemrules.signaturefield.parameter.buttonsize=Determines the size of the signature button. Valid values\: \u201CSMALL\u201D (default), \u201CSTANDARD\u201D, \u201CLARGE\u201D. systemrules.richtextheader.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the rich text header is displayed in the component. When set to false, the rich text header is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.buttonwidget.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the button is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the button is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.httpformpart.parameter.name=The form part name. systemrules.sblinvoke.parameter.businessservice=The name of the Siebel Business Service on which to invoke the method. systemrules.textfield.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the text when the user changes it. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.richtexticon.parameter.color=Determines the icon color. Valid values\: Any valid hex color or \u201CSTANDARD\u201D (default), \u201CACCENT\u201D, \u201CPOSITIVE\u201D, \u201CNEGATIVE\u201D, \u201CSECONDARY\u201D. systemrules.headercontentlayout.parameter.backgroundcolor=Color to show behind the contents of the page. Valid values\: \u201CWHITE\u201D (default), \u201CTRANSPARENT\u201D. systemrules.dropdownfield_20r2.parameter.disabled=Determines if the field should display as potentially editable but grayed out. Default\: false. systemrules.scsfield.parameter.useperuser=If true, the current user\u2019s credentials for the third party system will be used. If false, the system-wide credentials for the third party system will be used. Default\: false. systemrules.pickerfieldgroups.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.sblcreate.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.multipledropdownfield.parameter.searchdisplay=Determines when a search box displays above the options. Valid values\: \u201CAUTO\u201D (default), \u201CON\u201D, \u201COFF\u201D. When set to \u201CAUTO\u201D, the search box displays if there are more than 11 options. systemrules.sfcupdate.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.billboardlayout_19r1.parameter.overlaypositionbar=Determines where the bar overlay appears. Takes priority over column overlay. Valid values\: \u201CTOP\u201D, \u201CMIDDLE\u201D, \u201CBOTTOM\u201D (default). systemrules.shpinvoke.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.userandgroupbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.rootgroup=The direct members of the initial group are displayed in the first column. systemrules.gridlayout.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.paragraphfield.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.wsusernametokenscs.parameter.systemkey=The key of the corresponding Secure Credential Store external system. systemrules.httpqueryparameter.parameter.value=The value of the query parameter. Either Text or a\!scsField(). systemrules.sblinvoke.parameter.method=The name of the method to invoke. systemrules.imagefield_17r3.parameter.size=Determines how the images are sized. Valid values\: \u201CSTANDARD\u201D (default), \u201CICON\u201D, \u201CTHUMBNAIL\u201D, \u201CSMALL\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM\u201D, \u201CLARGE\u201D. systemrules.dropdownfieldbyindex.parameter.searchdisplay=Determines when a search box displays above the options. Valid values\: \u201CAUTO\u201D (default), \u201CON\u201D, \u201COFF\u201D. When set to \u201CAUTO\u201D, the search box displays if there are more than 11 options. systemrules.sbldelete.parameter.port=The port the Siebel server is listening on. systemrules.cmigetproperties.parameter.atompuburl=The Atom Pub URL of the CMIS target system. systemrules.createcustomgroup.parameter.delegatedcreation=Should administrators of this group be permitted to create additional groups as children? Default\: false. systemrules.richtextnumberedlist.description=Displays a numbered list within a rich text component. systemrules.buttonwidgetsubmit.parameter.confirmheader=Text to display at the top of the confirmation dialog. systemrules.submitlink.parameter.validationgroup=Components in the same validation group are validated when the link is used and \u201Cvalidate\u201D is true. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.groupbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.selectionvalue=This group is displayed as selected when it is present in the navigation path array. systemrules.jsonpath.parameter.value=A JSON string. systemrules.imagefield.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.pickerfieldgroups.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.sfcinsert.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.piechartfield.parameter.showdatalabels=Determines if data values are displayed with each pie slice. Default\: false. systemrules.floatingpointfield.parameter.refreshafter=Determines when the saveInto expression is evaluated. Valid values\: \u201CUNFOCUS\u201D (default), \u201CKEYPRESS\u201D. systemrules.documentbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.removegroupadmins.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.linechartfield.parameter.xaxisstyle=Determines how to display the labels and axis separators for the X-Axis. Valid values\: \u201CSTANDARD\u201D (default), \u201CNONE\u201D. systemrules.recorddata.description=References a set of records from a record type and allows for additional filtering if necessary. systemrules.pickerfieldrecords.parameter.readonly=Determines if the field should display as not editable. Default\: false. systemrules.createcustomgroup.parameter.membershippolicy=How will users become members of this group? Valid values\: \u201CCLOSED\u201D (default), \u201CEXCLUSIVE\u201D, \u201CAUTOMATIC\u201D. systemrules.cmidelete.parameter.allversions=Determines whether all versions of the object should be deleted, if applicable. Default\: true. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytocsv.parameter.documentname=The name of the new document that is to be created by this smart service. systemrules.gridfield_19r1.parameter.rowheader=Index of the column to be used as the row header. Screen readers will announce the value in each row header when navigating to other cells within that row. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.multipledropdownfield.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytoexcel_18r2.parameter.startingcell=(Optional) The cell where the output will begin. Default\: \u201CA1\u201D. systemrules.billboardlayout.parameter.height=Determines the layout height. Valid values\: \u201CSHORT\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM\u201D (default), \u201CTALL\u201D, \u201CAUTO\u201D. Auto renders as medium when no background media is set. systemrules.paymentinfofield.parameter.requiredmessage=Custom message to display when the field\u2019s value is required and not provided. systemrules.gridfield.parameter.refreshinterval=How often the variable value gets refreshed in minutes. When null, the variable will not be refreshed on an interval. Because the variable is periodically refreshed, you cannot update its value by saving into it. You can access the current value of the variable using fv\!value (see the documentation for an example). Valid values\: 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 30, 60. systemrules.textfield.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.externalimagefield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.formlayoutcolumns.parameter.skipautofocus=Determines whether the first input will receive focus when a form loads. Default is false. systemrules.createcustomgroup.description=WARNING\: This function is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. Instead, use a\!createGroup(). systemrules.foreach.description=Evaluates the provided expression once for every item and returns an array of the results. systemrules.formlayout_17r1.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the layout is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the layout is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.editfolderproperties.parameter.folder=The folder to modify. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldcolumnsnode.parameter.isselectable=If true, clicking the node will select it, saving the columns browser\u2019s selection value and navigation path. If false, clicking the node will not save the selection value. It may still save the navigation path if the node is drillable. On hover, a selectable node will have a unique display. (default\: true). systemrules.gridfield.parameter.pagingsaveinto=One or more variables that are updated only when user invokes a paging action on the grid. You can reference the current paging of the grid using fv\!pagingInfo. systemrules.integerfield.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.colorschemecustom.parameter.colors=List of colors to use in the custom color scheme. Valid values\: any valid hex colors; Maximum colors allowed\: 12. systemrules.chartseries.parameter.color=Overrides the auto-assignment of series color with a specific value. Valid values\: Any valid hex color or \u201CACCENT\u201D, \u201CBLUEGRAY\u201D, \u201CGREEN\u201D, \u201CGOLD\u201D, \u201CORANGE\u201D, \u201CPURPLE\u201D, \u201CRED\u201D, \u201CSKYBLUE\u201D, \u201CLIMEGREEN\u201D, \u201CYELLOW\u201D, \u201CAMBER\u201D, \u201CPINK\u201D, \u201CVIOLETRED\u201D. systemrules.checkboxfieldbyindex.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.shpcopydocumenttoappian.parameter.retries=The number of times to retry a request after receiving a timeout. systemrules.encryptedtextfield.parameter.requiredmessage=Custom message to display when the field\u2019s value is required and not provided. systemrules.recordnewsfield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.createcustomgroup.parameter.groupprivacy=Should members be able to view all other members of the group? Valid values\: \u201CLOW\u201D (default), \u201CHIGH\u201D. systemrules.writetodatastoreentity.parameter.valuetostore=The data value to create or update. systemrules.pickerfielddocumentsandfolders.parameter.value=Array of currently selected documents and folders. systemrules.barchartconfig.parameter.sort=Field to sort by in the chart. To define a sort, use the alias or record field reference of any grouping or measure fields, and sort ascending or descending using a\!sortInfo(). systemrules.integerfield.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the field when the value is not null. systemrules.pickerfieldusers.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.headercontentlayout.description=Displays any arrangement of layouts and components beneath a card or billboard flush with the edge of the page. Use this as the top-level layout for landing pages and reports. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.headercontentlayout.doc) for more details. systemrules.columnchartfield.parameter.data=Reference to the record type used for the source of this chart. Can accept a\!recordData or a Record Type Reference. systemrules.sapinvokewithcommit.parameter.systemnumber=The system number of the SAP application server. systemrules.movefolder.parameter.destinationkc=The new parent knowledge center for the selected folder. systemrules.signaturefield.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.integerfield.parameter.placeholder=Text to display in the field when it is empty. Does not show if the field is read only. systemrules.gridlayout.parameter.emptygridmessage=Text to display in the grid when no data is available. Default is \u201CNo items available\u201D. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldtree.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.documentandfolderbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.boxlayout.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.cmicopydocumenttoappian.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.modifyfoldersecurity.parameter.authors=The new users and groups to have author access to the folder. systemrules.multipledropdownfield_20r2.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.integerfield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.httpresponse_17r4.description=This is an older version of the a\!httpResponse function. You can continue to use this version of the function by its new name\: a\!httpResponse_17r4. The new version of a\!httpResponse has new functionality. Creates a Web API Response. systemrules.folderbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.height=Determines the height of the component. Valid values\: \u201CSHORT\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM\u201D (default), \u201CTALL\u201D. systemrules.gridfield.parameter.selectionrequired=Determines if a selection is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.columnlayout.parameter.contents=Array of SAIL components to display in this column. systemrules.richtextitem.parameter.size=Determines the text size. Valid values\: \u201CSMALL\u201D, \u201CSTANDARD\u201D (default), \u201CMEDIUM\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM_PLUS\u201D, \u201CLARGE\u201D, \u201CLARGE_PLUS\u201D, \u201CEXTRA_LARGE\u201D. systemrules.checkboxfield.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the choice values when the user changes the selections. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.cmigetobjectidbypath.parameter.atompuburl=The Atom Pub URL of the CMIS target system. systemrules.radiobuttonfieldbyindex.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the choice index when the user changes the selection. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.pickerfielddocumentsandfolders.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.updateuserprofile.description=Updates a user\u2019s profile information. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.cancelprocess_17r3.description=This is an older version of the a\!cancelProcess function. You can continue to use this version of the function by its new name\: a\!cancelProcess_17r3. The new version of a\!cancelProcess has new functionality. Cancels a process. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.updateusertype.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.wshttpcredentials.description=Creates authentication credentials for use with a\!wsConfig(). systemrules.authorizationlink.description=Defines a link to authorize a user for a connected system that uses OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code. Links can be used in charts, grids, hierarchy browsers, images, link fields, milestones, pickers, and rich text. systemrules.sfcsearch.parameter.query=The SOSL query to send to Salesforce. systemrules.jsonpath.parameter.expression=JSONPath expression to evaluate. systemrules.integerdisplayfield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.fileuploadfield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.imagefield.description=Displays an image from document management or the web. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.imagefield.doc) for more details. systemrules.progressbarfield.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.dropdownfieldbyindex_20r2.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the choice index when the user changes the selection. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.groupbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.shpcopydocumenttoappian.parameter.path=The path portion of the REST API URL that represents the document to copy from SharePoint. systemrules.certifiedsailextension.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.richtextitem.parameter.link=Link to apply to the text. Create a link with a\!documentDownloadLink(), a\!dynamicLink(), a\!newsEntryLink(), a\!processTaskLink(), a\!recordLink(), a\!reportLink(), a\!safeLink(), a\!startProcessLink(), a\!submitLink(), a\!userRecordLink(), or a\!authorizationLink(). If more than one link is provided, only the first will be used. systemrules.sblinvoke.description=Invokes a method in the Siebel Business Service. This function should be used for reads only. Use a\!sblInvokeWriter to write to Siebel. systemrules.creategroup.description=Creates a new group. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.gridlayout.parameter.selectionstyle=Determines the style when a row is selected. Valid values\: \u201CCHECKBOX\u201D (default), \u201CROW_HIGHLIGHT\u201D. systemrules.removegroupadmins.parameter.administratorstoremove=The users that will be removed as administrators. systemrules.recordactionfield.description=Displays a list of record actions with a consistent style. A record action is an end-user action configured within a record type object, such as a related action or record list action. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.recordactionfield.doc) for more details. systemrules.cancelprocess_17r3.parameter.processid=The id of the process to cancel. systemrules.removegroupmembers.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.multipledropdownfield.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.integerfield.parameter.disabled=Determines if the field should display as potentially editable but grayed out. Default\: false. systemrules.groupbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.height=Determines the height of the component. Valid values\: \u201CSHORT\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM\u201D (default), \u201CTALL\u201D. systemrules.imagefield.parameter.size=Determines how the images are sized. Valid values\: \u201CICON\u201D, \u201CGALLERY\u201D, \u201CTINY\u201D, \u201CSMALL\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM\u201D (default), \u201CLARGE\u201D, \u201CFIT\u201D. See the [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.imageField.doc) for guidance on how to use different image sizes effectively. systemrules.multipledropdownfield_20r2.parameter.disabled=Determines if the field should display as potentially editable but grayed out. Default\: false. systemrules.exportprocessreporttocsv.parameter.csvdelimiter=(Optional) The field delimiter used to separate fields in the CSV file. Valid values are\: \u201CTAB\u201D, \u201CCOMMA\u201D, \u201CSEMICOLON\u201D, \u201CSPACE\u201D, \u201CPIPE\u201D, \u201CCARET\u201D. Default\: \u201CCOMMA\u201D. systemrules.paymentinfofield.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.multipledropdownfield_20r2.description=This is an older version of the a\!multipleDropdownField function. You can continue to use this version of the function by its new name\: a\!multipleDropdownField_20r2. The new version of a\!multipleDropdownField has new functionality which allows users to search the list of choices. To upgrade to the new version, simply remove \u201C_20r2\u201D from the name. Displays a list of choices for the user to select multiple items and saves values based on the selected choices. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.multipledropdownfield.doc) for more details. systemrules.dyndisassociate.parameter.parameters=The entities to disassociate, given as a dictionary with fields for EntityName, EntityId (GUID), Relationship, and RelatedEntities. systemrules.dropdownfieldbyindex_20r2.parameter.disabled=Determines if the field should display as potentially editable but grayed out. Default\: false. systemrules.multipledropdownfieldbyindex.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the field when the value is not null. systemrules.dropdownfield_20r2.parameter.placeholderlabel=Text to display when nothing is selected and the value is null. systemrules.sendpushnotification.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.startprocesslink.parameter.bannermessage=The text shown in the banner when a process starts successfully after completing any initial forms. When not provided, no banner is displayed. systemrules.linkfield.parameter.align=Determines alignment of link labels. Appian recommends this setting only be used inside the Grid Layout component. Valid values\: \u201CLEFT\u201D, \u201CCENTER\u201D, \u201CRIGHT\u201D. systemrules.cmicopydocumentfromappian.parameter.appiandocumentversion=The version number of the Appian document to copy to the target CMIS system. Default\: current version. systemrules.dropdownfield.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the choice value when the user changes the selection. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.multipledropdownfieldbyindex.parameter.placeholder=Text to display in the field when it is empty. systemrules.shpinvoke.parameter.subsitepath=(Optional) The path portion of the REST API URL that represents the SharePoint subsite. It must start with a forward slash (/). Leave blank if accessing the base site. systemrules.gridfield.parameter.selectionstyle=Determines the style when a row is selected. Valid values\: \u201CCHECKBOX\u201D (default), \u201CROW_HIGHLIGHT\u201D. systemrules.pickerfieldgroups.parameter.maxselections=Maximum number of allowed selections. Once this number is reached, further selections are blocked until a selection is removed. systemrules.facet_17r1.parameter.isvisible=Determines whether the filter is visible to the user at runtime. Default is true. systemrules.querylogicalexpression.parameter.operator=Determines how to combine the filters. Valid values\: \u201CAND\u201D, \u201COR\u201D. systemrules.userbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.reactivateuser.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.barchartfield.parameter.allowdecimalaxislabels=Allows dependent (horizontal) values to display as decimal numbers instead of integers. Default\: false. systemrules.documentbrowserfieldcolumns_17r3.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.cmicreatefolder.parameter.repositoryid=The repository id on the CMIS target system. systemrules.checkboxfield.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.progressbarfield.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.stampfield.parameter.size=Determines the size of the stamp. Valid values\: \u201CTINY\u201D, \u201CSMALL\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM\u201D (default), and \u201CLARGE\u201D. systemrules.radiobuttonfieldbyindex.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.formlayoutcolumns.parameter.buttons=Buttons to display at the bottom of the form, arranged using a\!buttonLayout(). systemrules.authorizationlink.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.gridlayoutcolumnconfig.description=Defines a column configuration for use in an editable grid (a\!gridLayout). systemrules.sectionlayout.parameter.isinitiallycollapsed=Determines if the section is collapsed when the interface first loads. Default is false. systemrules.multipledropdownfield_20r2.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.editknowledgecenterproperties.parameter.description=The new description of the knowledge center. systemrules.pickerfieldusersandgroups.parameter.requiredmessage=Custom message to display when the field\u2019s value is required and not provided. systemrules.documentbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.selectionvalue=The document to show as selected. systemrules.dropdownfieldbyindex_20r2.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldcolumnsnode.parameter.link=Optional link that determines behavior when a node\u2019s label title is clicked. Create links with a\!documentDownloadLink(), a\!dynamicLink(), a\!newsEntryLink(), a\!processTaskLink(), a\!recordLink(), a\!reportLink(), a\!safeLink(), a\!startProcessLink(), a\!userRecordLink(), or a\!authorizationLink(). systemrules.editknowledgecenterproperties.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.gridlayout.parameter.totalcount=Number of rows of data displayed in the grid. systemrules.submitlink.parameter.skipvalidation=Determines if validation is skipped. Default\: false. systemrules.sidebysideitem.parameter.item=The component to display inside the layout. systemrules.removegroupmembers.parameter.members=The users that will be removed as members. systemrules.multipledropdownfieldbyindex.parameter.choicelabels=Array of options for the user to select. systemrules.gridcolumn.parameter.width=Determines the column width. Valid values\: \u201CAUTO\u201D (default), \u201CICON\u201D, \u201CICON_PLUS\u201D, \u201CNARROW\u201D, \u201CNARROW_PLUS\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM_PLUS\u201D, \u201CWIDE\u201D, \u201C1X\u201D, \u201C2X\u201D, \u201C3X\u201D, \u201C4X\u201D, \u201C5X\u201D, \u201C6X\u201D, \u201C7X\u201D, \u201C8X\u201D, \u201C9X\u201D, and \u201C10X\u201D. Review [UX best practices](links.docs.systemrules.gridcolumn.width) for configuring grid column widths. systemrules.radiobuttonfieldbyindex.parameter.requiredmessage=Custom message to display when the field\u2019s value is required and not provided. systemrules.encryptedtextfield.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.shpinvoke.parameter.path=The path portion of the REST API URL to invoke. systemrules.userrecordfilterlist.description=Defines the user filters for the User record type. systemrules.pickerfieldfolders.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.dropdownfieldbyindex.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.createuser.description=Creates a new user. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.sapinvokewriter.parameter.importparameters=The import parameters to send to the BAPI function, given as a dictionary. systemrules.createknowledgecenter_17r4.parameter.securitylevel=Security Level of the Knowledge Center to create. Valid values\: \u201CHIGH\u201D (default), \u201CMEDIUM\u201D, \u201CLOW\u201D. systemrules.exportprocessreporttocsv.parameter.documenttoupdate=The existing document to update with the exported data. Using this parameter will append new contents at the end of the file. Note\: A new version of this document will be created. systemrules.fileuploadfield_17r1.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the field when the value is not null. systemrules.richtextheader.parameter.size=Determines the header size. Valid values\: \u201CSMALL\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM\u201D (default), \u201CLARGE\u201D. systemrules.formlayout.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the form. systemrules.recordfilterdaterange_20r2.parameter.isvisible=Determines whether the filter is visible to the user at runtime. Default is true. systemrules.recordgridfield.parameter.borderstyle=Determines the style of the grid border. Valid values\: \u201CSTANDARD\u201D (default), \u201CLIGHT\u201D. systemrules.richtextheader.parameter.linkstyle=Determines how the link renders. Valid values\: \u201CINLINE\u201D (default), \u201CSTANDALONE\u201D. systemrules.integrationerror.parameter.title=A short summary of the error or the error type. systemrules.sblupdatefieldvalue.parameter.parameters=The record on which the values will be set, given as a dictionary with the field structure of the Siebel Business Component and Business Object to create. The dictionary should contain an Id field with the value of identifier of the record to update. systemrules.facet_17r1.parameter.defaultoption=Determines which, if any, filter option is applied when a record list first loads. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytoexcel_18r2.parameter.filters=(Optional) A set of conditions to apply to the queried data before any grouping or aggregation. Can use either a list of a\!queryFilter() or a single a\!queryLogicalExpression(). When using a list of a\!queryFilter(), all filters are combined using the AND operator. systemrules.gaugefield.parameter.align=Determines alignment of the gauge. Valid values\: \u201CSTART\u201D, \u201CCENTER\u201D (default), \u201CEND\u201D. systemrules.recordfilterlist.parameter.options=Array of filter options created with a\!recordFilterListOption(). systemrules.sendpushnotification.parameter.link=The link to open when the user taps on the notification. Create links with a\!newsEntryLink(), a\!processTaskLink(), a\!recordLink(), a\!reportLink(), or a\!userRecordLink(). systemrules.documentimage.parameter.document=The document to display as an image. systemrules.dropdownfield_20r2.parameter.choicelabels=Array of options for the user to select. systemrules.barchartfield.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.sapinvokewithcommit.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). Error details are available in the function variables fv\!errorTitle and fv\!errorMessage. systemrules.cmidelete.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytoexcel_18r2.parameter.sheetnumber=(Optional) The sheet number where data will be added as a result of executing this smart service. Default is 1, the first sheet. systemrules.deleteknowledgecenter.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.recordfilterdaterange.parameter.defaultto=Determines the default end date, if any, for the date range filter. systemrules.richtextheader.parameter.link=Link to apply to the text. Create a link with a\!documentDownloadLink(), a\!dynamicLink(), a\!newsEntryLink(), a\!processTaskLink(), a\!recordLink(), a\!reportLink(), a\!safeLink(), a\!startProcessLink(), a\!submitLink(), a\!userRecordLink(), or a\!authorizationLink(). If more than one link is provided, only the first will be used. systemrules.jsonpath.description=Find information in a JSON string. JSONPath is used to navigate through elements and attributes in a JSON string. systemrules.shpcopydocumentfromappian.parameter.timeout=The amount of time to wait for a response from SharePoint, in milliseconds. systemrules.safelink.description=Defines a link to a web page. Links can be used in charts, grids, hierarchy browsers, images, link fields, milestones, pickers, and rich text. systemrules.queryaggregationcolumnes.description=Creates an Aggregation Column configuration for use with a\!queryAggregation() when used with fn\!queryrulemetrics_appian_internal. systemrules.gridlayout.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the grid. systemrules.linechartfield.parameter.allowdecimalaxislabels=Allows dependent (vertical) values to display as decimal numbers instead of integers. Default\: false. systemrules.imagefield_17r3.parameter.align=Determines alignment of the image(s). Valid values\: \u201CSTART\u201D, \u201CCENTER\u201D, \u201CEND\u201D. Image fields in grids are center-aligned by default. Image fields outside of grids are start-aligned by default. systemrules.multipledropdownfieldbyindex.parameter.value=Indices of choices to display as selected. systemrules.recorddata.parameter.filters=A single logical expression or a list of query filters, which are applied together with an AND operation, can be provided to apply additional filters to the record set. Queries also inherit the default filters defined on the referenced record type. You may only filter on fields from the referenced record type. Record types sourced from a web service or other expression only support this parameter if the data is synced. systemrules.userbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.cmicopydocumenttoappian.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldtree.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.modifyfoldersecurity.parameter.administrators=The new users and groups to have administrator access to the folder. systemrules.sapinvokewriter.parameter.systemnumber=The system number of the SAP application server. systemrules.sfcdelete.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.userbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.gridlinkcolumn.description=WARNING\: This function is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. Instead, use the \u201Clinks\u201D parameter on a\!gridTextColumn() instead. systemrules.processtasklink.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the link is displayed in the component. When set to false, the link is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.sblquery.description=Retrieves records from Siebel. systemrules.iconindicator.parameter.icon=Icon to display. See the [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.iconindicator.parameter.icon.doc) for available icons. Valid values\: \u201CADD\u201D, \u201CCOPY\u201D, \u201CDOC_GENERIC\u201D, \u201CFACE_HAPPY\u201D, \u201CFACE_INDIFFERENT\u201D, \u201CFACE_SAD\u201D, \u201CFOLDER\u201D, \u201CHARVEY_0\u201D, \u201CHARVEY_25\u201D, \u201CHARVEY_50\u201D, \u201CHARVEY_75\u201D, \u201CHARVEY_100\u201D, \u201CMOVE_DOWN\u201D, \u201CMOVE_DOWN_DISABLED\u201D, \u201CMOVE_LEFT\u201D, \u201CMOVE_LEFT_DISABLED\u201D, \u201CMOVE_RIGHT\u201D, \u201CMOVE_RIGHT_DISABLED\u201D, \u201CMOVE_UP\u201D, \u201CMOVE_UP_DISABLED\u201D, \u201CPREVIEW\u201D, \u201CPRIORITY_HIGH\u201D, \u201CPRIORITY_LOW\u201D, \u201CPROGRESS_PAUSED\u201D, \u201CPROGRESS_RUNNING\u201D, \u201CPROGRESS_STOPPED\u201D, \u201CRATING_EXCELLENT\u201D, \u201CRATING_FAIR\u201D, \u201CRATING_GOOD\u201D, \u201CRATING_POOR\u201D, \u201CRATING_VERYGOOD\u201D, \u201CREMOVE\u201D, \u201CREMOVE_DISABLED\u201D, \u201CSTATUS_ERROR\u201D, \u201CSTATUS_NOTDONE\u201D, \u201CSTATUS_OK\u201D, \u201CSTATUS_WARN\u201D, \u201CTREND_DOWN_BAD\u201D, \u201CTREND_DOWN_GOOD\u201D, \u201CTREND_FLAT\u201D, \u201CTREND_UP_BAD\u201D, \u201CTREND_UP_GOOD\u201D, \u201CWAIT_CLOCK\u201D. systemrules.gridlayout.parameter.columnconfigs=Array of column configurations created with a\!gridLayoutColumnConfig(). systemrules.userandgroupbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.height=Determines the height of the component.Valid values\: \u201CSHORT\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM\u201D (default), \u201CTALL\u201D. systemrules.pickerfieldusers.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.queryaggregationcolumn.parameter.field=The dot-notation to the data field to be grouped or aggregated. systemrules.exportprocessreporttoexcel.parameter.documentname=The name of the new document that is to be created by this smart service. systemrules.billboardlayout.parameter.backgroundcolor=Determines the background color. When background media is also specified, the background color shows while media is loading or when background image is transparent. Must be a valid hex code. Default is \#f0f0f0. systemrules.linechartfield_19r1.parameter.yaxismin=Determines the minimum displayed point on the vertical axis. systemrules.linechartfield.parameter.referencelines=Array of reference line values for each threshold to be defined on the chart. Configured using a\!chartReferenceLine(). systemrules.pickerfieldrecords_20r2.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.linkfield.parameter.links=Array of links to display. Create links with a\!documentDownloadLink(), a\!dynamicLink(), a\!newsEntryLink(), a\!processTaskLink(), a\!recordLink(), a\!reportLink(), a\!safeLink(), a\!startProcessLink(), a\!submitLink(), a\!userRecordLink(), or a\!authorizationLink(). systemrules.sidebysideitem.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component/layout is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component/layout is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.signaturefield.parameter.saveinto=Variable that is updated with the signature file when the user saves a signature. Removing a signature file removes the document and saves a null. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.webcontentfield_deprecated.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.columnchartconfig.parameter.secondarygrouping=Defines the field labels to display in the stacking or grouped columns in the chart, configured using a\!grouping(). systemrules.documentbrowserfieldcolumns_17r3.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.queryrecordtype.parameter.filters=A single, logical expression or a list of query filters can be provided to filter the results. Without a logical expression, a list of query filters will only return those records where all filters evaluate to true (`AND` comparisons). Queries also apply the default filters defined on the referenced record type. systemrules.sblcreate.parameter.fieldvalues=The field values of the new record to create, given as a dictionary with the field names based on the fields of the Business Object and values set to the desired new field values. systemrules.gridtextcolumn.parameter.data=Array of text values to display in the column. systemrules.linechartfield_19r1.parameter.showdatalabels=Determines if data values are displayed next to each data point. Default\: false. systemrules.datetimefield.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.shpinvoke.parameter.retries=The number of times to retry a request after receiving a timeout. systemrules.dynamiclink.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the link\u2019s value when the user clicks it. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.richtextimage.parameter.image=Image to display, created with a\!documentImage(), a\!userImage(), or a\!webImage(). systemrules.multipledropdownfieldbyindex.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.userrecordlistviewitem.parameter.record=The reference to the current User record, provided via rv\!record. systemrules.cardlayout.parameter.tooltip=Text to display on mouseover. systemrules.checkboxfieldbyindex.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the field when the value is not null. systemrules.documentviewerfield.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.barcodefield.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.floatingpointfield.parameter.align=Determines alignment of the number value. Appian recommends this setting only be used inside the Grid Layout component. Valid values\: \u201CLEFT\u201D, \u201CCENTER\u201D, \u201CRIGHT\u201D. systemrules.recordtype.parameter.typeuuid=The uuid of the desired record type. systemrules.billboardlayout_19r1.parameter.overlaycontents=The interface to display on top of the background. Accepts layouts and display components. Supported layouts and components\: Box, Button, Card, Columns, Image, Link, Milestone, Progress Bar, Rich Text, Section, Side By Side. systemrules.query.description=Creates a Query configuration for use with queryrecord(). See the [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.queries.doc.guidance) for guidance about when to use different querying methods. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytoexcel.parameter.sheetnumber=(Optional) The sheet number where data will be added as a result of executing this smart service. Default is 1, the first sheet. systemrules.facet_17r1.description=Creates a value of type Facet used to define a user filter. systemrules.sblcreate.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.sfcupdate.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.queryaggregationcolumn.parameter.aggregationfunction=The function to use when aggregating the field. Valid values are COUNT, SUM, AVG, MIN, and MAX. This value is required when isGrouping is set to false. systemrules.query.parameter.logicalexpression=Logical Expression filters to apply to queried data before grouping or aggregation, created with a\!queryLogicalExpression(). systemrules.queryaggregationcolumnes.parameter.aggregationfunction=The function to use when aggregating the field. Valid values\: \u201CCOUNT\u201D, \u201CSUM\u201D (?), \u201CAVG\u201D, \u201CMIN\u201D, \u201CMAX\u201D, \u201CINTERVAL_HOUR\u201D, \u201CINTERVAL_DAY\u201D, \u201CINTERVAL_WEEK\u201D. The final 3 can be used in conjunction with isGrouping\=true to group by datetime intervals. systemrules.webvideo.parameter.source=Location of the video. systemrules.stampfield.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.pickerfieldfolders.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.renameusers.parameter.newusernames=The new username of the user. systemrules.signaturefield.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.gridfield.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.cardlayout.parameter.marginbelow=Determines how much space is added below the layout. Valid values\: \u201CNONE\u201D (default), \u201CSTANDARD\u201D. systemrules.queryaggregationcolumnes.parameter.field=The name of the field to be grouped or aggregated, as defined in the search server schema for the relevant index. systemrules.gridrowlayout.parameter.contents=Array of components to display in the grid cell. Supported components\: Barcode, Buttons, Checkboxes, Date, Date & Time, Dropdown, Decimal, Encrypted Text, File Upload, Image, Integer, Link, Multiple Dropdown, Paragraph, Pickers, Progress Bar, Radio Buttons, Record Action Field, Rich Text, Tags, and Text. systemrules.pickerfieldgroups.parameter.requiredmessage=Custom message to display when the field\u2019s value is required and not provided. systemrules.sidebysidelayout.parameter.validationgroup=When present, all items within the layout are only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.startprocess.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.gaugefield.parameter.size=Determines the size of the gauge. Valid values\: \u201CSMALL\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM\u201D (default), \u201CLARGE\u201D. systemrules.gridlayout.parameter.rowheader=Index of the column to be used as the row header. Screen readers will announce the value in each row header when navigating to other cells within that row. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.columnchartfield.parameter.showdatalabels=Determines if data values are displayed on each column. Default\: false. systemrules.queryentity_18r3.parameter.entity=The Data Store Entity to query. systemrules.gridlayoutcolumnconfig.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the column configuration is displayed in the grid. When set to false, the column configuration is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.gridlayoutheadercell.description=Defines a column header for use in an editable grid (a\!gridLayout). systemrules.modifyusersecurity.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.checkboxfieldbyindex.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.piechartconfig.parameter.measures=Defines the numerical calculations for data in the chart, configured using a\!measure(). If no measure is provided, a count of records shows as the measurement in the chart. systemrules.pickerfieldfolders.parameter.requiredmessage=Custom message to display when the field\u2019s value is required and not provided. systemrules.multipledropdownfield.parameter.disabled=Determines if the field should display as potentially editable but grayed out. Default\: false. systemrules.deletefolder.parameter.folder=The folder to delete. systemrules.radiobuttonfield.parameter.requiredmessage=Custom message to display when the field\u2019s value is required and not provided. systemrules.sfcdelete.description=[Deprecated - use the Salesforce Connected System instead] Deletes objects from Salesforce. This function returns a writer and must be used with the bind() function. systemrules.certifiedsailextension.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the field when the value is not null. systemrules.creategroup.parameter.description=The description of the group. systemrules.documentimage.parameter.link=Link that determines the behavior when the image is clicked. Create a link with a\!documentDownloadLink(), a\!dynamicLink(), a\!newsEntryLink(), a\!processTaskLink(), a\!recordLink(), a\!reportLink(), a\!safeLink(), a\!startProcessLink(), a\!submitLink(), a\!userRecordLink(), or a\!authorizationLink(). systemrules.chartreferenceline.parameter.color=Color for the reference line; overrides the auto-assignment from color scheme. Valid values are\: Any valid hex color or \u201CACCENT\u201D, \u201CBLUEGRAY\u201D, \u201CGREEN\u201D, \u201CGOLD\u201D, \u201CORANGE\u201D, \u201CPURPLE\u201D, \u201CRED\u201D, \u201CSKYBLUE\u201D, \u201CLIMEGREEN\u201D, \u201CYELLOW\u201D, \u201CAMBER\u201D, \u201CPINK\u201D, and \u201CVIOLETRED\u201D. systemrules.checkboxfieldbyindex.parameter.choicelayout=Determines the layout. Valid values\: \u201CSTACKED\u201D (default), \u201CCOMPACT\u201D. systemrules.dashboardlayoutcolumns.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the layout is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the layout is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.linechartfield_19r1.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.userrecordlink.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the link is displayed in the component. When set to false, the link is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.buttonwidgetsubmit.parameter.style=Determines the intent of the button. Valid values\: \u201CNORMAL\u201D (default), \u201CPRIMARY\u201D, \u201CSECONDARY\u201D, \u201CDESTRUCTIVE\u201D, and \u201CLINK\u201D. systemrules.createuser.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). The created user is available in the function variable fv\!user. systemrules.webcontentfield.parameter.height=Determines the layout height. Valid values\: \u201CSHORT\u201D, \u201CMEDIUM\u201D (default), \u201CTALL\u201D. systemrules.pickerfieldusers.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.fileuploadfield.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.linechartfield.parameter.showtooltips=Determines if a tooltip displays the data value for each data point. Default\: true. systemrules.certifiedsailextension.parameter.disabled=Determines if the user is prevented from interacting with the field. Default\: false. systemrules.sendpushnotification.description=Send a push notification to recipients. systemrules.barcodefield.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytoexcel.parameter.documenttoupdate=The existing document to update with the exported data. This can be useful when using the smart service multiple times in the same process model. Appian supports Excel 2007 and above. Macros or existing formatting are not supported. Note\: A new version of this document will be created. systemrules.linechartfield_19r1.parameter.yaxismax=Determines the maximum displayed point on the vertical axis. systemrules.queryaggregationcolumn.parameter.isgrouping=(Optional) Determines whether the field should be grouped. Default\: false. systemrules.dropdownfieldbyindex_20r2.parameter.placeholderlabel=Text to display when nothing is selected and the value is null. systemrules.cmicopydocumentfromappian.parameter.atompuburl=The Atom Pub URL of the CMIS target system. systemrules.paginginfo.description=Creates a Paging Info configuration for use with grids, queries, and todatasubset(). systemrules.integerfield.parameter.refreshafter=Determines when the saveInto expression is evaluated. Valid values\: \u201CUNFOCUS\u201D (default), \u201CKEYPRESS\u201D. systemrules.documentviewerfield.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.baroverlay.description=Displays a horizontal overlay for use in billboard layout. systemrules.milestonefield.parameter.orientation=Determines the layout of the milestone steps. Valid values\: \u201CHORIZONTAL\u201D (default), \u201CVERTICAL\u201D. systemrules.columnchartfield.parameter.xaxisstyle=Determines how to display the labels and axis separators for the X-Axis. Valid values\: \u201CSTANDARD\u201D (default), \u201CNONE\u201D. systemrules.httpwrite.parameter.body=The request body. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytoexcel_18r2.parameter.sheetname=(Optional) The name of the sheet where data will be added as a result of executing this smart service. The following characters will be replaced with underscores\: [ ] / \\ ? * systemrules.timedisplayfield.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldtreenode.parameter.isdrillable=If true, clicking the node will drill into it, saving the tree browser\u2019s navigation path and revealing another level to the user. If false, clicking the node will not reveal another level, but the navigation path will still be saved (default\: true). systemrules.fileuploadfield.parameter.filenames=Determines the names for the files. When not provided, the uploaded filenames are used. Access name, size, and extension of each file using the variables fv\!file.name, fv\!file.size, and fv\!file.extension. Access the index of each file using the variable fv\!index. systemrules.webcontentfield.parameter.alttext=Equivalent alternate text provided to assistive technology. systemrules.gaugefield.parameter.tooltip=Text to display as a tooltip on the gauge. systemrules.columnchartconfig.parameter.sort=Field to sort by in the chart. To define a sort, use the alias or record field reference of any grouping or measure fields, and sort ascending or descending using a\!sortInfo(). systemrules.startruletestsapplications.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). The test-run ID of the executed test run is available in the function variable fv\!testRunId. This can be used to query information about the test-run with a\!testRunStatusForId() and a\!testRunResultForId(). systemrules.cmicopydocumentfromappian.parameter.objectid=The object id of the CMIS folder to which the Appian document will be copied. systemrules.recordfilterchoices.parameter.choicelabels=Array of labels for the user filter choices. systemrules.dropdownfield_20r2.parameter.requiredmessage=Custom message to display when the field\u2019s value is required and not provided. systemrules.signaturefield.description=Allows users to capture and save a .png signature file. Signature is only enabled on start and task forms. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.signaturefield.doc) for more details. systemrules.editfolderproperties.description=Modifies the properties of a Folder. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.certifiedsailextension.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.editdocumentproperties.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.checkboxfieldbyindex.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.dropdownfieldbyindex_20r2.parameter.value=Index of the choice to display as selected. systemrules.groupbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.sapinvoke.parameter.clientnumber=The SAP client number used to access the system. systemrules.createknowledgecenter.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldtree.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.dynretrievemultiple.description=[Deprecated - use the Dynamics Connected System instead] Retrieves a collection of business entities from Dynamics based on the given query parameters. systemrules.tojson_17r1.description=NOTE\: This is an old version of the a\!toJson() function. Take advantage of improvements in the new version by switching to a\!toJson(). | a\!toJson_17r1() converts a value into a JSON string. systemrules.timedisplayfield.description=Displays a single time (hour, minute, second) but cannot take input. systemrules.milestonefield.parameter.steps=Array of labels describing the sequence of steps. systemrules.stampfield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.gridlayout.parameter.label=Text to display as the grid label. systemrules.cardlayout.parameter.link=Link to apply to the card. Create a link with a\!documentDownloadLink(), a\!dynamicLink(), a\!newsEntryLink(), a\!processTaskLink(), a\!recordLink(), a\!reportLink(), a\!safeLink(), a\!startProcessLink(), a\!submitLink(), a\!userRecordLink(), or a\!authorizationLink(). systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldcolumnsnode.parameter.isdrillable=If true, clicking the node will drill into it, saving the columns browser\u2019s navigation path and revealing another column to the user. If false, clicking the node will not reveal another column. It may still save the navigation path if the node is selectable. On hover, a drillable node will have a unique display. (default\: true). systemrules.documentdownloadlink.parameter.label=Label associated with this link. systemrules.pickerfielddocuments.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.queryfilter.parameter.applywhen=Determines whether the filter is applied on the query. When set to false, the filter is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.shpinvokewriter.parameter.subsitepath=(Optional) The path portion of the REST API URL that represents the SharePoint subsite. It must start with a forward slash (/). Leave blank if accessing the base site. systemrules.dropdownfield.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.movefolder.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.cmicopydocumenttoappian.parameter.appiandocument=The Appian document to which the document from the CMIS system will be copied as a new version. systemrules.videofield.parameter.videos=Array of videos to display, created with a\!webVideo(). systemrules.baroverlay.parameter.style=Determines the overlay style. Valid values\: \u201CDARK\u201D (default), \u201CSEMI_DARK\u201D, \u201CNONE\u201D, \u201CSEMI_LIGHT\u201D, \u201CLIGHT\u201D. systemrules.movedocument.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.radiobuttonfield.parameter.choicelabels=Array of options for the user to select. systemrules.videofield.description=Creates a Video component. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.videofield.doc) for more details. systemrules.gridlinkcolumn.parameter.label=Text to display as the column header. systemrules.gridfield_19r1.parameter.borderstyle=Determines the style of the grid border. Valid values\: \u201CSTANDARD\u201D (default), \u201CLIGHT\u201D. systemrules.pickerfieldusers.parameter.groupfilter=When present, only users who are members of this group are suggested. systemrules.barchartfield.parameter.config=Configures how to display data on the chart, including fields used for calculations and grouping, using a\!barChartConfig(). Only applies when using a record type as a source in the data parameter. See the [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.chartconfig.doc) for more details on how to configure a chart with a record type as the source. systemrules.pickerfielddocuments.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.barchartfield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.httpformpart.description=Creates an HTTP form part which can be passed in an integration\u2019s multipart request body. systemrules.checkboxfield.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.createuser.parameter.email=The email address of the new user. systemrules.grouping.parameter.field=Reference to the record field to use in this grouping, configured using the recordType\! domain. For example, recordType\!Case.fields.status. systemrules.modifyusersecurity.description=Changes the visibility of a user\u2019s profile information. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.radiobuttonfieldbyindex.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.queryrecordtype.parameter.recordtype=A reference to a record type. You must reference the record type directly from the `recordType\!` domain. For example, `recordType\!Case`. systemrules.recordfilterdaterange.description=Creates a value of type Facet to define a date range user filter. systemrules.sectionlayout_17r1.parameter.secondcolumncontents=Array of components to display in the section\u2019s second column. systemrules.dropdownfieldbyindex_20r2.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.pickerfieldcustom.parameter.value=Array of selected identifiers. systemrules.updateuserprofile.parameter.firstname=The new first name of the user. systemrules.radiobuttonfield.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the choice value when the user changes the selection. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.linechartfield.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.queryrecordtype.parameter.fetchtotalcount=If set to true, runs a separate query that retrieves the total number of records in the totalCount parameter of the query result. In cases where you don\u2019t need the totalCount, skipping this additional query can improve performance. Only applies to record types that source from a data store entity. Default\: false. See the [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.queryrecordtype.doc) for more information. systemrules.dyndisassociate.parameter.endpoint=The Dynamics organization endpoint URL. systemrules.creategroup.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). The created group is available in the function variable fv\!group. systemrules.columnslayout.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the layout is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the layout is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.pickerfieldfolders.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldtreenode.description=Returns a Hierarchy Tree Node. systemrules.cmigetrepoinfo.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.dropdownfield.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.deleteknowledgecenter.parameter.knowledgecenter=The knowledge center to delete. systemrules.webcontentfield.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.query.parameter.paginginfo=The paging and sorting configurations to apply when retrieving the data. systemrules.iconnewsevent.description=Returns a document image that corresponds to the given icon and color. systemrules.httpheader.description=Creates an HTTP header object which can be passed to an HTTP function. systemrules.pickerfieldrecords_20r2.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the field when the value is not null. systemrules.datetimefield.parameter.value=Date and time to display in the field. systemrules.recordactionfield.parameter.openactionsin=Determines how actions should open to the user. Valid values\: \u201CDIALOG\u201D (default), \u201CSAME_TAB\u201D, \u201CNEW_TAB\u201D. systemrules.paymentinfofield.description=Captures payment card information to allow for payment processing. systemrules.userimage.description=Displays a user\u2019s profile photo for use in an image field, rich text, hierarchy tree browser, billboard, or image column in a grid. systemrules.shpcopydocumenttoappian.parameter.appiandocumentname=The name that will be given to the Appian document that is created. systemrules.webvideo.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the video is displayed in the component. When set to false, the video is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.boxlayout.description=Displays any arrangement of layouts and components within a box on an interface. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.boxlayout.doc) for more details. systemrules.pickerfieldrecords_20r2.parameter.placeholder=Text to display in the field when it is empty. Does not show if the field is read only. systemrules.documentbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.selectionsaveinto=Variable or list of variables to update when a document is clicked. systemrules.gridlayout.parameter.selectionvalue=Identifiers of selected rows. systemrules.datefield.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.sblupdatefieldvalue.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.sidebysidelayout.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this layout. systemrules.createcustomgroup.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.buttonwidget.parameter.cancelbuttonlabel=Text to display on the cancel button. systemrules.datetimefield.parameter.validations=Validation errors to display below the field when the value is not null. systemrules.querylogicalexpression.description=Creates a Logical Expression configuration for use with a\!query(). systemrules.gridrowlayout.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the row is displayed in the grid. When set to false, the row is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.sblupdatefieldvalue.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.listviewitem.parameter.details=Description of the item. systemrules.modifyknowledgecentersecurity.description=Modifies the security of a knowledge center. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.removegroupadmins.description=Removes administrators from a group. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.sapinvokewithcommit.description=The a\!sapInvokeWithCommit function invokes the given BAPI for the purpose of writing data. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.pickerfieldcustom.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.buttonwidget.parameter.validationgroup=Components in the same validation group are validated when the button is used and \u201Cvalidate\u201D is true. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.milestonefield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytoexcel_18r2.parameter.documenttoupdate=The existing document to update with the exported data. Note\: A new version of this document will be created. systemrules.linechartfield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.dropdownfieldbyindex.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.querylogicalexpression.parameter.ignorefilterswithemptyvalues=Specifies whether to ignore filters within a\!queryLogicalExpression() if the filter\u2019s value parameter is empty. If you are using nested logical expressions, this parameter must have the same value for each logical expression. For example, if the value is set to true for the parent logical expression, it should be set to true for all children logical expressions. Default\: false systemrules.unlockdocument.parameter.document=The document to unlock. systemrules.modifyusersecurity.parameter.user=The user that will be updated. systemrules.facet.parameter.allowmultipleselections=Determines if the filter will allow the user to select a single option or multiple options. Default is true. systemrules.dynretrieve.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.paragraphfield.parameter.value=Text to display in the field. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytoexcel.parameter.documentdescription=(Optional) A brief description of the document. systemrules.dynamiclink.parameter.value=Value to save when the link is clicked. systemrules.gridfield.parameter.selectionvalue=Identifiers of the rows that should appear as selected. Can be set to have rows be pre-selected for the user. Supported types\: Text Array and Integer Array. systemrules.floatingpointfield.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.radiobuttonfield.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.recordactionfield.parameter.style=Determines how the list of actions should be displayed on the interface. Valid values\: \u201CTOOLBAR\u201D (default), \u201CLINKS\u201D, \u201CCARDS\u201D, \u201CSIDEBAR\u201D, \u201CCALL_TO_ACTION\u201D, \u201CMENU\u201D, \u201CMENU_ICON\u201D. See the [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.recordActionField.param.style.doc) for guidance on how to use different styles effectively. systemrules.addmemberstogroup.parameter.group=The selected users and groups will be added as members to this group. systemrules.barcodefield.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.pickerfielddocuments.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.sectionlayoutcolumns.parameter.label=Text to display as the section\u2019s title. systemrules.recordactionitem.parameter.identifier=Record instance identifier, which is required if the action parameter references a related action. The related action will not display if the identifier is null or invalid. No identifier is needed when the action parameter references a record list action. systemrules.createcustomgroup.parameter.name=The name of the group. systemrules.dropdownfield.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.headercontentlayout.parameter.header=Billboard, card, or list of billboards or cards to display at the top of the page. Configure using a\!billboardLayout() or a\!cardLayout(). systemrules.progressbarfield.parameter.style=Thickness of the progress bar. Valid values\: \u201CTHIN\u201D (default), \u201CTHICK\u201D. systemrules.editfolderproperties.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.paragraphfield.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.richtextitem.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the rich text is displayed in the component. When set to false, the rich text is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.gridrowlayout.parameter.id=Value that uniquely identifies this row for selection. systemrules.gridselection.parameter.selected=Array of selected identifiers. Supported types\: Text Array and Integer Array. systemrules.richtextdisplayfield.parameter.value=Array of rich text to display. Create rich text using a combination of text, a\!richTextItem(), a\!richTextHeader(), a\!richTextImage(), a\!richTextIcon(), a\!richTextBulletedList(), or a\!richTextNumberedList(). Example\: {\u201CHello \u201D, a\!richTextItem(text\: \u201CWorld\u201D, style\: \u201CSTRONG\u201D), \u201C\!\u201D}. systemrules.datetimefield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.shpcopydocumenttoappian.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.cancelprocess.description=Cancels a process. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.gridfield.parameter.label=Text to display as the grid label. systemrules.cmigetobjectidbypath.parameter.scsexternalsystemkey=The authentication credentials key from the Third Party Credentials admin console page. systemrules.billboardlayout_19r1.parameter.overlaystyle=Determines the overlay style. Valid values\: \u201CDARK\u201D (default), \u201CLIGHT\u201D, \u201CNONE\u201D. systemrules.dynamiclink.description=Defines a link that triggers updates to one or more variables. Links can be used in charts, grids, images, link fields, milestones, pickers, and rich text. systemrules.signaturefield.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytoexcel_18r2.parameter.includeheader=(Optional) Outputs the field name or its alias, if available, in the first row of the document if set to true. Default\: true systemrules.richtextdisplayfield.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.cardlayout.parameter.style=Determines the card background color. Valid values\: Any valid hex color or \u201CNONE\u201D (default), \u201CSTANDARD\u201D, \u201CACCENT\u201D, \u201CSUCCESS\u201D, \u201CINFO\u201D, \u201CWARN\u201D, \u201CERROR\u201D. systemrules.datedisplayfield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.multipledropdownfieldbyindex_20r2.description=This is an older version of the a\!multipleDropdownFieldByIndex function. You can continue to use this version of the function by its new name\: a\!multipleDropdownFieldByIndex_20r2. The new version of a\!multipleDropdownFieldByIndex has new functionality which allows users to search the list of choices. To upgrade to the new version, simply remove \u201C_20r2\u201D from the name. Displays a list of choices for the user to select multiple items and saves the indices of the selected choices. systemrules.documentbrowserfieldcolumns_17r3.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.gridcolumn.parameter.helpTooltip=Displays a help icon in the column header with the specified text as a tooltip. systemrules.dropdownfieldbyindex.parameter.value=Index of the choice to display as selected. systemrules.pickerfieldfolders.parameter.value=Array of currently selected folders. systemrules.createknowledgecenter_17r4.parameter.onsuccess=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). The created Knowledge Center is available in the function variable fv\!knowledgecenter. systemrules.cmicopydocumentfromappian.parameter.appiandocumentallowexpired=Determines if expired Appian documents can be copied. Default\: true. systemrules.sfcdescribesobjects.parameter.sobjectnames=The names of the objects to describe. systemrules.userbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.rootgroup=The direct members of the initial group are displayed in the first column. systemrules.startprocesslink.parameter.processparameters=A dictionary containing the parameters for the process model and their values. systemrules.paragraphfield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.columnchartfield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.dynamiclink.parameter.label=Label associated with this link. systemrules.pickerfieldrecords.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.startruletestsapplications.parameter.applications=The applications containing expression rules, whose test cases will be executed. systemrules.pickerfieldcustom.parameter.maxselections=Maximum number of allowed selections. Once this number is reached, further selections are blocked until a selection is removed. systemrules.reactivateuser.parameter.user=The user to reactivate. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldtree.parameter.nodeconfigs=Describe how to display a value as a node using a\!hierarchyBrowserFieldTreeNode() and fv\!nodeValue. This rule or expression is evaluated for each value where fv\!nodeValue is any node value. systemrules.recordfilterdaterange_20r2.parameter.defaultfrom=Determines the default start date, if any, for the date range filter. systemrules.cmicreatefolder.parameter.properties=The CMIS folder properties, given as a dictionary. The string \u201Ccmis\:\u201D will automatically be included in the key name if no colon is present in key name. Example\: {name\:\u201Ctest name\u201D, description\:\u201Ctest description\u201D}. systemrules.modifyknowledgecentersecurity.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.cmigetfolderchildren.parameter.atompuburl=The Atom Pub URL of the CMIS target system. systemrules.sapinvokewriter.parameter.tableparameters=The table parameters to send to the BAPI function, given as a dictionary. systemrules.richtextdisplayfield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.pickerfieldcustom.parameter.readonly=Determines if the field should display as not editable. Default\: false. systemrules.dyncreate.parameter.endpoint=The Dynamics organization endpoint URL. systemrules.multipledropdownfieldbyindex.parameter.requiredmessage=Custom message to display when the field\u2019s value is required and not provided. systemrules.query.parameter.filter=A single condition to apply to the queried data before any grouping or aggregation, created with a\!queryFilter(). systemrules.datedisplayfield.parameter.value=Date to display in the field. systemrules.documentbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.listviewitem.parameter.title=Name of the item. systemrules.sidebysidelayout.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.chartseries.parameter.showwhen=Determines whether the series is displayed in the chart. When set to false, the series is hidden and is not evaluated. Default\: true. systemrules.textfield.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.fulloverlay.parameter.style=Determines the overlay style. Valid values\: \u201CDARK\u201D (default), \u201CSEMI_DARK\u201D, \u201CNONE\u201D, \u201CSEMI_LIGHT\u201D, \u201CLIGHT\u201D. systemrules.startruletestsapplications.description=Executes all test cases configured for expression rules in the specified Appian application(s). systemrules.dropdownfieldbyindex.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.pickerfieldfolders.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.paragraphfield.description=Displays and allows entry of multiple lines of text. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.paragraphfield.doc) for more details. systemrules.httpheader.parameter.value=The header value. Either Text or a\!scsField(). systemrules.updateuserprofile.parameter.country=The new country of the user. systemrules.shpcopydocumentfromappian.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.fileuploadfield.parameter.buttonstyle=Determines the style of the upload button. Valid values\: \u201CPRIMARY\u201D, \u201CSECONDARY\u201D (default), \u201CSTANDARD\u201D, \u201CLINK\u201D. systemrules.gridfield_19r1.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.httpwrite.parameter.basicauthenticationcredentials=The credentials for the request. Built with a\!httpAuthenticationBasic(). systemrules.sapinvoke.parameter.importparameters=The import parameters to send to the BAPI function, given as a dictionary. systemrules.applycomponents.description=NOTE\: The new looping function a\!forEach() does everything a\!applyComponents() does but with easier syntax, better null handling, and streamlined support of SAIL components. | a\!applyComponents() calls a rule for each item in an array and returns an array of the results. systemrules.hierarchybrowserfieldcolumnsnode.parameter.image=Required image to display on the left side of the node\u2019s cell, created with a\!documentImage(), a\!userImage(), or a\!webImage(). systemrules.sbldelete.description=Deletes a record from Siebel. This function returns a writer and must be used with the bind() function. systemrules.sfcdescribeglobal.description=[Deprecated - use the Salesforce Connected System instead] Lists all of the objects available from the Salesforce instance. systemrules.piechartconfig.parameter.datalimit=Maximum number of data points to display on the chart. Default\: 100. Valid values\: 1-5000. systemrules.exportprocessreporttocsv.description=Exports data from a process report to CSV. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.floatingpointfield.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.sectionlayout_17r1.parameter.isinitiallycollapsed=Determines if the section is collapsed when the interface first loads. Default is false. systemrules.gridfield.parameter.labelposition=Determines where the label appears. Valid values\: \u201CABOVE\u201D (default), \u201CADJACENT\u201D, \u201CJUSTIFIED\u201D, \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.pickerfieldcustom.description=Displays an autocompleting input for the selection of one or more items from an arbitrary data set. For an example of how to configure the picker, see the [Configure an Array Picker SAIL Recipe](links.docs.systemrules.pickerfieldcustom.recipe). systemrules.pickerfieldcustom.parameter.disabled=Determines if the field should display as potentially editable but grayed out. Default\: false. systemrules.multipledropdownfield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.sblinvokewriter.parameter.parameters=The input parameters for the method, given as a dictionary. systemrules.addadminstogroup.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.setgroupattributes.description=Sets attributes on a group. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. systemrules.shpcopydocumenttoappian.description=[Deprecated - use the SharePoint Connected System instead] Copies a document from SharePoint to an Appian folder. This function returns a writer and must be used with the bind() function. systemrules.exportprocessreporttoexcel.parameter.onerror=A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a\!save() or a\!httpResponse(). systemrules.piechartfield.description=Displays numerical data as slices of a single circle. Use a pie chart to graphically display parts of a whole. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.piechartfield.doc) for more details. systemrules.sfcsearch.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.datedisplayfield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.orgchartfield.parameter.saveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the user value. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.sfcquery.parameter.useperusercredentials=Determines if the current user\u2019s credentials are used instead of system-wide credentials. Default\: false. systemrules.gridfield_19r1.parameter.selectionstyle=Determines the style when a row is selected. Valid values\: \u201CCHECKBOX\u201D (default), \u201CROW_HIGHLIGHT\u201D. systemrules.signaturefield.parameter.value=The signature file associated with this field. systemrules.buttonwidget.parameter.submit=Determines if this button submits a form after saving its value. Default\: false. systemrules.paymentinfofield.parameter.buttonlabel=Text to display on the button. Default is \u201CCapture Payment Info\u201D initially and \u201CRecapture Payment Info\u201D once the payment information has been captured. systemrules.billboardlayout_19r1.parameter.marginbelow=Determines how much space is added below the layout. Valid values\: \u201CNONE\u201D (default), \u201CSTANDARD\u201D. systemrules.exportdatastoreentitytoexcel.parameter.entity=The data store entity to query. systemrules.pickerfieldusersandgroups.parameter.disabled=Determines if the field should display as potentially editable but grayed out. Default\: false. systemrules.gridlayout.parameter.selectionsaveinto=One or more variables that are updated with the selected identifiers when the user changes selections. Use a\!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable. systemrules.externallinkfield.parameter.label=Text to display as the field label. systemrules.gridfield_19r1.parameter.validationgroup=When present, this field is only validated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. See the [documentation](link.docs.systemrules.shared.validation-groups) for more information about how to use validation groups. systemrules.progressbarfield.description=Displays a completion percentage. See [documentation](links.docs.systemrules.progressbarfield.doc) for more details. systemrules.gridcolumn.parameter.align=Determines the alignment for the header label and all values within the column. Valid values\: \u201CSTART\u201D (default), \u201CCENTER\u201D, \u201CEND\u201D. systemrules.userbrowserfieldcolumns.parameter.helptooltip=Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The help icon does not show when the label position is \u201CCOLLAPSED\u201D. systemrules.imagefield.parameter.isthumbnail=Determines whether the images can be viewed at a larger size when clicked. Multiple images will be visible in a slideshow. Default\: false. systemrules.orgchartfield.parameter.value=The user who is the focus of the org chart. systemrules.tagfield.parameter.instructions=Supplemental text about this field. systemrules.gridlayoutheadercell.parameter.align=Determines the header label\u2019s alignment. Valid values\: \u201CLEFT\u201D, \u201CCENTER\u201D, \u201CRIGHT\u201D. systemrules.validationmessage.parameter.message=The validation message to display. systemrules.floatingpointfield.parameter.required=Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default\: false. systemrules.columnchartfield.parameter.showtooltips=Determines if a tooltip displays the data value for a column. Default\: true. systemrules.sectionlayout.parameter.accessibilitytext=Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change. systemrules.httpwrite.parameter.queryparameters=A list of query parameters you wish to add to the request. Built with a\!httpQueryParameter().